Advanced Kingmaker - Episode IV: Blood for Blood


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1st day of Desnus 1471
City of Kalendor

You find yourself seated at a long and lovely banquet table in the capital city of Kalendor. You are dressed in your most luxurious clothes, in honor of the occation. Many other famous dignitaries are present, including nobles, aristocrats, ambassadors, merchants, and special guests of the Realm. The inauguration of the palace has been a rousing success! King Kalendor gave a spirited speech, thanking his subjects for their support during his five-year rule, especially his Cabinet of advisers, financial supporters, and allies. After the King spoke, Lady Carrigan, familiar to all of you as all interest in the King goes through her, gave a beautiful inspiring speech that left most of the crowd in awe and some in tears, as she wished for many more prosperous years for the new Kingdom. King Kalen excuses himself, as Lady Carrigan advises the guests that the business of running a kingdom never takes a break and to enjoy yourselves for the rest of the night, as she leaves with the King.

The appetizers are served and soon enough, dinner is served along with exhibits of acrobats, jugglers, and fireworks to entertain the guests. As coincidences tend to happen, the five of you are all sitting near each other, while you enjoy your meal of exquisite roasted pheasant and other fruity delights.

You may RP and get to know each other.

'By Abadar's beard!' Nikolai grins, ruining his otherwise convincing attempt at appearing a staid and respectable nobleman.

'This is a bloody feast!' frowning at his newly paid for attire, that the tailor had informed him with a sniff was of the highest current fashion, he begrudingly uses a napkin. This he does with profiency however, showing that while not staid, and hardly respectable, he has the breeding, or at least the training of a nobleman. Grabbing the wrong fork, purposefully, he digs into the meal. I'll wear the old silks, but I'll be damned if I'm picky with forks.

Having eaten several bits of several different dishes enough to sate his curiousity, Nikolai turns to his companions.

'Fine feast isn't it? Jolly good and all that. Who do I have the pleasure of sitting with this, hopefully, pleasant evening? He smiles around him, winking impishly at Zalana and Elisen.

'How rude, of course. Let me first introduce myself,' he stands and clasping his fine curved sword at his waist, his other hand over his heart in the guardian's salute typical of master sellswords from the River Kingdoms, he bows respectfully and says 'Nikolai the Tempest, at your immeasurable pleasure.'

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Nikolai. I am Elisne Renard, Desna's servant. Ooo, I love fireworks," she exclaims as the celebrations continue around her. "How did you come to this fine kingdom, Nikolai?"

'A long and sordid tale, full of bloddy conflicts and loves losts and gained. I've been in the River Kingdoms for a few years, and came north to this new kingdom on Brevoy's border looking for somewhere to rest my head on a more permanent basis. I'm hoping to over my not inconsiderable skills to the King, and hope to earn a position, or better yet a title in this new land in return. Ambitious maybe, but a man can dream. And what brings you here Lady Renard, servant of the Song of Spheres?' Nikolai pushes his long hair out of his face, his claim of swordsmanship not quite evidenced in his appearance, his fine blade notwithstanding.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"Likewise a long story. Traveling along my path, as everyone does, I met up with these two," pointing at Bors and Hrafen, "along the way. Then Bors here went off and became an Ambassador. This place seemed like a nice place to rest my weary feet for a bit, before heading off on my next travels."

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

The corpulent Elf turns to regard the newcomer.

"Yes, the king has indeed put on a grand feast; but then again, I have come to expect nothing less from him. He tends to run a well-kept, and well-stocked, household."

Hrafen notes that the Human is apparently uncomfortable with the table manners of high society, but refrains from commenting.

"As for myself, my name is Hrafen Vormenghast, and I am a battle-mage from Kyonin. I fell into the king's employ almost by accident; a dear friend of mine was traveling with Elisen and Bors here, and ended-up being killed by a force that threatened the borders of this kingdom. I joined them to avenge his death, and then the King made me an offer that I could not refuse..."

He then favors Nikolai with a terse smile.

"I dare say that if your skills are equal to your stories, you will find him to be an excellent employer."

