3.5 Loyalist |
Below is the crit chart of doom that is used in my games. It has been introduced into two other games, one taking place in Singapore and another one in Melbourne run by a different DM. It has had some success and really contributes to good times (and fine monster killing) so here it is. Comment below as you wish.
The Crit Chart of Doom
I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways: therefore tremble, and depart.
William Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act V. Scene I.
In the event of a natural 20 (and only a natural 20 for game balance) and a confirmed hit on the secondary roll, the attacker rolls a d100. Critical hits can become augmented and very deadly. Furthermore these crits have consequences upon play and possible actions.
1-40 No modifier change, no bleed. -1 to actions involving body part, -5 foot move if 1-4 on table. For example Osfreed takes a minor critical hit to the right arm (9) with a flanged mace, he is on -1 for attacks with that arm.
41-70 +1 modifier to damage, 1 HP of bleed per round. Part of body damaged. -2 to actions involving body part, -10 move if 1-4 on table. A moderate 41-70 crit with a longsword leads to a x3 modifier, not the usual x2.
71-90 +2 modifier to damage, 2 HP of bleed per round. Part of body crippled/severed/useless. Will fall prone if 1-4 on chart, be unable to attack with arm, be unable to speak (11 or 12: 7-9) or be possibly partially blinded (12: 11-12).
91-95 Taken to -1 HP, 2 HP bleed per round. Lethal attack. Skull cracked, throat cut or pierced, disemboweled. Expertly disposed of, and will likely die very quickly.
96-99 Decapitation or heart strike; groin and abdomen opened; spine or head severely damage. A swift instant death.
100 Supreme death move. Cut in half, splattered, perfect thrust or deadly display seen once in a lifetime. Note: two 20s and a hit lead straight to this.
Possible Modifiers (varant rule)
HP level impacts on modifiers to the crit. The rationale is that once weakened, an actor when crit will be more likely to be finished very badly. Weary from blood loss, they may fall on a well placed blade. Also gives an added bonus to those with razor sharp weapons, or deadly skill. Their crits are going to be a little more lethal.
01-80% HP no modifier to crit roll
80%-90 of HP total +5 to roll. Slowing down, bleeding out, less nimble.
90-99% of HP total +10 to roll. Barely standing, anything that hits well will end it. Skill and enchantment modifiers: Keen +5 to roll, Improved Crit +5
For example, Osfreed and Ruprecht have battled
For some time. Ruprecht is on 11 hp which means
Around 84% of his hp has been lost. Osfreed crits
with his dire pick. Osfreed also has improved
critical. Thus, the controller of Osfreed rolls a d100
and adds 10 to the roll (5 from the weakened
enemy, 5 from his skill). 45 becomes 55, securely
in the second category of crit. The d12 is rolled (6) and it is in the abdomen, if Ruprecht were alive, and he won’t be because the crit is x5, he would be taking -2 to all. Osfreed has prevailed.
Location location
For any natural 20 crit, toll d12 to determine the part of the body effected. Or allow the players’ discretion if the Dm allows it. It adds character, when a player always skewers his enemies in the groin or a duelist who often slices open his opponents face. It does not hurt the game, it only enlivens it. Allows players to tactically damage spellcasters if they cleave off their jaw with a well placed axe attack.
1 Foot or shin For leg, roll d12, 1-6 left, 7-12 right.
2 Knee For leg, roll d12, 1-6 left, 7-12 right.
3 Upper Leg For leg, roll d12, 1-6 left, 7-12 right.
4 Groin Sickened -1 to all or -2.
5 Abdomen Sickened -1 to all or -2.
6 Abdomen Sickened -1 to all or -2.
7 Chest -1 (1-40) -2 (41-70) or -3 (71-90) to armour ac if present.
8 Chest -1 (1-40) -2 (41-70) or -3 (71-90) to armour ac if present.
9 Arm For arm, roll d12, 1-6 leading arm, 7-12 secondary
10 Arm For arm, roll d12, 1-6 leading arm, 7-12 secondary
11 Neck Roll d12 1-8 sides of neck, 9-10 windpipe, 11-12 spine.
12 Head or Face For this, roll d12, 1-6 head, leads to extreme
Disorientation (-1 to -2 for all). 7-9 jaw, cannot speak. 11 left eye, 12 right eye. Partial blindness ensues.
By Trevor Wilson
Inspired by a Crit Chart designed by my brother in the 1990s. Changed and re-introduced in 2009.