Prison Break (An Evil Campaign for Evil PCs) Discussion Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

Hmm, the game thread seems to be experiencing a tumbleweed moment

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It is at that Safrac but Radavel did say that he had a little more prep to do so Im hoping its that. Plus id like to see Rose catch up.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

Yeah it would be good to have her catch up you are right. As a set of evil characters in this world, I think we are going to need all the help we can get.

Still cant decide whether to charm person or lightning bolt the first guard we come across.

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Agreed on we'll need the numbers.

hmm...If he's alone I say charm him. If he's with friends then zap him!

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

Or alternatively, zap him, then threaten to do it again unless he gives us the keys and or helps us out. Then, if that still doesn't work use charm person to make it work. Then if that still doesn't work, I guess we can hand guard over to the rogue for some tickling.

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hahaha! or have Vhailor tickle him with that creepy tentacle!

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

Yup, there is that too lol. So so many plans.

Dark Archive

sorry about the lull guys, am experiencing RL overload. have a party to plan and execute, will get back on line tonight 9PM my time zone.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

Don't worry about it, am still interested in the game, was just curious about the lack of movement is all

Dark Archive


Hey I noticed that you are applying a -5 to the DC of Stealth checks. I assume this is because of the optional Swift as Shadows racial trait you mentioned at the beginning of the game. I just wanted to point out that Swift as Shadows doesn't reduce the DC of Stealth checks. It reduces any penalties incurred to Stealth checks by up to five. For instance, if you move at greater than half your speed, you would normally incur a -5 penalty to your Stealth check. Swift as Shadows negates all 5 points of that penalty. If you make a Bluff check to distract onlookers and get to cover to make a Stealth check would normally incur a -10 penalty, but you would only incur -5 penaly due to Swift as Shadows.

I hope this helps.

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Radavel - Got an email from Sharoth that he's been busy so hopefully we'll see him soon.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
Radavel - Got an email from Sharoth that he's been busy so hopefully we'll see him soon.

So, just about to step into what might be our first combat encounter. What are peoples thoughts?

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excited. Ive been waiting to see us unleashed. although you wiped out most of them for us, haha; well done. pun intended.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
excited. Ive been waiting to see us unleashed. although you wiped out most of them for us, haha; well done. pun intended.

Haha, yeah I couldn't resist using that fireball. Plus I didn't know whether there were guards with weapons there and just didn't want to take the chance. It's only one of my 3rd level spells per day, and I get 5 of them, so its not a big deal. Plus I still have all my charm person spells etc so all is well. Am curious what the group will do to me though when all my spells are done. There isn't much I would be able to do to fight back which is a scary thought

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well I hope that its not a soon as youre not help then youre a hindrance outlook and everyone will remember the benefit of your spells when you have them. you did just pretty much wipe out a whole room of enemies.

Dark Archive

hello guys, sorry for the lack of update, i have been busy attending to my hearings.

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Hey, you got to pay them bills first. No worries. Still no post from Sharoth though.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

My poor Fort save must be a consequence of nearly killing my party a couple of times in the game I ran last night. Who could know that Bestow curse to make them have to roll for each action or lose it could be such a powerful curse.

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youre thinking that Karma has caught up to you huh?

its too scary that we all failed so far.

Syndir Apep wrote:
its too scary that we all failed so far.

I think it's awesome that we have all failed. I'm going to be disappointed if Sa'ryn breaks from the party and actually makes the save.

@Sa'ryn - You know Swift as Shadows does not reduce the DC of a Stealth check? It only reduces any penalties to a Stealth check.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:

youre thinking that Karma has caught up to you huh?

its too scary that we all failed so far.

Oh I reckon that Karma has come around and really bitten me in the ass. In all fairness though, the Gnome Evoker kicked ass. I use the death by massive damage rules, and he managed to wipe out 90% of the encounters within a couple of rounds using acid fireballs. Shame that water traps are so deadly to the party though

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@ Skender - the halfling will probably make his save and end up saving all of us from certain death. a point which im sure he'll remind us of quite often.

@Safrac - they got wiped out by pools of water? not good.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:

@ Skender - the halfling will probably make his save and end up saving all of us from certain death. a point which im sure he'll remind us of quite often.

@Safrac - they got wiped out by pools of water? not good.

Nay, water filled rooms

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

Yeah its just a reduction of the penalty for moving while using stealth, which is what I have been doing. I just noting it to help remind the DM as he is reading the posts. It's hard to remember all the little things about characters when running a PBP.

