Raleigh, North Carolina - 2011 Game Master's Fair!

Gamer Connection

Hi All,

This is a call to all players in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area of North Carolina! The Raleigh Tabletop Role Playing Game Association will be hosting the first annual Game Master's Fair at Red Sun Academy on April 30th, 2011. The event will feature over a dozen different tables running a wide variety of games, including Pathfinder, D&D 4E, Savage Worlds, World of Darkness, Warhammer, Fudge/Fate, and many, many more!

Additionally, we'll be auctioning off seven GMs who will run a game in the systems of their choice for the winning bidder. Proceeds from the GM auction are used to fund the GM Fair, as well as future events organized by RTR.

Among the GMs who have volunteered to be auctioned are yours truly (Richard Moore's the name in the meatlife world), and Andy Miller, a published RPG writer with credits in both Dragon and Dungeon Magazine (his module "Ex Keraptis Cum Amore" made the cover of Dungeon #77!).

We will also host workshops and discussions led by experienced GMs throughout the day - come on in and get tips for improving your game!

For full details on the 2011 Raleigh Game Master's Fair, visit the following website:


Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you there!

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