drumlord |

Some background info
The campaign I play in has been at epic level for a while. It was a 3.5 game using the Wizards epic rules. We updated most of the game to Pathfinder but without official Pathfinder epic rules, we decided stick with what already existed. That means using the epic spell seeds, making our own spells for exorbitant amounts of money, etc. As with many groups, we found that 3.x epic spells didn't work. They were poorly balanced in some cases and downright broken in others.
A new direction
We have now ditched the epic spellcasting system from 3.x. We're keeping certain things, like the concept of epic saves and epic BAB. This keeps us from having somebody in the party with a +30 Will save and somebody else with a +8. We also keep the idea of "epic" items being quite expensive and rare. Other than a few things like that, we're very close to the Pathfinder epic suggestions. 10th level and higher spell slots open at 21st level and higher. We expanded the bonus spells per day charts using the same progression as 1-9. And this works very well for metamagic. Now you can take your 9th level Dominate Monster and put it in a 10th level slot with Piercing metamagic to have a decent chance of overcoming high CR creatures' SR.
That's not all we want. We want 10th level and higher spells as well, which is why I'm here. I'd like to see if any of the Pathfinder community has some interesting ideas for mythic spells (I like James Jacobs' term better than epic).
I know some of you are thinking, "But Wish is the pinnacle of all spellcasting!" Wish, however, has limitations that keep it balanced. It costs a large amount of money (which remains large enough to keep wishes from flying around in our campaign). It does well for the things listed in the spell description, but anything more either doesn't work or is twisted by many DMs to not give the PC exactly what they want.
Even though we're expanding into higher spell slots like they've been there all along, we made them cost ten times as much (but take the same amount of time) to research as 1st-9th level spells.
So what are your ideas? All suggestions are welcome.

Gilfalas |

Move Miracle to 10th level. Have it able to duplicate any lower level Divine spell and do some things they cannot do, as the ultimate Divine spell.
Move Wish to 10th level. Have itable to duplicate any lower level Arcane spell and do some things they cannot do, as the ultimate Arcane spell.
Have all higher level slots add metamagic effects the the previous 10 levels of spells and use Miracle/Wish as your most powerful goto spells, and metamagic them as well.
You may want to write up a more comprehensive list of the new capabilities of Miracle and Wish.
Decide where the mortality ends and where the deific begins. There will evenetually be a point that mortal abilities simply cannot advance more (if only for game play sanity) and the characters will need to retire/transcend/DEscend/get called to service by their deific/infernal patrons/whatever.

Katerek |

...I'd like to see if any of the Pathfinder community has some interesting ideas for mythic spells (...
My experience with 3.x epic was similar to yours. Our first attempt was to develop some type of algorithm related to the end DC using the epic seeds to determine level - this was fine at first, but it eventually broke down because the core mechanics of the epic spell seeds are not solid enough to handle scrutiny.
The next thing I did was to apply as many metamagic feats to existing 7th, 8th, and 9th level spells as a I could and recorded the results. Using these parameters I was able to establish a guideline of what 10th level through 15th level spells would 'look like'. Once that was done, I just kept that as a reference for making higher level spells.
I also drew from pre-existing material. In the 2nd Ed rules set there was a boxed set for the Forgotten Realms that dealt with 10th+ level spells, I think it was the Netheril one. During this process I managed to convert several of those spells.
It worked out really well for the most part. Unfortunately none of my work is digitized, this was back before I committed everything to PC. If I can find the old notebook I will see about transcribing some of it if you are interested. I do, however, have some of the spells in a cut-n-paste format if you are interested.

drumlord |

@Gilfalas: Moving Wish and Miracle could work, but I don't think the group will be up for it. I think it's more likely we will see a new Wish show up. We know the new max spell level will be 18 so I'm certain there will be a new Wish there. Maybe we'll see another one at 14th as well? They'll probably have higher cost and possibly draw the attention of deities so we'll be less likely to abuse them. Hard to say as we're only at the 11th/12th region.
I wholeheartedly agree about the distinction between mortal and deity. Storywise, things work out very well for us. We deal almsot exclusively with extraplanar concerns. There may not be many mythic beings on our world, but other worlds and planes are fair game. Plus, our orders typically come indirectly (or occasionally directly) from the gods we worship (we're a group of mostly mages in a Dragonlance campaign so we work for the gods of magic).
@Katerek: Drawing on pre-existing material is a great idea and one I'll pursue. I remember that Netheril book and I think those spells are hiding online somewhere. Some of the 3.x sample epic spells can probably be tweaked for 10+ levels as well.
I'd love to see your cut and paste spells. As for digging up the other work you did, I'll let you decide. I'm open to any help I can get, but I'm not forcing anybody. If this thread catches on a bit, I'm hoping it can not only help us but also other campaigns. And even if Paizo goes a completely different direction than where we go, I'm sure they would like seeing what the community is trying out in the meantime.

