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After All, It Is Your Game, And You Could Play It Any Manner You Need To. It Is Been That Manner From The Beginning; Supposedly, Gygax Himself Didn't Glass Mosaic supplier Use Minis, However Arneson Did. Every Set Of Pawns Lists Exactly What Is Blanketed On The Lower Back Of The Box, So You Do Not Want To Wonder glass mosaic manufacturers What You're Going To Get. And Even Though The Pawns Can Also Undergo The “pathfinder” Call, There's No Reason You Cannot Use Them For D&d Or Some Other Fable Recreation.
wha...? was this some sort of stealth spam?
Send this 'Bot back to Numeria! D&*%! Technic League Spy'ware! (is Spy-were some sort of shape-shifting spy?)

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I was lucky and participated in the first reaper bones kickstarter. Over the years I (or better my girlfriend) painted a few of them, but most times we use them unpainted.
If we need more minis or some where we don't have a good representation for, we use decor glass pearls (mostly for goons/mass combat).
For player characters we get a little more "over the top" since I got my own resin 3D printer. And since they are important, they are also most times painted (or at least got a quick grounding + 3 color wash).

mardaddy |

@Bob's Feet - yup... gotta be. No profile, no aliases, first post ever and formatted super weird.
Regarding topic - really don't have much to add, I have a HUGE mini collection, vast majority painted. But I've been collecting and painting since the 1980's too. I covet the mini aesthetic when I game, helps immersion for me. YMMV.