Reincarnating Lamatar

Rise of the Runelords

Reading the description for Reincarnate makes me wonder if that would actually work.

It states :A creature that has been turned into an undead creature or
killed by a death effect can’t be returned to life by this spell.: pg. 331 core book.

Does that mean that once turned into a wight he is unable to be reincarnated until he is again slain, or that once the animation has been effected upon his body, it can no longer be affected by reincarnate?

I intend to allow it to work on him, mainly for story possibilities. But knowing some in this party they may attempt to reincarnate the nymph as well. They do seem to be ... completists.

Sovereign Court Owner - Enchanted Grounds, President/Owner - Enchanted Grounds

I don't recall where I saw this debated, but the consensus was that, once destroyed, Lamatar could be reincarnated. The stricture on the spell is there to stop people from using it to un-undead undead creatures.

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