![]() |

Dotting mostly.
If I get a group into epic levels, I'm definitely going to be allowing "Heightened Wish/Miracle". For every level "Heightened", the spell level listings in the Wish/Miracle spell description are increased by one level. From there, determine an equivalent power increase for the other listed possibilities through whichever method you'd like. I like estimating things using Metamagic, and calling a spell slot of X level equivalent to TWO spells of X-2 level.
Other than that, just have a brainstorming session with your group. Don't worry about details, just get ideas for spells. Then go down the list, brainstorming possible details for each spell: Would this one have a save? What kind? Does it bypass SR? Is there an attack roll? Finally, look at the power level compared to other spells. Pick out ones that are "just a bit stronger" than 9th levels: those are your new 10th levels. And work your way up from there :)

Katerek |

I'd love to see your cut and paste spells. As for digging up the other work you did, I'll let you decide. I'm open to any help I can get, but I'm not forcing anybody. If this thread catches on a bit, I'm hoping it can not only help us but also other campaigns. And even if Paizo goes a completely different direction than where we go, I'm sure they would like seeing what the community is trying out in the meantime.
Here's what I had from that old campaign. Bear in mind these were done under the auspices of 3.0 so duration tweaking should be expected should one choose to 'convert' them.
Armor of God
Conjuration (Creation) [Force]
Level: 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Creature Touched
Duration: 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You grant the creature touched with a +26 natural armor bonus to Armor Class. This is an intangible protection that entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Incorporeal creatures can’t bypass this armor they way they can ignore normal armor.
Divine Mettle
Level: 12
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Touched creature
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
By channeling powerful divine energies through the touched creature, you grant them Damage Reduction 25/- to all standard damage (bludgeoning, piercing and slashing). This spell does not protect from energy damage.
Epic Heal
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: 11
Components: V, S, and DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless; see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
This spell completely cures all diseases, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, and both temporary and permanent ability damage. It also neutralizes poisons, offsets feeblemindedness and cures mental disorders caused by spells or injury to the brain. It dispels all magical effects penalizing the character’s abilities, including the effects caused by spells. This spell also dispels all negative levels afflicting the target if the levels were lost within the last 20 weeks. Against undead, the influx of positive energy causes the loss of all but 1d4 hit points if the undead fails a Fortitude saving throw.
Epic Teleportation
Transmutation [Teleportation]
Level: 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures weighing up to 1300 lbs.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
This spell takes you instantly to a designated destination, regardless of distance or planar boundaries, using the Ethereal Plane as a travel medium. You must have at least a reliable description of the place to which you are transporting. If you attempt to use this spell with insufficient or misleading information, you disappear and simply reappear in your original location.
Level: 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: See text
Effect: Magical sensor
Duration: 300 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
With the exception of the above changes, this spell is identical to Raspail’s All-Seeing Eye (see below) except it is specially designed to send the sensor into Hell.
Raspail’s all-Seeing Eye
Level: 10
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: See text
Effect: Magical sensor
Duration: 80 minutes
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
This spell creates an invisible, mobile (speed 30) sensor that can see and hear what is happening at some distant location. The sensor is similar to that created by a scrying spell, and it may be dispelled. Distance is not a factor, but the locale must be known – a place familiar to you or an obvious one (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees). Lead sheeting or magical protection (such as an antimagic field, mind blank, or nondetection) blocks the spell, and you sense that the spell is so blocked. Magically enhanced senses, such as true seeing, will work through the sensor. You can also cast any spell from the sensor whose range is touch or greater. However, you must maintain line of effect to the sensor at all times. If your line of effect is obstructed, the spell ends. The range of the sensor’s sight is 120 feet.
Raspail’s Irritation Inhibiter
Level: 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
This spell grants immunity to certain spells by nullifying them. The spells this spell nullifies are Mordenkainen’s Disjunction, Harm, Imprisonment and Annihilation. You take 11d6 backlash damage when casting this spell
You Have Only Yourself to Blame
Level: 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 12 hours or until expended
Melee attacks directed at you rebound on the original attacker. The reflected attack rebounds on the attacker using the same attack roll. This spell ends after 12 hours, or after 8 attacks have been reflected. You decide which attacks before damage is rolled.