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors seems his usual ill at ease when it comes to matters of court and high society. His official duties as ambassador included a new uniform, though with luck he was able to exert some influence over its style, and the simple design at least leaves him seldomly tugging at his collars, cuffs and seams. Still, it is not his road-weary armor and well worn leathers, but rarely does he have chance to don such for occassions like these.

Pleased we be ta meet ye, Laird Nikolai. Kalendor attracts a fair mix o' patrons an servants alike. Ye'll find a niche soon 'nuff I wager, if'n ye hae not one at yet. Me fer one am itching ta hit tha trails once more, all this city such drives me mad. E'en a trip down ta tha Nomen once more would be welcome. They be too proud at times, but I kin always rustle up a bit o' fun takin' sport wit tha stallions, though it be tha mares what run things there 'bouts. They seem ta treat Acraka quiet well, so that be a better plus.

Realizing rough housing and horseplay amongst the Nomen is poor dinner conversation, Bors turns to other matters.

Hae ye travelled much of Kalendor? Lady Elisen's matron mother heads tha council in Varnhold, if'n ye e'er visisted tha place.

Thinking to himself, Cap'n, ye were supposed ta relieve me weeks ago. Where'n hae ye gotten to? I need ta be one me way, if'n nae back ta the 'Wound, then at least ta spend me blade in service o' Lady Iomedae.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Zalana traversed the party like a ghost, never standing still, never staying in one place long enough to be noticed. This was so... new. She came from a small temple of Irori where parties like this, were not common place. Even after having traveled so far from her home, nothing she had encountered had prepared her for this.

'Zalana what in the name of the Gods are you doing here?' She sighed softly, taking a sip of water from the Goblet she held, her eyes passing over everything with calm interest.

As she moved she caught sight of a familiar face and hurried in their direction, practically barging in on their conversation in her hurry. "Nikolai isn't it? You are that young Swordsman from the Inn? I thought I remembered you. By Irori it is good to see you!" she practically beamed now, her face lighting up with pleasure at having found a friendly face.

"Oh how rude of me," she blushed and turned to face the others gathered, before bowing. "I should have not interrupted like that. I beg forgiveness. I am, as you could probably see, a little out of my depth here. It has made me forget all of my manners. I am named Zalana."

Brushing her jet black tresses back from before her eyes, the small Andoran woman smiled brightly at each of them in turn.

'By Irori don't let me mess this up. I must have this Monk School. It is my destiny'

Hope that is okay. :)

'It is indeed Nikolai! A pleasure to remake your acquaintance Zalana, and to make yours in the first place my Lord Hrafen, mighty mage of Kyonin,' the brevic man smiles as he speaks.

'Like yourself and Lord Bors here, I'm a little at odds in this party. It has been many years since I was at a banquet, and my manners are rusty after time.'

'I have barely been here a week my Lord,' he says turning hi attention to Bors. 'So I cannot say that I have seen much of Kalendor, nor this Varnhold.'

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Please, simply Bors. I nae be o' nobility nor station. Hae I not been acquaintable wit tha Nomen, I feel certain tha ambassadorship would hae gone ta Lady Elisen or Lord Hrafen in me stead. A horseman ta serve wit tha horsmen so ta speak.

Noting the arrival of the maiden, Lady Zalana, please sit an join us. Too few o' us wit'out tha urge ta nob 'round tha politics tha we should band ourselves tagether.

Gesturing to his companions, This be Lady Elisen o' Desna, an Lord Hrafen o' Kyonin. Fair friends an travelers, we serve tha Kalendor in matters o' different sorts than tha most gathered 'ere.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Smiling broadly, Zalana took a seat, taking another sip of water before speaking. "Indeed Sir Bors. Irori knows this is not the setting I am used to. Far too noisey. How anyone could study scripture or meditate, in a setting like this, is beyond me. No. I like quiet. The Temple was full of dark, un-inhabitated corners where one could spend days upon days alone. Never have I found the like in this the outer world. It is... chilling!" Shuddering softly, the woman blinked slowly, lost in thought.

"But enough about me! What is it that has brought you all here?" Smiling, she sat forward. listening intently.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"Just like everyone else, a confluence of events occurred to put us together. Me, looking for my mother, Hrafen, looking to avenge a friend, and Bors, who was a man on his own mission for Iomedae, happened to cross paths. Since then, we have collected in this general area, offering our own brand of assistance to the crown, when necessary. How about you, Zalana? How did you end up in this neck of the woods?"

