Help with my Dragon Disciple build


OK, only material ffom three books is authorized. The core book, APG and the little players guide to rise of the runelords (We're running rise of the runelords). 25 point build. Here is what I came up with, you make it better! Party consists of a Fighter who will be the main front line guy, archer cleric and a summoning lion/feline focused druid. I've got the oddball spot in the group so I could go one of many ways, but the concept of a massive str, a big reach and a dragon form for later on excite me.

Human or Half elf
Str 18
dex 14
con 14
int 10
wis 10
cha 14

1 Fight1 Power Attack, EWP Bladed Scarf, Combat Reflexes
2 Sorc1
3 Sorc2 Combat Casting
4 Sorc3
5 Sorc4 Arcane Armor Training
6 DD1
7 DD2 Lunge, Bloodline Feat (Improved initiative)
8 DD3
9 DD4 Arcane Armor Mastery
10 DD5 Bloodline Feat (Quicken Spell)
11 DD6 Arcane Strike
12 DD7
13 DD8 Step Up, Bloodline Feat (Toughness)
14 EK1
15 EK2 x
16 EK3
17 EK4 x
18 EK5
19 EK6 x
20 EK7

I know I like the concept of working with the bladed scarf. I'm going to have reach when I'm enlarged, why not make it big reach, and later in the build when I assume dragon form (by way of spells or by class feature) the combat reflexes let me use that as well. I'm not clear how I could make this better. I'm pretty sure step up/lunge isn't optimal that late in the build, I'm not sure how the armor mastery chain is looked upon especially since I'll have an eventual natural armor bonus from the draconic bloodline.

So, suggestions?

Check the profile for this character. He is a Ftr3/Barb2/Sorc1/DD2 (off the top of my head)
He also was heavily buffed up with 12-16th CL Potions to get his AC numbers.

Note that he has 5% Arcane Spell Failure, but I consider that accetable,
especially since he can`t cast spell while Raging.
You could NOT go Barbarian, and go full Fighter (or Pally if you roll like that) to avoid Rage/Casting issues,
but I don`t think it`s that big a deal, you can hold back on Rage while buffing the first round of combat, and it`s OK...
Moving + Spell Casting + Enter Rage lets you use Rage defensively the very first Round.
(if you go Full Fighter, taking full advantage of Armor Training to Tumble in Mitrhil Plate may require also taking both levels of Arcane Armor Training to Cast in Mitrhil Full Plate, and you may still have some ASF%)

Basically, I prefer a spell-casting LIGHT Dragon Disciple, with only minimal levels in Sorceror.
You can `finish` with either ElK levels like you did, more Barb levels (giving up on top level spells), and/or Sorceror levels, gaining spells and high level Bloodline Powers.

Also note: Bladed Scarf is NOT a Reach Weapon in PRPG, it`s stats changed from 3.5 to PRPG.
Using a Reach Weapon while Enlarged, while giving UBER reach as you noticed, DOES have trade-offs: if anything closes (such as via Invisiblity) to adjacent squares, YOU CAN`T 5` STEP and attack it with your Reach Weapon. For this reason, if you have armor, install armor spikes.

Save some feats, get better features and go with the arcane duelist bard instead of sorcerer.

Hyundai Head-Smasher wrote:

Check the profile for this character. He is a Ftr3/Barb2/Sorc1/DD2 (off the top of my head)

He also was heavily buffed up with 12-16th CL Potions to get his AC numbers.

Note that he has 5% Arcane Spell Failure, but I consider that accetable,
especially since he can`t cast spell while Raging.
You could NOT go Barbarian, and go full Fighter (or Pally if you roll like that) to avoid Rage/Casting issues,
but I don`t think it`s that big a deal, you can hold back on Rage while buffing the first round of combat, and it`s OK...
Moving + Spell Casting + Enter Rage lets you use Rage defensively the very first Round.
(if you go Full Fighter, taking full advantage of Armor Training to Tumble in Mitrhil Plate may require also taking both levels of Arcane Armor Training to Cast in Mitrhil Full Plate, and you may still have some ASF%)

Basically, I prefer a spell-casting LIGHT Dragon Disciple, with only minimal levels in Sorceror.
You can `finish` with either ElK levels like you did, more Barb levels (giving up on top level spells), and/or Sorceror levels, gaining spells and high level Bloodline Powers.

Also note: Bladed Scarf is NOT a Reach Weapon in PRPG, it`s stats changed from 3.5 to PRPG.
Using a Reach Weapon while Enlarged, while giving UBER reach as you noticed, DOES have trade-offs: if anything closes (such as via Invisiblity) to adjacent squares, YOU CAN`T 5` STEP and attack it with your Reach Weapon. For this reason, if you have armor, install armor spikes.

We're apparently running the 3.5 version of the scarf with all the reachy goodness, no spikes needed (but I will take them anyway)

Abraham spalding wrote:
Save some feats, get better features and go with the arcane duelist bard instead of sorcerer.

