TWF- Penetrating Strike or Bleeding Crit



Just been re-thinking my Two weapon warrior build. (replaying it in new game starting at Lvl 14) Had a blast last time but re-thinking.

Given that DR is a problem for TWW more than 2 handed, is a TWW better off taking Penetrating Strike at 15 or Bleeding Crit?

This is in a Duel wield scimitar build.

This is purely a dpr question.

Currently the build has
12 Martial Stance: Martial Spirit (and an earlier feat retrained for rolibars gambit)
13 Staggering Crit (at 13 gets equal oppourtunity)
14 Two Weapon Rend
15 Penetrating Strike
16 Gtr Wpn Fcs: Scimitar (reformed feat for combat vigor)
18 GTR Wpn Spl
19 Melee Wpn Mastery
20 Gtr Penetrating Strike (reformed feat for combat strike)

We will be using the critical feat deck for the first time.
Last time I used a
Primary- +5 keen, corrosive, wounding, ghost touch scimitar

Offhand- +5 keen, frost, wounding, menacing, keen scimitar

I'm thinking if I go Bleeding crit it may? outdo the damage from penetrating strike (DM does like DR though) and if this is right would save me the wounding enhancement for something better?

Our Divine caster player (dude ALWAYS plays cleric/inquis/druid/oracle) loves to buff so alignment wpn is usually not a issue.

Given all this would Bleeding at 15 and Critical mastery at 20 work better?
I took staggering cause it denies full attacks and is some Battle control, but it seemed a little counter productive last time. The build uses rolibar's which is a 3.5 fighter version of come and get me.

Thing is by this level I was staggering almost everyround. So full attacks vs me almost never happened (since rolibars counters each strike- my stagger interupts thier full attacks).

Still works but means you generally only get 1 or 2 AOO's per round. This limits the damage I take but, consequently limits the damage I do (since I need the AOO's to TWF+rend per AOO)


Another thought?

Maybe instead forget retraining for Rolibar's Gambit and take Bleeding crit at 12 instead?

That way at 13 when I'm staggering I can use my full attack for stacking bleed?

I won't get the AOO's from rolibars (but I would if they move while staggered). If they don't move and decide to hit me, I won't get the AOO. (currently with rolibar's I get it reguardless) but if they don't move then I just full attack them again next round.


Rolibar's seems to (maybe) be worth more. A TWF/TWR aoo is worth about 90 damage

vs No AOO (unless they move) but I'd get to (possibly) bleeding crit, IF they move. I can only stagger or bleed, not both till 20. So stagger is my first choice.


maybe mobile fighter is better TWF than TWW?

never built one of those yet, didn't like the idea of giving up my best attack?

Is it a better way to go on a full attack/critical effect, rolibar's build?

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