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Zalana looks thoughtful for a moment before responding. "Well I was raised in a temple of Irori, where I learned my particular discipline from scrolls and ancient text. This curse of study took me only so far so I set off in to the world to find myself a Master. Needless to say I managed to find one that could help me..." trailing off, Zalana took a sip of water before clearing her throat delicately and beginning to speak once again.

"But that does not really answer your question now does it? Not in any way. I came here, to this part of the world, in the hopes of marking off my own piece of land. I wish to start a Temple to Irori you see, and open up my own Monk School!" Smiling, the petite woman nods before blushing slightly.

"But that is of course only if I can recieve the permisson and land necessary!"

I have been trying to get a feel for Zalana and think I have finally figured her out. Zalana is a shy, somewhat geeky, quiet and polite woman who has lived a sheltered life. I think this works best for her character and her choice of God! :)

A human male in his 40s seated near you speaks, "My, you all got some interesting tales. Oh, excuse my manners, Redmond Blackstone, but everyone calls me Red.". The man smiles, showing off his bushy Yosemite Sam-like moustache. "Pleased to make your acquaintances, gents and ladies. We were all worried about the kid, know, him and his friends being initially swords for hire, but I must say, he has developed into a strong leader and King, surprised all of us nobles and merchants. Surrounded himself with good people, that"s always important! To the King!" Red raises a glass of wine and the rest of the table joins in. You hear other cheers. "Aye, to the King, may his reign be blessed and may our coffers overflow!"

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen nods and raises a glass in unison with the others.

"Indeed! I think that he has been fairly successful in that regard to date."

When Redmond has finished with his toast, Hrafen innocently inquires:

"Pardon my ignorance, but what is your connection to the kingdom? You speak as if you knew the King when he was young..."

'Too the King!!' Nikolai raises his glass with a grin then downs it in one, the half-full glass of wine dissappearing down his throat.

'Pleasure to meet you sir, I'm as curious as my new friend Hrafen here, I must admit, a man with such a fine moustache can only engender intrigue.'

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Elisen listens intently to teh discussions with the newcomers.

Guys, I am going to be rather hit and miss for teh next few days. We've has some local flooding and I am currently without internet and tv. Not sure when it will get addressed.

Elisen Renard wrote:

Elisen listens intently to teh discussions with the newcomers.

Guys, I am going to be rather hit and miss for teh next few days. We've has some local flooding and I am currently without internet and tv. Not sure when it will get addressed.

God. Hope your okay. Be safe.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |
Nikolai Orlovsky wrote:
Elisen Renard wrote:

Elisen listens intently to teh discussions with the newcomers.

Guys, I am going to be rather hit and miss for teh next few days. We've has some local flooding and I am currently without internet and tv. Not sure when it will get addressed.

God. Hope your okay. Be safe.

Oh, I'm fine. The sun's out today, but I just assume my place will be low on the priority list for fixing services!

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Glad you are okay Elisen! :)

Zalana smiles and takes a sip of water, looking at Nikolai with one eyebrow cocked. 'Boistrous young men!' She laughed softly before saluting the Kings toast.

"To the King!"

Sorry if I did not make it clear, King Kalen is young, in his early 30s. My bad.

Red smiles at Harafen's question and Nikolai's comment. "I am of noble birth and a prominent landowner in this kingdom. Oh, and my son, Morgan, he and Lady Carrigan and the King, Bishop Frost, and the ranger Garric formed the band of adventurers that set out to colonize the Stolen Lands seven years ago. Now, look at what they have achieved!" Red beams with joy and fatherly pride. "By the way, my son is a mage of quite renown, although I understand your elven magic, Hrafen, is quite powerful too."

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen nods.

"Ah, that would explain it. If your son would be interested, I would be happy to have a collegial chat with him at some point; I dare say that there might be one or two spells that I have come across over the decades that he might find interesting, and, likewise, with a kingdom at his disposal, I dare say he has come across things that I would find intriguing as well!"