Dark Archive

MythrilDragon wrote:
Yeah its just a reduction of the penalty for moving while using stealth, which is what I have been doing. I just noting it to help remind the DM as he is reading the posts. It's hard to remember all the little things about characters when running a PBP.

Thank you for that. Indeed it is hard to keep the devil out of those little details :-)

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Given my background, hating the gods for my circumstances, how would I work any Anti-paladin thing associated with a deity? Like divine focus spells or effects that require it. Can I just be a follower of an ideal, and in my case the idea of Hatred? If so, what would equate to being my holy symbol?

I meant to ask this earlier, but kept forgetting.

Dark Archive

Blood spilled in anger sounds to me like a proper symbol for one such as you.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

So, given I have a place to store it, I can collect it after (or during) a battle and wear it in its container? As in a vial of blood worn around my neck? I like the sound of that.

Dark Archive

Angelica Nenaviste wrote:
So, given I have a place to store it, I can collect it after (or during) a battle and wear it in its container? As in a vial of blood worn around my neck? I like the sound of that.

Your hands tainted in blood would be enough to appease the spirits of hate.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

Damn you Radavel. I shall be sitting on the edge of my seat for the rest of the day now!!!

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hahaha! You asked for it Safrac! A bold move. Ill be itching to see what happens as well.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
hahaha! You asked for it Safrac! A bold move. Ill be itching to see what happens as well.

Ah but you see, it makes perfect sense for her to take it. Just am not sure what the hell is going to happen, and that makes me slightly worried.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

Yeowch Angelica, you really really don't seem to like Safrac at all.

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eh, Id bet she wouldve said that to any of us for taking that deal

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
eh, Id bet she wouldve said that to any of us for taking that deal

You are possibly right, but all the same, it seems to me to be right the way through the threads lol. There might have to be a fireball spell in reserve as protection for me

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Yeah, it is not a Safrac opinion, it is a "nature of faith in deities" opinion. Angelica blames them for her suffering, and is disrespectful of those that follow them.

That and being CE versus Safrac's LE, she opposes being bound by anything other than her own devices.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Angelica Nenaviste wrote:

Yeah, it is not a Safrac opinion, it is a "nature of faith in deities" opinion. Angelica blames them for her suffering, and is disrespectful of those that follow them.

That and being CE versus Safrac's LE, she opposes being bound by anything other than her own devices.

So better not use something like Charm Person on you then eh?

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

Well, based on my last save, it should be risk free. ;)

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Angelica Nenaviste wrote:
Well, based on my last save, it should be risk free. ;)

Haha, better not try it unless you start attacking me for some reason

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Safrac wrote:
Angelica Nenaviste wrote:
Well, based on my last save, it should be risk free. ;)
Haha, better not try it unless you start attacking me for some reason

You know, just in case you actually make the save. Unless I have silent spell..... hmm that's an idea.

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are you already plotting against each other? damn caddy women!;)

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
are you already plotting against each other? damn caddy women!;)

Haha, consider it more having myself a backup plan if things were to go poorly against me. After all, I have to keep my skin together somehow

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7

But in all honest, all character stuff aside, I don't ever really plan on using spells against the party unless something truly untoward happens.

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like when the demon possessing you takes control and lashes out with your fireballs at us?

hahaha Im on the edge of my seat for when something like this happens now

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:

like when the demon possessing you takes control and lashes out with your fireballs at us?

hahaha Im on the edge of my seat for when something like this happens now

Well there is that bit. But my dear Syndir, I promise to try and avoid hitting you with them as much as I can

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Ill hold you to that promise Safrac even though fire is my friend ;)

Looks like a quiet weekend around here.

Dark Archive

Guys, while we're waiting for the rest to chime in, I'd like to inform all of you that another player will be joining our merry band of convicts, so please don't kill him when he makes an appearance in the Game Thread.

Female Changeling "Varisian" Burglar 4/Fighter 2 (AC: 20 [T: 14 /F: 16] (+2 vs Traps); HP: 49/49; F+4, R+7 (+2 vs traps), W+1 (+2 vs Illusions/Fear); Init: +3; Perc: +16 [+18/+20], 60' darkvision)

I'll try to play nice, so far we've seen how well Angelica gets along with everyone. I see her always being angry and disliked, but useful enough to be worth keeping around.

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sound cool to me Radavel. I was wondering if youd replace Sharoth or not.

Female Half Orc Sorcerer 7
Syndir Apep wrote:
sound cool to me Radavel. I was wondering if youd replace Sharoth or not.

It did cross my mind that we might be getting someone in to replace Sharoth, although its a shame that the dear Ashley Rose wasn't with us. I like our earlier banter

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