I had considered this, but the fact is that the bard spell selection is somewhat inferior to the sorcerer and as Enlarge is going to be a staple spell for me, I'd really like to have it.

You might consider taking the Big Game Hunter feat from the RotRL player's guide. I'd rather have that than Combat Casting, but YMMV.

You might also consider Furious Focus as well (good for power attackers).

That was what I was going to write, seeing your party line-up with no other arcane caster.
Magus would be awesome, esp. if you can still grab Wizard spells, but no Dragon Disciple there.
If you can wait until Ultimate Magic, there`s a Witch Magus variant, so going with STR Patron could ALMOST do what you`re going for...

Since it sounds like you are interested in filling more of the arcane caster role,
(which my own build didn`t care about doing at all, he was just going for uber STR along with good WilL Save and Nat Armor)
I`d suggest dropping Barbarian (it`s Rage conflicts with Casting after all),
and stacking up a few more Sorceror levels, i.e. starting out Ftr3/Sor3...

Quandary wrote:

That was what I was going to write, seeing your party line-up with no other arcane caster.

Magus would be awesome, esp. if you can still grab Wizard spells, but no Dragon Disciple there.
If you can wait until Ultimate Magic, there`s a Witch Magus variant, so going with STR Patron could ALMOST do what you`re going for...

Since it sounds like you are interested in filling more of the arcane caster role,
(which my own build didn`t care about doing at all, he was just going for uber STR along with good WilL Save and Nat Armor)
I`d suggest dropping Barbarian (it`s Rage conflicts with Casting after all),
and stacking up a few more Sorceror levels, i.e. starting out Ftr3/Sor3...

Why? stacking sorc only costs you 1 bab and you end up with more natural armor and spells. Yes?

I still agree on the arcane dualist being a better base though, it has what I need, except for spells.

Hatch240 wrote:
Abraham spalding wrote:
Save some feats, get better features and go with the arcane duelist bard instead of sorcerer.
I had considered this, but the fact is that the bard spell selection is somewhat inferior to the sorcerer and as Enlarge is going to be a staple spell for me, I'd really like to have it.

I think you would get more mileage out of good hope and bardic inspire courage at +2 instead of enlarge person -- and being able to wear armor without having to spend your swift action means you can actually use your swift action for other things (like a quicken spell metamagic rod, or something).

The robes of arcane heritage are something you should look into too -- they'll let you boost your bonuses relatively cheaply (you get to treat your level as 4 higher than it is for sorcerer class abilities) no matter how you go.

Try give the paladin a look, if you don't mind geting only 4th lvl spells. 4 lvls of Paladin gives you good fortitude and will save cha to alle saves and smite evil 2/day,immune to disease(not a big thing) and lay on hands for 2d6

Drop dex to 12 get 15-16 in cha, and go for full plate armor, take spells without somatic (not many but a few)

I liked Fighter/Barb because besides Fort Save and HP, you can get good melee Class Abilities...
In my case I had while Raging, the Will + Fort Save bonus, plus Rage Powers like the Will Save Re-Roll or Knockback.
Fighter variants like 2 Handed Fighter let you increase your Standard Attack dmg by +50% STR, which synergizes with the Dragon Disciple Route.
But if you plan on being the prime Arcane Caster, maybe those are secondary concerns...
...I just don`t go into Dragon Disciple in the 1st place if I plan on being the primary arcane caster.

Recognizing that the balance you`re aiming for is LEANING TOWARDS fulfilling the arcane caster role (even if not as much as a full arcane caster), I think the Magician Bard variant has alot going for it, with the action economy of Immediate Action Dispels, PLUS being able to learn regular Wizard/Sorceror spells (at 2nd, 6th, 10th... class level), which was your big concern.

Quandary wrote:

I liked Fighter/Barb because besides Fort Save and HP, you can get good melee Class Abilities...

In my case I had while Raging, the Will + Fort Save bonus, plus Rage Powers like the Will Save Re-Roll or Knockback.
Fighter variants like 2 Handed Fighter let you increase your Standard Attack dmg by +50% STR, which synergizes with the Dragon Disciple Route.
But if you plan on being the prime Arcane Caster, maybe those are secondary concerns...
...I just don`t go into Dragon Disciple in the 1st place if I plan on being the primary arcane caster.

Recognizing that the balance you`re aiming for is LEANING TOWARDS fulfilling the arcane caster role (even if not as much as a full arcane caster), I think the Magician Bard variant has alot going for it, with the action economy of Immediate Action Dispels, PLUS being able to learn regular Wizard/Sorceror spells (at 2nd, 6th, 10th... class level), which was your big concern.

Yeah, I guess my problem is that I'm really trying to fill several roles. The party has no face, it could use more damage 9what party couldnt) and it could use some arcane help like (especially) haste.

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