Garjen Soulhammer |

@ drumlord: Thanks for creating this thread; my group is approaching 20th level and we're having similar questions, concerns, and angst arise. We've tried the ELH once before with horrible, disastrous results. It almost put us off the game entirely.
@ katerek: Those are terrific spells! I'd love to see more if you ever happen to dig up the notebook.
We need to make sure Paizo knows (although I am sure they do) that there IS plenty of interest out there for MYTHIC level play. (I agree that "mythic" sounds and feels much better than "epic.")

Gilfalas |

@Katerek: Drawing on pre-existing material is a great idea and one I'll pursue. I remember that Netheril book and I think those spells are hiding online somewhere.
Check the WotC web site for that Netheril Supplement. I am pretty sure I got it from there before 4.0 was released. I am nearly positive I have it at home in PDF form (pretty sure I was able to save it last Christmas when my old PC went belly up).
If it is legal to do so (which I assume it is since WotC put it on their site for free download) I would be glad to email it to whoever wants it.

judas 147 |

wow... an epic one....
and how do you figure the xp progression?
i´ll try sometime
but really i was having a hard time with that
theres a 2 interesting boock with "new" magic from 3.5:
tome of combat the nine swoeds
tome of magic pact, shadow, and truename magic
really are interesting, cause they really try to make in someway a replica of some disciplines from white wolf vampires...
maybe you can use them to get some ideas.
my campaign is reaching a lvl 14 and the path im making its gonna end in 25ves, charging versus the ever last tarrasque
and i was making a set of rituals for each classes (like a druid hyerophant in ad&d 2nd ed)
i do not know a lot of the epic ones...
but i try to read it in the week
mi most leveled character (as a player) was lvl 15
my most leveled party was 16

