Opinion on magic item

Homebrew and House Rules

Wanted to get opinions on a magic item i am creating.

Keyring Of Many Keys: counts as master-worked thieves tools, 3 times a day you can use "Knock" as the spell.

could some one help me with the cost, costing magic items is out of my understanding. any opinions on it would be nice.


Cost Calculation
Component: Mwk Thieve's Tools 100 gp
Knock 3/day 6480
Command Word - 2(Spell level)x3(Minimum Caster Level) x1800 /(5/3charges)
Total: 6580

That is per rules, and isn't very useful to someone adept with the lock picks in the first place. Knock at a caster level of 3 would only be a +13 to disable device, but would bypass two locks.

So I would suggest using the Chime of Opening as a reference for the base item.

PRD wrote:

Chime of Opening

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th

Slot —; Price 3,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

A chime of opening is a hollow mithral tube about 1 foot long. When struck, it sends forth magical vibrations that cause locks, lids, doors, valves, and portals to open. The device functions against normal bars, shackles, chains, bolts, and so on. a chime of opening also automatically dispels a hold portal spell or even an arcane lock cast by a wizard of lower than 15th level.

The chime must be pointed at the item or gate to be loosed or opened (which must be visible and known to the user). The chime is then struck and a clear tone rings forth. The wielder can make a caster level check Against the lock or binding, using the chime's caster level of 11th. The DC of this check is equal to the Disable Device DC to open the lock or binding. Each sounding only opens one form of locking, so if a chest is chained, padlocked, locked, and arcane locked, it takes four successful uses of a chime of opening to get it open. a silence spell negates the power of the device. a brand-new chime can be used a total of 10 times before it cracks and becomes useless.

That effect in mind, do math to change price to 3 charges per day, 3000 * 5 * 2 / (5/3)

Resulting in a price of 18100 with 100 for being Mwk Thievestools.
Functions like Knock, but only one lock bypassed per use, but with a +21 to bypass the DC.
Keeping in mind that the previous item at CL 11 would have cost 23860, but would bypass two locks.

Overall it's a nice item, but Knock isn't really useful for rogue types, and thieve's tools aren't really useful for those that need Knock, flavor of item is nice though, so I wouldn't bother including the 100gp in the price. The hefty price tag is off putting, so I'd probably only give it to a party if I think they'd actually be keeping it and not trying to pawn it off on vendors.

To really get the price down, I might suggest only 1 use per day for the chime like version, and then it'd be 6100 gp. A nice tool for a rogue still training his lock pick skills, the +21 once per day can get past some things that normally can't even be picked.

thanks for the help, yeah sounds like using chime once per day is a better option for the item.

Liberty's Edge

There is a magic item that does this already.

Like, exactly this.

It's called The Chime Of Opening.

Only difference between this idea and the classic item that's been around for at least 20 years is the chime has charges, while this idea is once/day.

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