I have a question... |

I have a question...
does anyone have the stats for Ruthazek the Gorilla King? If not would someone be able to stat him up for me? It says in the book I have (Heart of the Jungle) that he is a CE male dire ape fighter 14.
Also, are there stats somewhere for the charau-ka? I do not believe they are in the bestiary. How about a picture of them...since I'm begging.
Thanks a lot!!

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Well, he was originally a Human, hen got reincarnated as a Dire Ape sans the Hit Dice...so make a Human Fighter (including bonus Feat and skills), then use the Dire Ape's racial mods (+8 Str, +4 Dex, +6 Con) instead of the human ones, plus the Dire Ape's natural attacks (1d6 bite, two 1d4 claws) plus 10 ft each of space and reach. Probably add 1 to CR based on those changes, and you're good to go.
He'd probably wind up with something like this:
Str 25 Dex 16 Con 20 Int 14 Wis 10 Chr 8
And then appropriate Feats, Weapons, and so on for a Fighter of his level. Probably wearing full plate. And with either Multiattack or a two handed weapon.

Herken Didwyk |

Chopswil over at d20pfsrd has imported all the monsters/NPCs from various APs and other sources and has them online HERE. Ruthazek as Gorilla King and Nascent Demon Lord are on the list. You can also pull them up in a more readable format in Combat Manager a 3rd party initiative tracker reference utility.

Pendagast |

You know I am not saying this to be mean, but if you want something, you should buy that material that it is in. And not be searching around for a free copy of that material. It's nice of Paizo to tell you about the Gorilla king, and that he is a 14th level dire ape fighter. So that you can stat him up on your own for "free".
If you want him and charau-ka, just buy even a few of the serpents skull AP installments that have that information, that's why they put that stuff in there, so people will buy it.

Herken Didwyk |

The fastest way is to pull the drop down on Column A and type "Rut" so that it selects the appropriate section of the alphabet, and then select the monster/NPC you want.
Alternately, you could view it all as a spreadsheet. The Gorilla King version is on line 508 and the Nascent Demon Lord version is on line 597.

I have a question... |

You know I am not saying this to be mean, but if you want something, you should buy that material that it is in. And not be searching around for a free copy of that material. It's nice of Paizo to tell you about the Gorilla king, and that he is a 14th level dire ape fighter. So that you can stat him up on your own for "free".
If you want him and charau-ka, just buy even a few of the serpents skull AP installments that have that information, that's why they put that stuff in there, so people will buy it.
This response is not meant to be mean, but I have given Paizo hundreds of dollars. And I have every AP up to Serpents skull. I no longer have the cash to drop $20 bucks or even $14 for the pdf for only 2 entries. There are many people that enjoy doing up stats for creatures and characters or that have a program to do it...that is why I asked if someone would mind doing it for me.
Paizo will continue to get my money because I enjoy their service and their products. But if I need 1 thing from an AP, I will try to not spend $14-20. And, no offense, but I doubt the people at Paizo will fault me for it.

Pendagast |

The gorilla king is actually pretty cool, I've changed some things in serpent's skull and made it all "planet of the apes", the gorilla king and his minions are trying to take over the city and are full on "THE" rival faction for the PCs.
The two factions (the PCs and the apes) have pretty much avoided each other except for a few skirmishes are are mostly racing to get to things first in order to get power over the other.
The PC's have recently found out there is a plot to turn the gorilla king into something "supernatural" via something that they have found. But they haven't done anything about it yet.
for various reasons, all "outside factions" are done, and out of the picture.