Scott Andrews |

Here's what i've been thinking of using, based off of the example ELH spells, but not bothering with the whole seed creation.
Animus Blast
Evocation, Necromancy [Cold]
Level: wizard 10, witch 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 20-ft.-radius hemisphere burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
When this spell is cast, enemies within range are dealt 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level. However, up to twenty of those victims that perish as a result of this blast are then instantly animated as Medium skeletons. These skeletons serve the character indefinitely. The character cannot exceed the normal limit for controlling undead through use of this spell, but other means that allow the character to exceed the normal limit for controlled undead work just as well with undead created with animus blast.
Animus Blizzard
Evocation, Necromancy [Cold]
Level: wizard 11, witch 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 40-ft.-radius hemisphere burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
When this spell is cast, enemies within range are dealt 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level. However, up to five victims that perish as a result of this blast are then instantly animated as wights. These five wights serve the character indefinitely. The character cannot exceed the normal limit for controlling undead through use of this spell, but other means that allow the character to exceed the normal limit for controlled undead work just as well with undead created with animus blizzard.
Contingent Resurrection
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Cleric 10
Components: V, S , D F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: You or creature touched
Duration: Contingent until expended, then instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Contingent resurrection returns the subject to life if he or she is slain. Once cast, the spell remains quiescent and does not activate until the trigger conditions have been met (but each day it remains untriggered, it uses up a spell slot, even if the character cast it on another creature). Once triggered, the spell is expended. If the subject is killed (the trigger), he or she is restored to life and complete health 1 minute later, so long as even a tiny bit of dust remains for contingent resurrection to act upon. A shaft of light shines down from the heavens, illuminating the subject and everything within 20 feet. The creature is restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of prepared spells. However, the subject gain one negative level (or 1 point of Constitution if the subject was 1st level). Contingent resurrection does not work on a creature that has died of old age.
Conjuration,Enchantment (Compulsion) [Teleportation] [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Cleric 10, Wizard 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous (20 hours for compulsion)
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
The character sends his or her foe to hell. If the character succeeds at a melee touch attack, the target must succeed at a Will saving throw . If he or she fails this saving throw, he or she is sent straight to a layer of a lawful evil plane (or a chaotic evil plane, at the character’s option) swarming with fiends. The subject will not willingly leave the plane for 20 hours, believing that his or her predicament is a just reward for an ill-spent life. Even after the compulsion fades, he or she must devise his or her own escape from the plane. Unless the GM devises a specific location and scenario in Hell, the subject encounters a group of 1d4 pit fiends (or balors, if in a chaotic evil plane) every hour he or she spends in hell.
Demise Unseen
Necromancy (Death, Evil), Illusion (Figment)
Level: Wizard 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level).
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The character instantly slays a single target and at the same moment animate the body so that it appears that nothing has happened to the creature. The target’s companions (if any) do not immediately realize what has transpired. The target receives a Fortitude saving throw to survive the attack. If the save fails, the target remains in its exact position with no apparent ill effects. In reality, it is now a ghoul under the character’s control. The target’s companions notice nothing unusual about the state of the target until they interact with it, at which time each companion receives a Will saving throw to notice discrepancies. The ghoul serves the character indefinitely. The character cannot exceed the normal limit for controlling undead through use of this spell, but other means that allow the character to exceed the normal limit for controlled undead work just as well with undead created with demise unseen.
Dire Winter
Evocation [Cold]
Level: Druid 10, Witch 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 1,000 ft.
Area: 1,000-ft.-radius emanation
Duration: 20 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
The creature or object targeted emanates bitter cold to a radius of 1,000 feet for 20 hours. The emanated cold deals 2d6 points of damage per round against unprotected creatures (the target is susceptible if not magically protected or otherwise resistant to the energy). The intense cold freezes water out of the air, causing constant snowfall and wind. The snow and wind produce a blizzard effect within the area.
Dragon Knight
Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire]
Level: Cleric 10, Druid 10, Wizard 10, Witch 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 75 ft.
Effect: One summoned adult gold dragon
Duration: 20 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell summons an adult gold dragon (Bestiary pg 108). It appears where the character designates and acts immediately. It attacks the character’s opponents to the best of its abilities. The character can direct the dragon not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.
Dragon Strike
Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire]
Level: Cleric 12, Druid 12, Wizard 12, Witch 12
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 75 ft.
Effect: Ten summoned adult gold dragons
Duration: 20 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
This spell summons ten adult gold dragons (Bestiary pg 108). They appear where the character designates and act immediately. They attack the character’s opponents to the best of their abilities. The character can direct the dragons not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.
Conjuration (Creation) [Transportation]
Level: Cleric 10, Wizard 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 100 miles
Area: 5-mile radius, centered on you
Duration: Up to 8 hours (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
With this spell, the character can create a limited eclipse, as though a heavenly body moves between the sun and the earth. The landscape within a five-mile radius of the character’s location experiences the dimming of the sun as a disk the character creates passes in front of it, culminating in a complete blackout and accompanying coronal ring. The eclipse follows the character across the landscape for up to 8 hours, or until the sun goes down, or until the character dismisses the eclipse. The character does not need to concentrate on the eclipse while it lasts.
Epic Mage Armor
Conjuration (Creation) [Force]