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors sits back and observes most of the evenings activities, including the conversations with the boisterous Red.

Cap'n, give me a good battle, somethin' ta fight other than tedium. A sharpened blade will dull in tha scabbard if'n left fer too long.

Bors maintains the niceties, toasting as appropriate, responding to idle chat, but generally seems unsure of being amongst such persons of higher station.

'Your king puts on a good party my Lord, would you be able to introduce us? I'm looking for some work, or even better a some titles and land? I can offer my blade and loyalty to the crown, and though I'll not ask a king's ransom, my talents may well be useful to this budding land,' Nikolai gestures wildly, and speaks in exagerrated tones as he speaks, ending his request with a warm smile.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

To Hrafen"I am sure, Hrafen, your elven kind is famous for its manipulation of magic. I will see what I can do to set up an introduction."

To Nikolai Red smiles, "I'd be happy to, Lord Orlovsky. After all, everyone seated at this table wants the ear of his Majesty for one reason or another this night. I am sure your skills will be in high demand."

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Although Elisen did not say it, as the others seemed to indicate, she too was getting a little too comfortable. She wasn't used to moss gathering under her feet, so to speak. "I could use a little bit of travel myself, if there is something needed. This is the longest I have spent in one place in a long time..."

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen nods to Red.

"That would be appreciated."

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

"I too seek an audience with the King, Sir Red. If you could help me, I would repay you in any way I possibly can!" Zalana smiled brightly, leaning in, listening intently to the conversations going on around her.

Male Human

The night continues to pass with much festivity, as the meal is one of the most delicious of your life. About an hour after it has concluded and the guests are enjoying after dinner drinks, Lady Carrigan appears and announces to all, "Honored guests, I am sorry to announce that matters of the kingdom have occupied my liege's time tonight and he will be unable to grant any of you an audience, though my King wishes to thank each one of you for your appearance and continued moral and financial support." Lady Carrigan's voice exudes confidence and compassion and many of the guests, though disappointed, leave feeling that their needs will be attended to in the near future. Servants mobilize to bring everyone their coats. Red is disappointed at the news, as he rubs his moustache and stands. "Well, ladies and gents, I feel the introductions must be set aside for another day, given the news we just heard. I wish you luck on your ventures, but I need to get back to my estate and finish some business of my own. Good night."

As she bids farewell to the guests at your table, Lady Carrigan passes by each of you and whispers very discreetly, "Please stay, I have something to discuss with you."

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Zalana nodded softly, taking her seat again, pouring another goblet of water and sitting back, to await the attentions of the Noble woman.

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Bors gives the slightest nod of ascent to Lady Carrigan, then shifts once more in his straight-backed chair. Gods Cap,n, a saddle be better than this.

He watches as the various guests and servants make way for their various destinations, noting anything that strikes him as unusual.

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen nods to Red.

"Indeed. Another time, perhaps."

When he is approached by Lady Carrigan, Hrafen acknowledges her request with a barely perceptible nod, and returns to slowly savoring a glass of wine, waiting for events to unfold...

I wonder what the problem is...?

Nikolai nods solemnly at Carrigan's request, but cannot hide his grin quickly enough in his wine as she passes. His hand drops almost involuntarily to the curved blade at his waist.

Perfect. Trouble is my calling, dear Victoria, my element. I am at home in the storm and wind, and now they can watch me dance. This is just what I wanted. Lord Nikolai has a ring to it, maybe I'll abandon my family name, start a new one, a prestigious one. It all sounds a very fine day to go safe some flaggin village from some horrible beast or other.

Male Human

After the guests have departed, Lady Carigan makes her appearance again, discarding her fancy (i.e. expensive) dressing gown for more utilitarian shirt, leather pants and cloak. She begins:

"Thank you all for staying. What I am about to tell you must be kept in the strictest of confidence. Bors, Elisen, and Hrafen have all demonstrated their loyalty to our kingdom, so I need not worry about them. Lord Orlovsky, you and your family also have blessed us with your trust and financial contributions. Finally, Zalana, your strict discipline and respect for the rule of law is unquestioned, so we know we can trust all of you." She pauses while she ponders how to continue.

