Painlord |
Holy Piddlespot!
A random note on the nature of things.
Last year, I organized and ran the Pathfinder Society's first appearance at Kublacon, SF's biggest con. It was a humble affair...we scheduled to run only 14 tables over 10 slots over 4 days, last year. We ended up with 19 tables.
Meh, right? RIGHT?!
What a difference a year makes.
This year is a bit different: Kublacon Warhorn.
We already have 57+ Pathfinder Society tables set and ready to go over 10 slots...judges and players for them.
Over 17 different judges are running multiple one (yet) is scheduled to run more than 4 slots. I can't tell you enough how happy I am with the way our Bay Area judges are stepping up and sharing the load.
Crazy growth! 19 tables last year...this year 3x that...and a willing judge pool to make it go.
And I'm just excited for Kublacon. Big props for Paizo for sticking Jason B on us and VC Azmyth for his promotional and support work.
Sorry to bother...I just think this kind of growth is neat. Now back to your regularly scheduled rantings. ;)
Painlord |
Does considering ditching my local con to come play with you guys make me a bad person?
No, Gallard, that doesn't make you a bad person. There are many other reasons you're a bad person...mostly because of your dragon-grappling bear and hatred of the Magus. ;)
I kid!
And you're welcome to come of course.
Andrew Christian |
Andrew Christian wrote:But you will all be really good friends by the end of the con.Alex Draconis wrote:No, all 57 tables are going to be crammed into a room that normally supports two king sized beds.Does that mean we get a bigger room this year? }; P
Only if they shower between every slot.
Thea Peters |
K Neil Shackleton wrote:Only if they shower between every slot.Andrew Christian wrote:But you will all be really good friends by the end of the con.Alex Draconis wrote:No, all 57 tables are going to be crammed into a room that normally supports two king sized beds.Does that mean we get a bigger room this year? }; P
*envisions the lines for the shower and shudders*
Hopefully there are two rooms available lol
Thamius Venture-Captain, Texas—Waco |
AxeMurder0 |
Kublacon was lots of fun.
I managed to play 7 slots and judge 1 (out of 10 possible).
Painlord's wife answering that "there would be some advantages to being a widow"
Painlord for putting in countless hours at the PFS table fitting in as many walkins as possible.
Judging Cookies, and super awesome metal BAPS coins.
VC Azmyth for running Year of the Shadow Lodge as my 100th Chronicle Sheet (About 25GM credits and about 75PC Credits)
Euan for printing out 2903874 pages worth of mods.
Jerry Cummings for running my Everwar (part 2) table amazingly despite us players giving him a hard time and Jason Bulmahn sitting at the table watching, who had jokingly promised to pounce on the smallest rules mistake. Part way through we had a question about Blink, came to a quick conclusion and went back to playing. Meanwhile Bulmahn spent the next 10 minutes reading the Blink entry before deciding to abandon us for the night.
All of the players/GMs I played with who were supportive of me being secretive about my newest character's build: Farak, the Greatest Mage in all of Absalom (Do not be fooled by pretenders such as Thorne)
I did manage to lose one of my chessex boxes mostly filled with pewter painted minis. I suspect (but am not sure) that I put it down next to one of the parking machines on Sunday night and failed to pick it up. Checked the Hotel Lost&Found, no luck there, if anybody happens to have picked it up I'd be delighted to have it back etc.
Thamius Venture-Captain, Texas—Waco |
Awesome con, many thanks to Painlord, Azmyth, Euan, Cherry Pie, and the entire crew for making us strangers feel so welcome! And when you go into business selling those cookies, let me know... yummmmmmm.
I can't make it to PaizoCon :( but at GenCon I hope to hang with as many of you as make the trip.
Merry Prankster |
Pish-posh I say!
And what an awesome con. I gotta give mad props to Pain for doing such a bang up job. Once again I have to say "Thank You" for putting in so much work.
And a special big shout out to the 'halfling crew'. Never ran with a bigger bunch of deviants and had such a good time doing it.
Now pass me that bottle will ya?