Level: Wizard 10, Witch 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of epic mage armor, providing a +10 armor bonus to Armor Class. Unlike mundane armor, epic mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Because epic mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal armor.
Epic Repulsion
Level: Cleric 12, Wizard 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Object or creature touched
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
The character can create a permanent ward against a specific creature type. Any creature of the specified type cannot attack or touch the warded creature or object. The protection ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or intentionally moves to within 5 feet of a specified creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature.
Glorious Light of Renewal
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Cleric 11
Components: V, S , D F
Casting Time: 1standard action
Range: 100 ft.
Target: Up to five dead creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Up to five dead creatures are restored to life and complete vigor so long as any portion of each creature’s body remains. The targets can have been dead for no longer than two hundred years.
Greater Spell Resistance
Level: Cleric 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Additional Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks.
The character grants the subject touched spell resistance 20 + caster level until the duration expires. The spell resistance granted does not stack, but overlaps with, any previous spell resistance.
Greater Ruin
Level: Wizard 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target: One creature, or up to a 10-foot cube of nonliving matter
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
The character deals 2d10 points of damage per caster level to a single target within range and line of sight. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points or less it is utterly destroyed as if disintegrated. Only a trace of fine dust remains.
Evocation [Acid, Fire, Electricity, Sonic]
Level: Wizard 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 40-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
A hellball deals 10d6 points of acid damage, 10d6 points of fire damage, 10d6 points of electricity damage, and 10d6 points of sonic damage to all creatures within the area. Unattended objects also take this damage. A sun-bright, fist-sized globe of energy streaks forth and, unless it impacts a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the indicated range, expands into its full area.
Kinetic Control
Level: Druid 11, wizard 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Personal; touch
Target: You; creature or object touched
Duration: 12 hours or until discharged
Once a character has cast this spell, he or she can absorb, store, and redirect the energy contained in any physical (melee or ranged) attack. The character absorbs 20 points of each separate slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing attack made against him or her, saving it for later. A character can absorb up to 200 points of damage in this fashion; however, if the stored damage is not discharged prior to reaching the 200-point limit, the spell automatically discharges, dealing the 200 points of damage to the character. The character keeps track of the number of points of damage he or she has absorbed (the character doesn’t have to keep track of the type of damage). At any time during the spell’s duration, the character can make a touch attack against another creature or object. If successful, the character deals the target some or all (character’s choice) of the points of damage he or she has stored. The damage delivered is considered bludgeoning damage. A character can absorb and discharge damage any number of times during the spell’s duration, so long as the character doesn’t absorb more than 200 points at a time. When the spell expires, any stored damage the character has not redirected is discharged into the character.
Let Go of Me
Level: Witch 10, Wizard 10
Components: None
Casting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Touch (see text)
Target: One creature or force grappling you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
The character deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level to any creature grappling him or her. The damage dealt is of no particular type or energy—it is a purely destructive impulse. If grappled by a magical force the force is automatically destroyed.
Nailed to the Sky
Conjuration [Teleportation]
Level: Witch 10, wizard 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: Creature or object weighing up to 1,000 lb.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Nailed to the sky actually places the target so far from the surface of the world and at such a speed that it keeps missing the surface as it falls back, so it enters an eternal orbit. Unless the target can magically fly or has some other form of non-physical propulsion available, the target is stuck until someone else rescues it. Even if the target can fly, the surface is 2 to 4 hours away, assuming a fly spell, which allows a maximum speed of 720 feet per round while descending. The target may not survive that long. Depending on the world where nailed to the sky is cast, conditions so far from its surface may be deadly. Deleterious effects include scorching heat, cold, and vacuum. Targets subject to these conditions take 2d6 points of damage each from heat or cold and 1d4 points of damage from the vacuum each round. The target immediately begins to suffocate.
Move Mountain
Level: Wizard 12
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 7 days
Range: 1 mile
Target: Mountain (rough cone of earth 1 mile tall and 1 mile in radius at the base)
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You shear off the top of a mountain, levitate it into the air, and invert it, creating a floating mass of earth with a smooth surface suitable for construction. You control the movement, both vertical and horizontal (fly speed 20 ft.(poor) and can hover), of the floating mountain.
Should the spell be dispelled while the mountain is still aloft, the magic fails slowly. The mountain floats downward 60 feet per round
for 2d10 rounds. If it reaches the ground in that amount of time, it lands safely. If not, it falls the rest of the distance.
Level: Cleric 10, wizard 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 24 hours
Ranged attacks targeted against the character rebound on the original attacker. Any time during the duration, ten attacks are automatically reflected back on the original attacker; the character decides which attacks before damage is rolled. The reflected attack rebounds on the attacker using the same attack roll. Once ten attacks are so reflected, the spell ends.
Rain of Fire
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Druid 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 0 ft.
Area: 2-mile-radius emanation
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell summons a swirling thunderstorm that rains fire rather than raindrops down on the character and everything within a two-mile radius of him or her. Everything caught unprotected or unsheltered in the flaming deluge takes 1d6 point of fire damage each round. A successful Reflex save results in no damage, but the save must be repeated each round. Unless the ground is exceedingly damp, all vegetation is eventually blackened and destroyed, leaving behind a barren wasteland similar to the aftermath of a grass or forest fire. The fiery storm is stationary and persists even if the caster leaves.
