Beliefs I accept before I start drinking

Off-Topic Discussions

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Patrick Curtin wrote:

I believe I can drink

I believe I'll guzzle till I cannot think

I dream about it every night and day

Some Dos Equus and a Tanqueray

I believe I can soar

Before I end up on the bathroom floooooor

I believe I can drink

I believe I can drink

I believe I can driiiiin *urp*


I believe you missed.

Scarab Sages

I believe today was a not bad day.

Shadow Lodge

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I believe it is awesome to be home.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
I believe today was a not bad day.

Didn't have to use your AK?

Liberty's Edge

I believe I'm legally barred from drinking until January of 2016.

I believe this makes me want a drink (I'm not going to have).


Scarab Sages

houstonderek wrote:
I believe I'm legally barred from drinking until January of 2016.

Ouch! I believe I'd rather drill holes in my head.

So my great grandmother's estate-worth of furniture is being split up between the family. I've been barred from receiving any of it. I asked why and the official reasons were twofold:

1. Umm, I don't know
2. Because you move around. You don't have a permanent home.

I believe my sister moves around more than I because of her job. She had first pick.

I believe b%%$$!!! reasons are b$~%#&$#. A year ago I hadn't believed they would be the types to bar me from the family because of who and what I am but now I'm not so sure.

Maybe I've been barred because I consider stealing an old lady's furniture while she's still alive to be harsh. Even if the family did forcibly have her committed to an insane asylum on shaky reasons.

I believe if anything would drive me to alcoholism it would be my family.

Scarab Sages

I believe going back to work after a nice, relaxing, four-day weekend is gonna suck.

Scarab Sages

I believe that, yes, today does indeed suck.

I believe the game last night go called on account of PPC.

I wish that stood for particle projection cannon, but alas.

The Exchange

Evil Lincoln wrote:

I believe the game last night go called on account of PPC.

I wish that stood for particle projection cannon, but alas.

It does in Battletech, my Wolverine was modified to fire two of them.

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I believe the Marauder/Tactical Pod Glaug is one of the coolest looking robots ever imagined.

Dark Archive

I believe I need a vacation. I also believe I should get stock in my local hospital and I would if it was not a non profit place. 3 visits over a four day period is a little much and none for me.

Scarab Sages

I believe this is one of the funniest fake commercials I've ever seen.

I believe that I have to work at 3am tomorrow.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe that almost every day renews my gratitude for the hide feature.

I believe that I just heated and consumed the last piece of TG pecan pie before starting to drink this morning's coffee.

I believe that a smartphone makes waiting for your car to get serviced a lot less boring

I believe that I got an oil change today, too!

I also believe that if the various people who look under my baby's hood are telling the truth, she'll easily make it to 200k miles!

I must believe this, because I can't afford to buy a car right now.

I believe I will be driving my Corolla until it croaks, hopefully around 2025. I also believe working early gives me leeway to get this crap done. But, I Believe I haven't missed an oil change in five years, so I can't break the chain now!

I believe the best thing about third shift jobs is: no lines! Ever!

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I believe the best thing about third shift jobs is: no lines! Ever!

LOL. I believe you don't live in an area with a large retiree population. Them buggers are up and moving by 4am. I believe when I retire I will sleep in =P

Aberzombie wrote:
I believe this is one of the funniest fake commercials I've ever seen.


I believe I'm very hung over.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I believe the best thing about third shift jobs is: no lines! Ever!
LOL. I believe you don't live in an area with a large retiree population. Them buggers are up and moving by 4am. I believe when I retire I will sleep in =P

4am is a great time to go to bed, not get up.

Garydee wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I believe the best thing about third shift jobs is: no lines! Ever!
LOL. I believe you don't live in an area with a large retiree population. Them buggers are up and moving by 4am. I believe when I retire I will sleep in =P
4am is a great time to go to bed, not get up.

Pshaw. I believe I have already been up and at work for an hour by then

Garydee wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I believe the best thing about third shift jobs is: no lines! Ever!
LOL. I believe you don't live in an area with a large retiree population. Them buggers are up and moving by 4am. I believe when I retire I will sleep in =P
4am is a great time to go to bed, not get up.

I believe you, sir, are correct.

Scarab Sages

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I believe that there are many new threads getting the hide treatment.

I believe tonight is going to suck balls. Big hairy ones.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ANebulousMistress wrote:
I believe tonight is going to suck balls. Big hairy ones.

I believe I am intrigued by this possibility, and not a little aroused.

Scarab Sages

houstonderek wrote:

I believe I'm legally barred from drinking until January of 2016.

I believe this makes me want a drink (I'm not going to have).


Still under-age?

You been using your avatar pic, in your fake ID?

I believe I have to be at work in seven hours.

I also believe I have been sober since the weekend.. *sigh*

Scarab Sages

I believe I'm enjoying a beer for you, Patrick.

I believe it is time to drink wine until I can get to the store to buy more beer.

I believe I enjoyed too many beers for you, CC. Ow! My head!

I believe that was less bad than it could have been.

The redneck cousins went off to do their own thing after only an hour of telling me why my life is a moral travesty then withdrew their dinner invitation for us. So my girlfriend and I went on a date. Good food, much better company.

Grand Lodge

I believe that I am flat broke... No thanks to paizo, and food and groceries and guitar center and gas and insurance and my son and paizo and anything else I forgot to mention........

Scarab Sages

I believe that $ 2.16 Million is a lot of money to pay for a comic book - except when that comic is a near pristine copy of Action Comics #1.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I believe that this four day weekend is well deserved.

I believe that Kirthfinder on Sunday is a fine reward.

Scarab Sages

I believe the ineptitude of the federal government never ceases to amaze me.

Shadow Lodge

I believe I have never been amazed by the actions of my government.

Aberzombie wrote:
I believe that $ 2.16 Million is a lot of money to pay for a comic book - except when that comic is a near pristine copy of Action Comics #1.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
I believe I have never been amazed by the actions of my government.

Disgusted? Yes. Bewildered? Often. But not amazed.

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I believe that I truly detest people who use the word 'retard' as an insult

There was a thread a while ago, I think it was called Internet Asperger's or something that might've got changed but...

It had a link to an article that was about trolling and people being rude to each other on the internet and it used as it's hypothetical insult something to the effect of " Dungeons and Dragons-playing communist f@!*tard" and I remeber thinking:

I believe they're talking about me!

I believe I can take a lot, but considering how that word has been used against my daughter I despise it's casual toss out as an insult. I don't go around calling people ethnic or racial slurs, I don't see why it's so hard to refrain from using a (former) medical term for inhibited brain function to insult sOmeone you disagree with

I believe it also burns me that several pejoratives are auto-censored by the website, yet 'retard' is perfectly fine

Scarab Sages

I believe I feel the same as you Patrick. I've helped take care of autistic people before, and have a special needs niece. There's no call for that kind of language.

I believe I feel like I'm being stabbed with a branding iron. Or maybe a red hot poker, I'm not sure about the particulars.

I believe I'm having trouble deciding between more monk or multi-classing fighter. :/

Auris Vector wrote:
I believe I'm having trouble deciding between more monk or multi-classing fighter. :/

Heh. I'd stick with monk -- out of all the non-caster classes except maybe the barbarian, it does the best single-classed. Love those higher-level ki strikes!

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

I believe I am using this post to test a couple things.

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