"It seems our time of peace has been short-lived. My king has just received a sending from one of our agents in the West, in the town of Grayhame. It stated that they have received intelligence reports that as we speak, an army marches on the small village of Tatzlford, the furthest western outpost of our kingdom. It is set to arrive within a couple of days and they request our immediate assistance. Naturally, we could never make the trip by land in time, as the village is 3-4 weeks away. However, our resident mage, Morgan, grew up near Grayhame and can whisk up to five people away and have you there in seconds. People, this is an act of war, an attack on the sovereign land of Kalendor. This is serious business, as my King makes plans for war as we speak, but the sending was too short and we do not know who the enemy at our gates is and we must learn of this immediately. We need to learn who, what, why, and where. Obviously, in such times, my King needs his most trusted people at his side and his most competent warriors on the front lines. Again, Bors, Elisen, and Hrafen, our kingdom asks for your help and service to the Crown. Lord Orlovsky and Zalana, your reputations precede you and your skills are well known. We ask the same service from you. There will definitely be rewards for you if you complete your mission successfully: land, title, whatever you desire. What say ye?"

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen nods gravely.

"I would be happy to help with this rather... delicate... matter. I agree, from a tactical perspective, if we can nip this in the bud, by knocking-back the invaders before they have a chance to establish a foothold in the kingdom, it will be a lot easier to keep them out."

He then smiles.

"I am sure that we will be able to come to a suitable arrangement after this is all over, but for the moment I am eager to collect my things, and get out there to roast the invading army that had the temerity to march on even the least of this kingdom's holdings. I promise you that they will pay dearly for it..."

Hrafen is not battle eager; not at all ;-)

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"Just to be sure m'lady, is this considered merely a scouting mission, or are we to help rebuff the invaders until the King's army arrives?"

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Like Laird Hrafen, I need ta only gather me things. If'n tha King be sending troops, I would deign ask one o' tha officers please ta be entrusted wit tha care o' Acracka, an' bring me steed wit 'em ta join us. Jumping magic nae be somethin' he would readily take ta usin'. Myself, I deplore it, but tis a useful tool all tha same. I wil't be ready within tha hour.

As Bors stands, grateful to be out of that chair, and eager to shed his stuffy uniform, he turns back to Lady Carrigan. Would Master Morgan be familiar wit' yon Tatzlford, o' tha leadership folk there? Any information we kin learn aforen we leave would better arm us agin whatever threat be coming. And perhaps I'll nae hae problems as I hae wit' tha survivors o' tha Varnhold, aye Cap'n.

Male Human

"I need you to determine the army's strength and if feasible, prepare a defense of the the village. If not, evacuate the premises. Of the utmost importance is to determine who or what is behind this act of war and put an end to it. We are not sending rookies. You are all seasoned veterans of war, capable of wiping out scores of men with either your blades or a whim of your hand. Is that not the case?" Lady Carrigan looks at Hrafen with her last comment.

"Bors, there is a mayor in Tatzlford, whose name escapes me. I will provide you with the King's seal, which will grant your expedition legitimacy in all parts of the kingdom and ensure that you meet no resistance from the villagers."

Bors' demeaner darkens as his mind turns towards the mission he and the others have been given.

Recon, defense, evacuation. Aye, we kin manage tha' I think. If'n necessary we will hae Hrafen prepare somethin' ta burn tha village ta tha ground afferin' us if'n we nae kinnae hold firm. Deny tha enemy a strong footing will make it easier ta drive em out agin.

Looking at the others, clearly disturbed over the thought of burning a friendly village, Twill be tha last resort I assure ye, but we must think o' tha kingdom entirety o'er tha ways o' one village. Like Varnhold, an evil ready ta spread is comin', we needs be ready ta do wat we must.

Turning back to Lady Carrigan, Of course, tha's considerin' we nae kinnae take 'em down a peg or three whilst scoutin' 'em out and in preppin' tha village fer war. I assure ye, Tatzlford will make tha kingdom proud. Who so e'er brings tha fight ta Kalendor will rue tha day they thought ta make tha mistake.

Cap'n, yer missin out agin. Where e'er did ye get to tha' ye nae hae taken me place?

