Was there ever errata for the Disguise bonus from polymorph spells?

Rules Questions

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As the title says, did the Disguise bonus from polymorph spells ever get clarified in some errata? In the description of the polymorph subschool, it says +20, but in the Disguise skill description it says +10. The online PRD doesn't say.

i looked thro the errata nothing says about the change about polymorph subschool so i would go by the spell the skill may be a tipeo and there nothing about Disguise skill so idk sorry

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The text from the disguise skill is identical to the 3.5 text. The polymorph school text is new in Pathfinder. When in doubt, the "newer" version that is Pathfinder-specific is usually right.

How long ago did this get reported, and Errata still isn`t issued?

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