Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-4C: Who Needs Sleep
Scenario Reward
Loot: blessing Achaekek's Claws
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 4.2->4.3
Will spend hero point for power feat (Hand Size 7)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
3 + 1 - 1 = 3
Loot rolls
1st choice Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 411 Vindicator
Will adjust if necessary
Deck Upgrades
Weapon 4 (Vindicator) (depends on Ramexes choice)
Banished Cards: Fortune-teller
Holes Filled: Fortune-teller
Removed: If win weapon then deathbane crossbow

Ramexes - Gimry |

Deck Upgrades
Hero Point
Power Feat: Reveal divine for d8+1

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend hero point on skill feat: +1 Charisma
Increase possible number of Card feats to tier+1.
Supporter Feat: Pathfinder Chronicler
Deck upgrade:
Item 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 632 Belt of Physical Prowess -> Boots of Alacrity
Weapon 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 4 Galvanic Chakram +1 -> Splashbolt Crossbow
Might be interested in the loot armor during deck 5, when I get armor proficiency, but not before then.

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point:
Skill Feat: Cha (Increase Skill Feats to Tier+1)
Suppporter Feat:
Weapon 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 29
Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 532

Adowyn the Hunter |

Increase to Tier 5.
Increase Skill Feat cap to Tier+1.
Spend Hero Point on Skill Feat: Dexterity +2
1 Hero Point remaining
Do not use Heroic reward to swap feats around
Supporter Feat: Boors
Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 224 Charm Animal -> Aspect of the Wolf
Not interested in any other upgrades. Banished blessing will be replaced by itself.

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-4D: Tiger's Den
Scenario Reward
Loot: armor Angelic Armor
Adventure Reward
Gain a supporter feat. increase power feat by 1
Tier/XP 4.3->5.0
Will spend hero point for power feat ☑ When you would discard cards as damage, you may recharge up to 2 (☐ 4) of those cards instead.
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
3 + 1 - 1 = 3
Loot rolls
1st choice Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 822 Lightning Bolt
Will adjust if necessary
Deck Upgrades
Lightning Bolt spell 3
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: Force Missile

Rivani 12789 |

Pick Boors for supporter feat.

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend hero point on card feat - Armor.
Add Sable Company Leathers to deck, though it will be loot-swapped for Angelic Armor
Deck upgrade
Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 575 Sacred Candle -> Ring of Regeneration
Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 168 Galvanic Chakram -> Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 897 Cerulean Mastermind -> Wayfarer

Adowyn the Hunter |

Spend Hero Point on Power Feat: ☑ You gain the skill Disable: Dexterity +2.
Deck Upgrade:
Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 193 Animalbane Crossbow +2 -> Thorn Bow

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-5A: Searching for Clues
Scenario Reward
Loot: spell Sadomasochism, ally Zellara
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 5.0->5.1
Will spend hero point for power feat +1 handsize
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
3 + 1 - 2 = 2
Loot rolls
1st choice Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 67 Headband of Mental superiority
1st choice Ally 5: 1 = 1 Andachi
Will adjust if necessary
Deck Upgrades
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: None

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Skill Feat: Cha
Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 510 -> Clockwork Librarian

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend hero point on power feat: Armor proficiency
Deck upgrade
Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 827 Staff of Minor Healing -> Robe of Items
Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 209 Galvanic Chakram -> Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Blessing 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 205 Blessing of the Quartermaster 2 -> Blessing of Yaezhing

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-5B: Race for the Cemetary
Scenario Reward
Loot: spell Steal Soul, weapon Ukwar Axe
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 5.0->5.1
Will spend hero point for card feat (Blessing)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
2 + 1 - 1 = 2
Loot rolls
1st choice Item 5: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Headband of Mental Superiority
Will adjust if necessary
Deck Upgrades
The Lady of Mysteries (Blessing 3)
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: If Item then Zellara's Harrow Deck
Planned Loot for next scenario TBD
Interest in Steal Soul: Yes

Ranzak - Iceman |

Oh yeah, Ranzak did use a hero point. Down to one.
But I also completed season 6 offline, so I can give him a bonus one.

