Some spoilerly questions for Scarwall

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Question 1:
How did Kazavon maintain his human form? From what I see in the 3.5 MM the only power like this blue dragons get is Veil, but this is an illusion. All the descriptions I read of Kazvon indicate that he actually shape changed into a human. For instance I see text that says things like he "prefers the feel of human skin to his draconic scales" This to me says he shape changes, Veil would not allow him to "feel" his human skin. So where does his shape change ability come from?

Question 2:
Why did Kazavon build an entire castle based around his unnatural and magically maintained appearance? Wouldn't it have made much more sense to build a castle that could more easily support his true dragon form? I could understand if he captured Scarwall and used it as his own but he didn't, he built it. I know Scarwall is big enough to fit a Great wyrm in places but it is certainly not practical for him to get around in it. The hallways can barely fit him let alone some of the rooms.

Question 2:
With questions 1 and 2 in mind it seems to me that either Kazavon was not originally intended to be a blue dragon or Scarwall was not originally designed to be his palace. So which is it? Was Kazavon ret-conned into a blue dragon late in the development cycle of the AP or did Greg Vaughn just have this giant castle dungeon laying around that he tweaked up and turned in to Paizo for part 5?


1. A Blue Great wyrm (which I assume Kazavon was) also casts spells like a 17th level sorcerer, so he has access to spells like Greater polymorph and such.

2. His cover was that of a human, he didn't want anyone suspecting he was a dragon and if he has the ability to swich between human form and dragon form at will, he'd have no problem walking around the castle in his human form, saving his secret for when he was in deep trouble.

3. Having dragons switch between human and dragon form at will answers both previous questions, I don't think it's a retconn. I remeber that dragons in human form were pretty common back in 3,5. Both in the litterature (Sellswords series by RA Salvatore) and the adventures (Into the Dragons Lair, which had a young blue dragon posing as an adventurer), among others.

Oh, and....

Kingmaker spoiler:

In the last part of the Kingmaker AP there's a "continuing kingmaker" section which reveals that Choral the Conqueror was in fact a Red Dragon

Montana77 wrote:

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Oh, and....
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OK. That makes sense. Thanks!

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