Maverick898 |
I'm designing an encounter that would challenge 4 lvl 20 characters. Now I'm aware that according to the book the EL should be around 22, however; given all that players can do at high levels is that even enough?
So far the Encounter will consist of a great wyrm magma dragon (CR 20), and she was going to have a number of followers of different CRs ranging from Rock Troll Barbarians, Half Dragons, and Magma Elementals.
I am looking for opinions on the matter, and for your knowledge the party will consist of: Alchemist, Cavalier, Wizard (Conjurer), Fighter (Two Handed Weapon)
wraithstrike |
I'm designing an encounter that would challenge 4 lvl 20 characters. Now I'm aware that according to the book the EL should be around 22, however; given all that players can do at high levels is that even enough?
So far the Encounter will consist of a great wyrm magma dragon (CR 20), and she was going to have a number of followers of different CRs ranging from Rock Troll Barbarians, Half Dragons, and Magma Elementals.
I am looking for opinions on the matter, and for your knowledge the party will consist of: Alchemist, Cavalier, Wizard (Conjurer), Fighter (Two Handed Weapon)
Is it a boss fight or a regular fight, and it also depends on the class levels you give to the Rock Trolls and the Half Dragons. We really need more info on the party's AC's and saves bonuses. Tactics would be needed also. What might challenge one party might be a cakewalk to another. The specific build of the dragon is also a factor.
Are |
How much do you want to challenge the party? EL 22 should be a slightly tough encounter that the party is expected to defeat by using about 50% of their resources.
If you want a tough encounter where the players will feel like their characters might die, you'll want APL+4; so an EL 24 or so encounter.
deinol |
At this level CRs are only a very rough guide. Have you run these characters through encounters before? My level 16 group has made short work of much higher CR encounters. They have also had trouble with less then APL encounters. It really depends on what strengths the party can bring against the monsters.
For example, my group easily defeated a jabberwok, because our rogue has a vorpal short sword. But the still have trouble with incorporeal foes. The difficulty at that level really depends on the group.
Maverick898 |
Maverick898 wrote:Is it a boss fight or a regular fight, and it also depends on the class levels you give to the Rock Trolls and the Half Dragons. We really need more info on the party's AC's and saves bonuses. Tactics would be needed also. What might challenge one party might be a cakewalk to another. The specific build of the dragon is also a factor.I'm designing an encounter that would challenge 4 lvl 20 characters. Now I'm aware that according to the book the EL should be around 22, however; given all that players can do at high levels is that even enough?
So far the Encounter will consist of a great wyrm magma dragon (CR 20), and she was going to have a number of followers of different CRs ranging from Rock Troll Barbarians, Half Dragons, and Magma Elementals.
I am looking for opinions on the matter, and for your knowledge the party will consist of: Alchemist, Cavalier, Wizard (Conjurer), Fighter (Two Handed Weapon)
It is indeed a boss fight, infact the end game boss fight, while I don't have the stats for the dragons gaurds done up (yet), I do have the dragon which I will post below. The ACs for the party range from 28 to 43. I was planning on making the Rock Trolls/Magma Elemental amalgram barbarian 4(invunerable rager), and the Half dragons still very, I may even just make them draconic sorcerers yet. The Encounter will take place inside a massive volcano which will be protected from spells that would weaken it such as earthquake, or transmute stone to mud etc.
Tactics are to use her magma breath as often as she can in order to weaken the PCS since her allies will have immunity to fire, followed by hold person mass, she will then throw down an incendiary cloud before flying into melee against the strongest or most danagest opponent
Calasara the Ash Queen CR 20
CN Gargantuan dragon (fire)
Init +3; Senses dragon senses; Perception +36
Aura frightful presence (360 ft., DC 29)
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AC 42, touch 5, flat-footed 42 (+37 natural, –4 size, -1 dex)
hp 418 (27d12+243)
Fort +26, Ref +14, Will +24
DR 20/magic; Immune fire, paralysis, sleep; SR 31
Weaknesses vulnerable to cold
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Speed 40 ft., fly 250 ft. (clumsy)
Melee bite +35 (2d8+20/19–20 plus 12 fire), 2 claws +35 (2d6+14/19–20), tail slap +33 (2d6+20), 2 wings +33 (1d8+8) or tail sweep +35 (2d6+20)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with bite)
Special Attacks breath weapon (60-ft. cone, DC 34, 24d6 fire plus special), crush, magma breath, magma tomb
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 27th; concentration +33)
Constant—fire shield (warm)
At will—burning hands (DC 17), scorching ray, wall of fire
3/day—delayed blast fireball (DC 23)
1/day—wall of lava* (DC 24)
Spells Known (CL 19th; concentration +25)
9th (4/day)—gate, hold monster mass (DC 25)
8th (6/day)—incendiary cloud, power word stun (DC 24), summon monster 8
7th (6/day)—greater polymorph, prismatic spray (DC 23), spell turning
6th (7/day)—chain lightning (DC 22), contagious flame* (DC 21), eyebite (DC 22)
5th (7/day)—hungry pit* (DC 21), polymorph, teleport, wall of force
4th (7/day)—acid pit* (DC 20), dimensional anchor, fire shield, wall of fire (DC 20)
3rd (7/day)—displacement, dispel magic, fireball (DC 19), wind wall
2nd (8/day)—darkness, dust of twilight*, flaming sphere (DC 18), glitterdust (DC 18), scorching ray
1st (8/day)—feather fall, flare burst* (DC 17), grease (DC 17), shield, true strike
0 (at will)—bleed (DC 16), detect magic, detect poison, ghost sound, light, open/close, read magic, spark*, touch of fatigue
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Str 39, Dex 8, Con 27, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 23
Base Atk +27; CMB +45; CMD 54 (58 vs. trip)
Feats Flyby Attack, Great Fortitude, Greater Vital Strike, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Critical (claws), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Snatch, Ability Focus (Breath Weapon)
Skills Acrobatics +27 (+31 jump), Climb +42, Escape Artist +27, Fly +22, Intimidate +35, Knowledge (planes) +36, Perception +36, Sense Motive +36, Sleight of Hand +27, Stealth +22, Survival +36, Swim +42
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, Terran
SQ superheated
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Special Abilities
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Superheated (Su)
At young age and older, a magma dragon's bite attack deals additional fire damage equal to its age category.