Raise Island
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Druid 10, wizard 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 day
Range: 0 ft.
Area: 100-ft.-radius hemispherical island
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
The character can literally raise a new island from out of the sea, bringing to the surface a sandy or rocky but otherwise barren protrusion that is solid, stable, and permanently established. The island is roughly circular and about 200 feet in diameter. Raise island only works if the ocean is less than 1,000 feet deep where the spell is cast.
Safe Time
Conjuration [Teleportation]
Level: Wizard 12
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: You or creature touched
Duration: Contingent until expended, then 1 round of safe time
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Safe time can move the character (or the target) out of harm’s way by shunting him or her into a static time stream. Once cast, the spell remains quiescent and does not activate until the trigger conditions have been met. Each day it remains untriggered, it uses up a spell slot, even if you cast it on another creature. Once triggered, the spell is expended normally. When the character would otherwise be subject to any instantaneous effect that would deal him or her 50 or more points of damage, he or she is instead transported to a static time stream where time ceases to flow. The character’s condition becomes fixed—no force or effect can harm him or her until 1 round of real time has passed. Thus, the character avoids the damage he or she would otherwise receive, but the character also misses out on one round of activity. To the character, no time passes at all, but to onlookers who are part of real time, the character stands frozen and fixed in space for 1 full round.
Soul Dominion
Divination, Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Witch 12, Wizard 12
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: See text
Target: One other living creature
Duration: 20 minutes (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
When a character casts this spell, he or she is temporarily able to take control of another sentient creature with whom the character is familiar (by meeting, observing, or successfully scrying the subject). The target receives a Will save, and if successful, prevents the character from making the telepathic connection. The target is aware of the attempted takeover as a strange, momentary tingling. If the Will save fails, the character is able to control the subject’s body as if it were his or her own, hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting everything the target senses. Once the character dismisses the spell or its duration ends, the target resumes control of its body, fully aware of all events that occurred, having been a helpless witness trapped inside its own body. The target knows the name and general nature of its possessor if it succeeds at an additional Will saving throw. A character cannot control undead or incorporeal creatures with soul dominion.
Soul Scry
Level: Witch 11, Wizard 11
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: See text
Target: One other living creature
Duration: 20 minutes (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No
When a character casts this spell, he or she is temporarily able to tap the consciousness of another sentient creature with whom the character is familiar (by meeting, observing, or successfully scrying the subject), experiencing everything he or she does with all five senses. The target receives a Will save, and if successful, prevents the character from making the telepathic connection. Whether the saving throw is successful or not, the target is unaware of the attempted intrusion. Once the subject is tapped, the character is able to hear, see, feel, smell, and taste everything the subject senses. The character cannot control the subject, however. The character can only see what the subject chooses to look at, and the character tastes something only if the subject eats or drinks it during the spell’s duration. During this time, the character’s own body remains in a trance-like state. If the subject takes damage, the character senses the injuries, although his or her own body does not actually suffer any ill effects. If the subject is knocked unconscious or killed, the spell immediately ends.
Starshine upon the People
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Cleric 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 40 ft.
Area: All creatures within a 40-ft.-radius spread, centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous and 24 hours; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You lead a number of your allies in a ritual of chant and dance that cleanses the participants and spiritually. A shower of glittering stardust descends over the area, settling upon the participants and channeling positive energy to heal and empower them. The starshine removes all dirt and grime from creatures and equipment in the spell’s area. It also cures all diseases, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, and temporary ability damage that afflicts the subjects, and it offsets feeblemindedness and cures mental disorders caused by spells or effects or injuries to the brain. Furthermore, it neutralizes poisons in the subject’s systems so that they suffer no additional damage or ill effects from those toxins. In addition, it dispels all magical effects penalizing the subjects’ abilities.
Once the ritual is complete, a blessing settles upon all participants, granting each a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls for the next 24 hours.
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Druid 10
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 100-ft.-radius hemisphere
Duration: 24 hours
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: No
This spell creates a tsunami of grass, shrubs, and trees that overgrows the area like a tidal wave. The plant growth creeps and curls across every-thing in the area, ensnaring it and coiling around it as if it had been growing there for a century or more. Creatures in the area must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid the fast-moving growth, which otherwise deals 20d6 points of damage from the crushing press. Buildings are engulfed and they likewise take 20d6 points of damage. Those destroyed by the damage have their foundations uprooted and walls crumbled. The plant growth remains for 24 hours, after which it vanishes.
Verdigris Tsunami
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Druid 12
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 1,500 ft.
Area: 1,000-ft.-radius hemisphere
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: No
This spell creates a tsunami of grass, shrubs, and trees that overgrows the area like a tidal wave. The plant growth creeps and curls across every-thing in the area, ensnaring it and coiling around it as if it had been growing there for a century or more. Creatures in the area must make a Reflex saving throw to avoid the fast-moving growth, which otherwise deals 40d6 points of damage from the crushing press. Buildings are engulfed and they likewise take 40d6 points of damage. Those destroyed by the damage have their foundations uprooted and walls crumbled. The plant growth is permanent.