Exitilus |
I'm going to start Playing Serpent Skull come soon and I'm designing a few characters. One of them is a Kobold Serpent Shaman (Druid). The only issue I'm looking at is if whether this would be feasable in this campaign?
I've looked through some information on the Town's in the area and a few mentioned "other" races but no specifics.

Mistwalker |

There are some kobolds that have a workign relationship with other races, based on the Island of the Red Mantis (don't have my books with me, starts with an M), which is one of the starting cities for the traits for the adventure. It would not be unreasonable that one of these Kobolds was travelling.
These kobolds are listed/discussed in the new campaign setting book.

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No, not Shaman go Cavalier.
Imagine the terror you could inflict with a screaming Kobold Cavalier on his mighty Deinonychus steed of doom!!
Other screaming about the sheer joy of using something this small and supposedly inoffensive to maul everything in sight I have nothing else to offer.
Go team KOBOLD !!

Asphesteros |

No, not Shaman go Cavalier.
Imagine the terror you could inflict with a screaming Kobold Cavalier on his mighty Deinonychus steed of doom!!Other screaming about the sheer joy of using something this small and supposedly inoffensive to maul everything in sight I have nothing else to offer.
Go team KOBOLD !!
That is Awesome!
I just and to add that this AP seem especially friendly to evil, so a PC (evil or no) that's a from an evil race might get along in this AP better than others. Eleder might be a question, but considering the majority of the population (Mwangi) are themselves the victims of predjudice by the minority in power, a otherwise usually maligned race might find unexpected acceptance, especially from those few non-mwengi who pride themselves on NOT being prejudiced.