Magma Breath (Su)
Three times per day, an ancient or older magma dragon can breathe a cone of lava instead of fire. The damage is unchanged, but the magma clings to those it damages, dealing half damage each round thereafter for 1d3 rounds. After this magma cools, it crumbles to dust.
Magma Tomb (Su)
Once per day, a great wyrm magma dragon can spit lava onto a target within 120 feet, dealing damage normally for its breath weapon. This magma cools instantly—it does not continue doing damage at this point but does entrap the victim (DC equals the dragon’s breath weapon save DC, 3d6 minutes, hardness 8, hp 45).
wraithstrike |
wraithstrike wrote:Maverick898 wrote:Is it a boss fight or a regular fight, and it also depends on the class levels you give to the Rock Trolls and the Half Dragons. We really need more info on the party's AC's and saves bonuses. Tactics would be needed also. What might challenge one party might be a cakewalk to another. The specific build of the dragon is also a factor.I'm designing an encounter that would challenge 4 lvl 20 characters. Now I'm aware that according to the book the EL should be around 22, however; given all that players can do at high levels is that even enough?
So far the Encounter will consist of a great wyrm magma dragon (CR 20), and she was going to have a number of followers of different CRs ranging from Rock Troll Barbarians, Half Dragons, and Magma Elementals.
I am looking for opinions on the matter, and for your knowledge the party will consist of: Alchemist, Cavalier, Wizard (Conjurer), Fighter (Two Handed Weapon)
It is indeed a boss fight, infact the end game boss fight, while I don't have the stats for the dragons gaurds done up (yet), I do have the dragon which I will post below. The ACs for the party range from 28 to 43. I was planning on making the Rock Trolls/Magma Elemental amalgram barbarian 4(invunerable rager), and the Half dragons still very, I may even just make them draconic sorcerers yet. The Encounter will take place inside a massive volcano which will be protected from spells that would weaken it such as earthquake, or transmute stone to mud etc.
Tactics are to use her magma breath as often as she can in order to weaken the PCS since her allies will have immunity to fire, followed by hold person mass, she will then throw down an incendiary cloud before flying into melee against the strongest or most danagest opponent
Calasara the Ash Queen CR 20
CN Gargantuan dragon (fire)
Init +3; Senses dragon senses; Perception +36
Aura frightful presence (360 ft., DC 29)...
If it is the end game fight you might want to look at CR 25ish. A CR 22 fight will just make them take a little more time.*
*I am going by my past group members.
I don't know your players stat or abilities, but a hold monster with a DC of 25 won't work, and the cleric probably has freedom of movement or at least he should.
You dragon needs an 8 to hit the highest AC. I am assuming they will buff the fighter so he is harder to hit. That means you should have your dragon buff to counter their buff before the fight begins. I am sure the dragon can afford a few scrolls so he can save his spells for the actual fight. I would also give the dragon maze aka fighter be gone. If the cavalier is the trouble maker then maze him out.
I would give the dragon haste instead of fireball. Fireball is not going to do a lot to them. I would change one of those half dragons into a cleric type to remove an status affect the party inflicts on the boss.
Are |
If the party is aware beforehand that the encounter is going to be inside a volcano, then they are almost certain to make sure they all have protection from fire one way or another, so I wouldn't expect to be able to rely on the Dragon's breath weapon.
Giving the Dragon or one of its minions greater dispel magic would be a good way to counteract that. I agree with wraithstrike regarding haste. With many minions, that spell goes a long way towards forcing the party to deal with the minions before tackling the Dragon itself.
Does the Dragon have advance information regarding the party's preferred tactics? Has it or one of its minions seen them in action first hand?
bittergeek |
Don't forget level appropriate magical gear for all the bad guys. The dragon might still have some of her hoard in the classic carpet-of-coins, but she'll also have dedicated a big chunk of it to personal items. Sure, if the party wins they'll acquire massive treasure, but first they have to fight past a lot of opponents who are wearing/using it. A dragon of that power has had a *lot* of time to acquire or commission just the right pieces of magical accessories, and also a lot of time to consider how best to use it in case adventurers come calling. With a troop of high-powered minions, some of them might be crafters. Or trap-builders.
Benicio Del Espada |
Don't forget level appropriate magical gear for all the bad guys. The dragon might still have some of her hoard in the classic carpet-of-coins, but she'll also have dedicated a big chunk of it to personal items. Sure, if the party wins they'll acquire massive treasure, but first they have to fight past a lot of opponents who are wearing/using it. A dragon of that power has had a *lot* of time to acquire or commission just the right pieces of magical accessories, and also a lot of time to consider how best to use it in case adventurers come calling. With a troop of high-powered minions, some of them might be crafters. Or trap-builders.
"What makes you think this sword is magic?"
"Cuz it hurt like hell!"
+1 on suggestions to debuff your party, and have other contingency plans in place. Greater dispel seems like a no-brainer.