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

"I need a few moments before departing to gather my travel supplies. What say we meet back here in an hour or so, and have Morgan do his business of getting us there in a hurry.?"

DM, I do want to swap a couople spells if allowed. That new 2nd level Spear spell in UM is definitely one I want to add. I am away from my books for a couple hours, but will update this afternoon.

I will need a recap of that spell before I allow it. I will look on the srd online and let you know. Any other spells you are interested in?

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

I think that is the only one, DM. I will recap it for you when I post it. I can't remember the whole name right off. "Spear of _______," maybe Justice, but I can't recall.

Elisen Renard wrote:
I think that is the only one, DM. I will recap it for you when I post it. I can't remember the whole name right off. "Spear of _______," maybe Justice, but I can't recall.

Purity. I found it on the srd. That spell is fine.

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen nods grimly.

"You can count on me to do my best to 'put an end' to the situation..."

Male Human

"I hope you will exercise good judgment and leave the extreme solutions as a last resort. An hour it shall be then. Thank you again, the Crown is pleased to have warriors such as yourselves."

Lady Carrigan marches off, leaving you to your preparations.

Male Human, Andoran Ranger 10

Once Lady Carrigan is out of sight and earshot, Bors turns to the others before they disperse. It nae be me intentions ta burn Tatzlford, but I needed ta stress ta tha Lady an by 'er tha King, tha war tis nae somethin' ta take lightly. I dinna think tha kingdom hae been challenged much ta date, an they may nae take somethin serious tha is, considering it just another bandit or barbarian spring fling a'raidin'. Afer all, tha only real threat was ol' Vordie, an it was us they sent ta put 'im down. No increased patrols, no military relief force, just a band o' sellswords. Some o' tha best it hae been me pleasure ta serve wit, but sellswords nae tha less. Moving to leave and allow the others to do the same, Bors looks back. As capable as we are, we nae kinnae hold ta tha defense o' a place, an seek out ta put down tha enemy ta boot. It takes bodies ta hold tha ground we secure wit our blades, blood, an magics. Fer tha' we need a few good soldiers, an a Cap'n ta lead them.

Once away from the banquet hall, Bors stops by his rooms, collects his gear, and swings by the stables. Chatting with tha stableboy, he makes sure Acracka will be well tended in his absence. To Acracka, Take care not ta fight wit whoe'er leads ya to me. They'll nae probably understand yer no simple 'orse. Wit luck I'll be waitin' fer ye in Tatzlford, an we'll get ourselves a few good days on tha trails, aye.

Bors then returns to the designated area to await the others.

Male Halfling Sorceror (Crossblood [Orc]/[Elemental(Primal)] & Tattooed Sorceror) 5 (AC 15/14/12; HP 32/32; Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +7; Init +7; CMD 15; Perception +19)

Hrafen nods.

"I can easily help with instituting a 'scorched earth' policy, but I would also prefer to view that as a last resort, only to be used if we feel that we cannot defend the town adequately, and certainly after we have evacuated the townsfolk..."

He then leaves to collect his gear, and to wait at the designated meeting point.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Elisen almost skips out of the room, eager to get out of the fancy dress she had struggled with, and put on her more familiar traveling and adventuring gear. She would be glad to get back under the open sky and feel the earth under her boots. Now, how to stop this apparent war that has been brought to the kingdom, she thought.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Monk of the Four Winds / Lvl10

Sorry for the absence. My connection has been hell over the last while, guess thats what I get for being cheap and getting shitty mobile broadband. If it is okay, I'll slot back in at the meeting point. Sorry again!

'Why evacuate all the townsfolk, the women and children, the ill and elderly absolutely. but those who want to fight, should be allowed to fight before you decide to burn down all that they've made with their own hands. You want bodies ont he ground, look no further. Theses are frontier men. They will fight and bleed for what they claimed.'

Nikolai hopes to his feet, enflamed by his own words. 'And with us to help them, we can hold off an army I'm sure. Hrafen is not the only onw with magicks, they called me the tempest for a reason. Between battle magick, Lady Elisen's divine power and you and Zalana holding the line we can do this. We have to go and start training the men now, and we need bows, most farmers have bows, we can rig up forks as pikes.'

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