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Card Feat: Weapon
Remaining: 0
Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 18
Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 863
Interested in Ukwar Axe

Adowyn the Hunter |

Tier 5.2, spend Hero Point on Skill Feat: Dexterity +3. 1 Hero Point remaining.
Blessing 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 628 Blessing of the Ancients -> Blessing of Old Deadeye
Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 886 Mammoth Hide Armor -> Bearskin Armor (pre-Core; it's strictly worse than the Core version despite being a higher level, but part of the challenge to myself with this character was to build Adowyn exclusively with the Hunter Class Deck)

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend hero point on card feat depending on upgrades, but either spell (Swipe) or item (Bloodroot Poison).
Deck upgrades:
Item 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 888 Staff of Minor Healing -> Robe of Items
Weapon 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 743 Galvanic Chakram -> Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 80 Corrosion -> Steal Soul

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Power Feat - On your check to acquire a weapon/Armor add 1 die
Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 579 - Aqueous Orb -> Steal Soul
Spell 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 528 - Fiery Glare -> Divine Fortune
Blessing 3: 1d1000 ⇒ 877 - Gods -> Urgathoas Gluttony
Boon: 1d20 ⇒ 20

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-5C: Revisiting the Countess
Scenario Reward
The party gets all boons remaining in locations. Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 5.0->5.1
Will spend hero point for skill feat (wis +1)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
2 + 1 - 1 = 2
Boon Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 7 Not Today
Loot rolls
1st choice Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 709 Disintegrate
1st choice Spell 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 45 Chain Lightning
Will adjust if necessary
Deck Upgrades
Disintegrate / Chain Lightning
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: Lightning Bolt / Acid Burst
"Planned Loot for next scenario TBD
Interest in Steal Soul: Yes"

Adowyn the Hunter |

Tier 5.3, spend Hero Point on Card Feat: 5 Allies. Spent 1 HP during scenario, 0 HP remaining.
Fill new card slot with Ally 5: Stag (uncontested). No other upgrades.

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend scenario hero point on +1 Con.
Spend Adventure reward on increasing Skill feat max and follow up with +1 Con using the adventure hero point.
Deck upgrade
Weapon 3: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Snakebite Dagger -> Splashbolt Crossbow
Mildly interested in the Shield, since he is proficient in Armor.

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Bonus (Power Feat): Reveal Divine Card for d8+2
Spell 3: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Heat Meta->Divine Insight
Blessing 5: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Downgrade to a Blessing 2 for Urgathoas Gluttony
Interested in the Ally Loot potentially

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-5D: An Unwelcome Reunion
Scenario Reward
The party gets all boons remaining in locations. Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade.
Adventure Reward
Gain a hero point. Each character chooses a type of feat and increases their maximum number of that feat type to their tier + 1. (choose Card Feat Spell)
Tier/XP 5.3->6.0
Will spend bonus hero point on card feat (Spell: Death's Touch)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
2 + 2 - 1 = 3
Loot rolls
Deck Upgrades
Death's Touch (Spell 4 from Card Feat)
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: None
Planned Loot for next scenario TBD
Interest in Steal Soul: Yes

Ramexes - Gimry |

Man, I wasn't thinking when I wrote that last post....
I'm taking Divine FORTUNE as my upgrade Spell.
I'm also taking a Card Feat(Ally) for the Bonus Feat.

Adowyn the Hunter |

Tier 6.0
Bank scenario hero point (now 1)
Increase Card Feat cap and spend Adventure hero point on a Card Feat: 5 Blessings.
Take Blessing 5 as my upgrade (uncontested) to fill the empty slot with Blessing of Wind and Waves.
No feat swap for Heroic reward.

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend hero point on card feat: Weapon
Deck Upgrade:
Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 260 Dancing Dagger!
Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 454 Steal Soul
Hellknight Plate is an upgrade to Angelic Armor, but very good for others as well (reduce all by 2!) so someone else should grab it.

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-6A: Storm of Ravenous Shadows
Scenario Reward
"Supporter: Aviva Racovick
Loot: the armor Hellknight Plate"
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 6.0->6.1
Will spend hero point on skill feat (Wis+2)Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
3 + 1 - 1 = 3
Loot rolls
1st choice Spell 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 107 Dominate
Deck Upgrades
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: If Spell, then Fly
Planned Loot for next scenario: Steal Soul

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Card Feat: Armor
Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 224
Armor 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 935
I am very interested in the Hellknight Armor, if I don't get the Weapon upgrade though, I'll take my own and someone else can grab it.

Adowyn the Hunter |

Tier 6.1
Hero Point: Power Feat: After you defeat a monster (☐ or a barrier), you may examine the top card of your deck; if it has the Animal trait (☐ or is a weapon), you may draw it. (☑ Then you may recharge the top card of your deck.)
No deck upgrades.
Interested in Hellknight Plate for the time being.

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend hero point on power feat: +1 Hand size
Not able to really use the loot weapon.
Deck upgrade:
Weapon 6: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Splashbolt Crossbow -> Razorglass Knife
Item 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 853 Gem of Physical Prowess -> Lost Harrows
Blessing 6: 1d1 ⇒ 1 Blessing of Wadjet -> Blessing of the Pallid Princess
Otherwise, Spell 5 to put Steal Soul into the deck.

