What is a good starting Adventure for a first time DM to run?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I have been playing Pathfinder for a few years now and have recently been asked to GM after our current GM had to put his campaign on hold. I do not have a lot of experience gaming and no experience running a game so I was hoping to find a fairly straight forward and simple game that will not put my players to sleep.

Any Suggestions?

d0 and the rest of the kobold king modules.

Crypt of the Everflame has sidebars that go into detail about some of the rules, and is a 1st level adventure. Also, it is PFRPG-native.

The Godsmouth Heresy looks awesome also, but Kaer Maga (where it takes place) is a lot weirder and less traditional than CotE. That's the one I would choose for myself, but I can't speak to whether it is "introductory" beyond being for 1st level PCs. Also, it is PFRPG-native.

The Kobold King mods would require updating to Pathfinder RPG, which may not be terribly involved, but it could possibly confuse a new GM. Still, if you can calculate CMB and other small changes, they are perfectly serviceable as Pathfinder modules.

If you are really committed to getting into the hobby, you might consider adventure path, since they are whole long-running campaigns. Chances are though, you should start out with a one-shot module and get your feet wet.

Never be afraid to make your own stories, BTW. Read modules and APs to get an idea of how to structure things well, but home-brew adventures are often the most fun to run!

I agree with 'Gast & Lincoln: the Kobold King or Crypt of Everflame are good, all-inclusive adventures.

The early Pathfinder Society adventures make for good one-shots.

I have a special place in my heart for A Dark And Stormy Knight(3.5e), the 1st adventure I GM'd. Its short and sweet(and easy to update to PF).

Dark Archive

Well, that depends: Do you want to start a brand-new, long-term campaign that will go from 1st to 20th? Or do you just want to have a fun weekly game that continues as long as the players are interested?

I'd probably second the Godsmouth Heresy, without even reading it.

If your players are experienced, and you want to get them hookedon Paizo's world, then you should bring out something weird and disturbing and unconventional, and Kaer Maga is all of those things.

Once you've run the mod, you can throw together your own homebrew mini-campaign that goes on however long you want, all set in and around Kaer Maga (check out the City of Strangers book in one way or another; it's awesome).

Rusty Shackleford wrote:

I'd probably second the Godsmouth Heresy, without even reading it.

If your players are experienced, and you want to get them hookedon Paizo's world, then you should bring out something weird and disturbing and unconventional, and Kaer Maga is all of those things.

Once you've run the mod, you can throw together your own homebrew mini-campaign that goes on however long you want, all set in and around Kaer Maga (check out the City of Strangers book in one way or another; it's awesome).

Godsmouth Heresy + City of Strangers would be an awesome basis for a dark urban campaign.

I would steer clear of Kaer Maga if you don't like darker elements like slavery and perversion in your campaign though, because that town has plenty of both.

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