grasshopper_ea |

So I'm trying to create an organic feel for the game where the players have freedom to do things, and they have consequenses. One of the players rightfully should have died but we had a split encounter and he wasnt there the next session, but he was a sorcerer in melee with a bone devil with 7 hps. He wanted to playtest the Magus class, so I decided instead of killing him I would turn him into a vampire since the group realy hated the sorcerer for sunbursting them with the morrowfall. He is a diabloist and went to their ship, they have a boat they stay on and dominated the rogue and got the morrowfall with one of his imps and stole it. This was about a month ago. Last night in Walcourt the rogue dropped his +1 defending mithril rapier to use his bow in a deeper darkness spell. The enemies can't hit except on a 20 on anyone in the group so the dark stalker grabbed his rapier and ran. Is this too cruel? Should I replace the items with others? I have a plan for them to get the morrowfall back before they face Ilnerik, but I felt that is exactly what the enemies would do in that situation. Any thoughts?

wraithstrike |

I think keeping the game realistic in that sense is fair.
Darkstalker's point of view--->I can fight these guys and die, or get rich and run away.
If the darkstalker sells that item he probably won't have to work for a few years if he lives modestly. I would probably have the darkstalker sell it, and if the PC happens to ask around town for it I would allow him to buy it back, but I would not give him a free replacement. Actions have consequences. :)

Pendagast |

I don't know how 'realistic' that is, the PC dropped the weapon, he didnt toss it over in the corner. I dunno if I would run over under someones feet to grab an item they are standing over just because they can't see. seems a bit risky. especially when you are over powered.
Think about it this way, bad guys with AK 47s cant see, but youve got night vision goggles, are you gonna grab the guys wallet he dropped by his feet (needing to move up to get it and grab it and then move away) or just plain run?

Graylight |

Think about it this way, bad guys with AK 47s cant see, but youve got night vision goggles, are you gonna grab the guys wallet he dropped by his feet (needing to move up to get it and grab it and then move away) or just plain run?
Agreed, it is definitely a foolhardy course of action. But then, Darkstalkers DO have a racial tendency towards chaotic alignments... And in my mind, nothing says "chaotic" like a dangerous and reckless venture! :P
In regards to the OP, I don't think it's too mean. The player who lost his rapier may feel initially resentful, but as long as they have a chance to recover the weapon, either by force, diplomacy, or simply by buying it back, I think your players will likely all leave with fond memories of the encounter.

grasshopper_ea |

I don't know how 'realistic' that is, the PC dropped the weapon, he didnt toss it over in the corner. I dunno if I would run over under someones feet to grab an item they are standing over just because they can't see. seems a bit risky. especially when you are over powered.
Think about it this way, bad guys with AK 47s cant see, but youve got night vision goggles, are you gonna grab the guys wallet he dropped by his feet (needing to move up to get it and grab it and then move away) or just plain run?
The dark stalkers in question have 4 levels in rogue, fast stealth, and in deeper darkness a +64(+24 normal +40 from invisibility) stealth check, so he could really dance around in circles if he felt like it as long as the magus forgets he has daylight prepared, so going and getting the weapon was a very safe move, much safer than staying with the seeking shotgun gnome vital striking him with exploding dice

GoldenOpal |

I wouldn’t call it too mean… Have the players complained about their stuff being stolen too much or by fiat?
If so, I’d say to remember lots of actions are realistic. From what you’ve said it sounds like in both situations there are other realistic NPC actions that didn’t involve theft and flight.
If not, I wouldn’t worry about it. I sounds like you are playing fair, not just steamrolling them to take their goodies because you can {mwahaha}, or as a ‘hey guys it’s DRAMA’ cheap trick.
Game on :)

grasshopper_ea |

I wouldn’t call it too mean… Have the players complained about their stuff being stolen too much or by fiat?
If so, I’d say to remember lots of actions are realistic. From what you’ve said it sounds like in both situations there are other realistic NPC actions that didn’t involve theft and flight.
If not, I wouldn’t worry about it. I sounds like you are playing fair, not just steamrolling them to take their goodies because you can {mwahaha}, or as a ‘hey guys it’s DRAMA’ cheap trick.
Game on :)
heh noone's allowed to complain now since they just found about 225k in loot, that should be enough to cover the three reincarnates and removing the 9 negative levels.