ISO Things to keep in mind playing a Paladin in Carrion Crown


I've never played a paladin before. I've NPC'ed a few in towns, so I understand the code. But what are the thing I need to remember in combat? Can I efficiently be a 2H'er, or should I stick with Sword and Board?

It all comes down to what you want to do ive always favoured Being able to fight how the encounter needs you to fight so a Bastard sword might be good then you can 2h or shield as needed.

the group i am Dming has a Dwarf Paladin at the end of the Module we just did at lvl 5 He 1 shotted the BBEG at the end with a Crit smite for 65 damage.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

YOur smites on stuff will generally carry the day, so you'll be fine with Sword and Board. Awesome defense is the core of the paladin.

You're going to want a Ghost Touch Undead Bane sword as soon as you can get it. Then increase the enhancement bonus, go for Sacred adn Upgrade to Holy. Should take you the distance.

Ghost Touch on the shield and armor you have if you can get it. Incorp attacks SUCK.

Deflection, sacred, insight and luck bonuses to AC are a priority. Watch that touch AC!

Any item that can give you Death Ward is a must-have. Look for it or make it.


Thanks guys! Very helpful information.

Another question to ask that's off related.

Should I go for plate, scale, or half-plate from the get go, if my Dex is going to be around a 12?

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