I believe I was a very successful single parent for the week my wife was in Brazil.
I believe tonight...The Flash! Season 1 finale!!!
I believe it's a (somewhat) happy Humpday!!!
I believe I may never catch up.
I believe one of my older Fraternity brothers, a man I deeply respect for his stalwart battle against Cystic Fibrosis, is arriving in town today, for a several day visit. Not just with me, of course, but it'll be nice to visit.
I believe....f@*@ you, Road Karma.
I believe, sometimes, an a@!@% is just an a$#+$*~. No matter how funny it tries to pass itself off as being.
Please note, I was not speaking of myself in the previous post. Even though I am, indeed, an a~&!$!*. I'm just a lovable and fun one.
I believe that aberzombie will one day stop making multiple posts in unison. Ah hell, that isn't ever going to happen. Better odds though than my having a fun threesome with two attractive females without having to pay for it.
At least the beer tastes good. That belief is accurate.
I believe that you clearly do not understand the unspoken rule of these messageboards, youngster.
However, in our magnanimity, we forgive you your ignorance.
After all, we were once ignorant f$#&nuts as well.
And I mean that in the most loving way.
Have I mentioned that I've been drinking?
In addition, I believe if you find any of my multitude of posts offensive, you can all kiss my lily white ass.
And it IS lily white. Of that, I can assure you.
Sadly, I believe I do not tan....I burn. Therefore, I try to avoid excess sunlight.
Not to say that I'm truly harmed by sunlight.....unlike those punk ass vampire b*!+*es.
And....we finally found a "cuss" word the censor will NOT catch. Luckily for me, I have the foresight to go ahead and censor myself with a fortuitous edit.
Otherwise, I believe that one would have earned me a ban. And rightly so.
I only use that word with fellow humans who demonstrate a true sense of humor.
Whoa! I believe this might be the longest f*$@ you to a youngster I've ever deprived myself of sleep to accomplish.
I believe.....that was some funny s~*%.
I believe yesterday was a busy day.
I believe that what I am about to drink is in fact a beverage and not liquid soap or something.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: I believe that what I am about to drink is in fact a beverage and not liquid soap or something. I believe that warrants the following question: are fermented cleaning solutions an alcoholic beverage? ;)
I believe I'm going to regret this in the morning.
I believe I'm still ever so thankful for the Hide function and its sanity saving ability to hide many sad little circle-jerks.
I believe it's nearly the weekend.
I believe I am pleasantly surprised, but waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I believe some people are distinctly lacking a sense of humor. And I made this awesome new alias for nothing.
But I believe I shall be the better man and just hide that little circle-jerk away.
I believe the children are our future.
I believe I am considering a new tactic. Sort of a "are you gonna take that from him" approach. With any luck, it might make this project easier.
I believe people should stop claiming they believe in me, when all they really want is to abuse me for their own agenda.
I believe lunch may not be all that agreeable to my poor belly.
I believe there is no longer a difference between this section of the messageboards and some of the more a@~@#$+-filled political websites.
Aberzombie wrote: I believe there is no longer a difference between this section of the messageboards and some of the more a*&$&~!-filled political websites.
I believe that is pretty much all that the latter consist of.
Turin! My man! Long time, no see that awesome yet creepy avatar!
Aberzombie wrote: Turin! My man! Long time, no see that awesome yet creepy avatar! Been lurking hither an yon. Finally learned to not give in to the impulse to throw balls into those kinds of threads to save mucho grief.
Looks like you've been busy! Moved outta Philly, had at least one spawnling, usual work grief sterfs. And bacon. ngggrrrlll ...
Turin the Mad wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Turin! My man! Long time, no see that awesome yet creepy avatar! Been lurking hither an yon. Finally learned to not give in to the impulse to throw balls into those kinds of threads to save mucho grief.
Looks like you've been busy! Moved outta Philly, had at least one spawnling, usual work grief sterfs. And bacon. ngggrrrlll ...
^_____^ Good to see you.
Indeed I have been busy. Finally moved my family out of the cesspool that is the North East and down to Texas. The wife and I both have good jobs. New house. My baby girl was born a few months after we got here. All in all, things are awesome.
I believe it is Friday. I also believe I am happy this week is over.
Aberzombie wrote: Turin the Mad wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Turin! My man! Long time, no see that awesome yet creepy avatar! Been lurking hither an yon. Finally learned to not give in to the impulse to throw balls into those kinds of threads to save mucho grief.
Looks like you've been busy! Moved outta Philly, had at least one spawnling, usual work grief sterfs. And bacon. ngggrrrlll ...
^_____^ Good to see you.
Indeed I have been busy. Finally moved my family out of the cesspool that is the North East and down to Texas. The wife and I both have good jobs. New house. My baby girl was born a few months after we got here. All in all, things are awesome. Wonderful news. :) I'm thrilled for you and your family, more than I can easily write. Cheers for Clan Aberzombie.
In the process of correcting a typo, is your missus 'Amberzombie'? ;) I found it amusing.
I believe I occasionally like to remind myself just u ow awesome the old Martian Manhunter miniseries is!
I believe I might have stayed up a bit too late last night.
I believe some people do really just want to watch the world burn. Others, pretending to be the aforementioned, are really just unhappy and envious little pricks.