Beliefs I accept before I start drinking

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Scarab Sages

I believe today was kind of craptastic.

I believe tomorrow shall be very similar.

I suspect that tonight might not be all that great either.

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I believe RPG superstar will be the cure to my forum blues... at least until they reject my item.

I used to believe that getting up at 2 am was kind of a drag, but now I believe that going to sleep at noon to get up at 9 pm is even worse.

I believe that the thrilling season finale will be on in 10 minutes. I may well be feeling good now, so I can feel not so good in the morning.

Scarab Sages

I believe that this week is going down in my history book as fairly craptastic.

I believe the quickly reply box is kinda spiffy

Scarab Sages

I believe it may take me some time to get used to The Box, and the awesome power that it wields.

I believe I should really go to bed. But I believe I had a good time tonight

Scarab Sages

I believe it's going to be a long and hectic week.

I believe that Yuletide is coming at the speed of AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

I believe I liked Yule better when I wasn't buying the presents

Scarab Sages

I believe you are correct, sir!


Scarab Sages

I believe that the irony is thick as flies on s&+~ on a certain thread today.

The Exchange

I believe I don't care because it is hidden from view. So discerning forum members need not see.

I believe I dont even know what the zombeh is referencing, so it must be hidden. Pre-emptive strike huzzah!

I believe there is no food in the house.

I believe the upside to my brother being an alcoholic is I can always have beer for dinner.

Scarab Sages

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I believe that if you steal from a charity, that you are evil. Not misguided. Not desperate. Not misunderstood. Evil.

And you should be dealt with accordingly.

I believe I agree with my rotted future roomate. Of course, I pretty much feel that way about all thieves. Too much stuff ripped off over the years to have much sympathy for people who make a habit of stealing

Dark Archive

I believe I am dreading Christmas since I have yet to go shopping for the said family members. Under the gun yet again. Arghhhh.

I believe I got @30% of my shopping done. The one good thing about working a 3am-1030am shift is it leaves you a lot of time to get things done. The bad part is you are freaking exhausted by 5pm.

Dark Archive

Ack not sure I could work those hours. But I have not really been around enought to do the shopping I want to get done. Good for you though getting some shopping done.

Dark Archive

I may try to do some online shopping. See what the kids want for gifts. An 18 and 26 year old then we have a 5 year old and 5 month granddaughters so the 5 month old I was thinking of getting her boxes wrapped up since that is what she"ll want to play with the most. (Just Kidding).

As for the others I also have a 14 year old nephew and 11 year old niece. I need to get ontop of this.

Scarab Sages

I believe I still have some shopping to do.

I also believe that at least some of my nieces/nephews are easy, since I just give them cash.

I believe the gym is pretty crowded before noon

Scarab Sages

I believe the smack down is a beautiful thing.

The Exchange

I believe that someone does not in fact HAVE to be a sock puppet to just be a moronic jerk despite the most important rule.

Scarab Sages

I believe it's awesome to only have a few hours of work today.

The Exchange

I believe I will go to the Christmas party tonight.

Dark Archive

I believe some people forgot to take some of their crazy pills today. I think I need to go home.

Scarab Sages

I believe I'm not as young as I used to be, and that helping a young coworker and his wife move into their new home was a good reminder of such.

Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:
I believe I feel the same as you Patrick. I've helped take care of autistic people before, and have a special needs niece. There's no call for that kind of language.

I believe I should hug this zombie.

I believe today is Grandpa's birthday.

I believe the worst feeling in the world is when you fail the test you needed to pass in order to get a job you've trained a year for, the only real job you've been able to get past the interview process in three years. Failed by one point.

Je crois que je non ai aucun désir de parler anglais.

Scarab Sages

I believe my sore muscles are starting to feel not so sore.

Grand Lodge

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I believe... I'm Mr. Freeze Mizer. I'm Mr. Snow. I'm Mr. White Christmas. I'm Mr. 10 below. They call me Snow Mizer. Whatever I touch. Turns to snow in my clutch. Hah! I'm to much....

I believe the next hour will not be a happy one for the monkey

[Tom Petty]. The waaiiiitin' is the hardest part ... [/Tom Petty]

Scarab Sages

I believe that today is a short day.

Scarab Sages

I believe a plate full of good food and a few beers does a happy zombie make.

I believe that my Yule shopping is almost done!*

yes I know Yule was technically yesterday, but there was no way either I or my wife were going to get it off. So Yule on the 25th it is! I'll bake a cake for Mithras too. =P

I believe there are new threads to hide this morning.

I believe I hid them, and allready forgot what they even were.

The Exchange

I see some spawning is going on.

I believe it is an ungodly hour to prep for work

Scarab Sages

I believe my boy woke up at 3 am, and did not go back down until a little after 6 am.

Scarab Sages

I believe I'm still very much grateful for the PMG and his wonderfully awesome hide feature!

I believe it would be kewl if I could rig up a printer to print stuff on toilet paper.
I bet I could sell a whole passel of those printers.

Scarab Sages

I believe you are correct.

I believe I am going to stay inebriated for the rest of the day, and quite possibly tomorrow! This calls for a ...drink ..yeah a drink..


I believe I'd rather party like it's 1989. Because I was 20.

I, too, believe inebriation is in order.

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I believe that me drinking excessively + internet = really, really bad idea.

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