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Skill Feat: Str
Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 421
Supporter Feat: Moise

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-6B: With Friends Like These
Scenario Reward
"Loot: the weapon Ashbringer
Gain a Supporter Feat (Aviva Racovick)"
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 6.1->6.2
Will bank hero point
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
3 + 1 - 0 = 4
Loot rolls
Deck Upgrades
Banished Cards: None
Holes Filled: None
Removed: None
Planned Loot for next scenario: Steal Soul

Adowyn the Hunter |

Hero Point: Skill Feat: Dexterity +4 (0 HP remaining)
Supporter Feat: Jayna Lemore
Deck Upgrade: 1d1000: 6 = 6 Blessing of the Ancients -> Blessing of the Savored Sting Well, it still beat Ranzak's roll... barely :P
Still plan on taking Balmberry and Hellknight Plate.

Ranzak - Iceman |

Spend hero point on Skill Feat: +1 Wis
Deck upgrades:
Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 424 Splashbolt Crossbow -> Razorglass Knife
Spell 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 990 Corrosion -> Steal Soul
Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 59 Cerulean Mastermind -> Wayfarer
Blessing 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 347 Blessing of Wadjet -> Blessing of the Pallid Princess

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-6C1: An Unlikely Alliance
Scenario Reward
"Loot: the item Staff of Greater Necromancy.
Each character may search the vault for a blessing and draw it.
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade. After gaining this reward, you cannot gain the reward from scenario 6C2."
Adventure Reward
Tier/XP 6.2->6.3/b]
Will spend hero point on skill feat (Wis+3)
[b]Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
4 + 1 - 2 = 3
Loot rolls
1st choice Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 78 Andachi
Deck Upgrades
Banished Cards: The Foreign Trader
Holes Filled: The Foreign Trader
Removed: If Ally, Leech
Planned Loot for next scenario: Steal Soul

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Power Feat: a card that has the Divine trait to add 1d8 (☑ +1 ) (☑ +2 )
Weapon 6: 1d1 ⇒ 1
Ukwar Axe
Darb Tuttle

Adowyn the Hunter |

Card Feat: 2 Armors.
For scenario reward, draw a Blessing 4.
Armor 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 723 Fill empty slot with Bearskin Armor.
Blessing 4: 1d1000 ⇒ 729 Blessing of Gozreh -> Blessing of Milani.
(Both upgrades are uncontested, and we get 2 upgrades this scenario, so I am assuming I get both).
Continue to take Balmberry and Hellknight Plate as loot.

Ramexes - Gimry |

Hero Point
Saved - 1 Remaining
Weapon 6: 1d1000 ⇒ 908
Ally 5: 1d1000 ⇒ 664
I can take an Ally 5 as my second upgrade, so if someone wants my pull for something.

Ranzak - Iceman |

Save the hero point - have 3 now.
Deck Upgrades:
Use an uncontested spell 5 to put Steal Soul back in the deck.
Use an Item 6 to replace Embalming Fluid with Ring of Serene Contortions.
Interested in the Ring of Splendid Security to replace the bloodroot poison.
Not using the pull from the vault, unless it's needed for the Item, so can pull a blessing, armor, ally, etc for someone else.

Rivani 12789 |

Rivani - 6-6D: The Demilich's Domain
Scenario Reward
"Loot: the item Ring of Splendid Security
Each character may search the vault for a boon and draw it.
Adventure Card Society characters may choose a bonus deck upgrade."
Adventure Reward
"Adventure: Each player chooses one of their Pathfinder Adventure Card Society characters. That character may treat the following cards as 1 level lower: spells Deathgrip, Divine Blaze, Holy Javelin, Holy Light, Vampiric Touch; items Ambrosia, White War Paint; weapons Mace of Smiting, all weapons whose name includes “Deathbane”.
Adventure Path Reward
Each player chooses 1 of their Pathfinder Adventure Card Society characters. That character may add the item Soul Shard to their Class Deck box."
Tier/XP 6.3->6.4
Will Bank Hero Point (also spent one during scenario)
Hero Points (Prior + Gained - Used = Current)
3 + 1 - 1 = 3
Loot rolls
None Needed (use reward or 1 ally 6)
Deck Upgrades
Toff Ornelos (Ally 6)
Banished Cards: The First
Holes Filled: The First
Removed: Andachi
Planned Loot for next scenario: Steal Soul