[Adamant Entertainment] 30 Character Motivations

Product Discussion

Our latest PDF is now available here on the Paizo store: 30 Character Motivations.

Character Motivations are strong personality traits or passions which represent beliefs or ideals that shape a character’s actions and behavior. Motivations find their way into almost every aspect of a character’s life and can occasionally be difficult to control.

In some ways, Character Motivations are similar to Character Traits. In fact, Traits and Motivations can be used in tandem to create well realized character backgrounds. One important distinction between Traits and Character Motivations, however, is that Character Motivations tend to be a much more integral part of the character than Traits normally are, and subsequently convey considerably larger benefits. Character Motivations can easily dominate most facets of a character’s personality and typically require a heavier role-playing commitment from the player.

This PDF features 15 pairs of opposed Motivations, and full rules for their use in your Pathfinder campaigns.

Written by Marc Radle
Interior Art by Rick Hershey
Cover Art by Joe Calkins, design by Gareth-Michael Skarka

Liberty's Edge

I'm really interested to hear how folks like these!

We did a LOT of playtesting and found that Character Motivations really added a cool, interesting new element to game sessions - especially with groups that enjoy the role playing aspect of the game as much as the combat and exploration aspects!


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