Spike Growth and Spike Stones Question

Rules Questions

This may be redundant to ask but i want to be sure I am not screwing my players over.

With Spike Growth and Spike Stones it says that you take damage of 1d4 (or 1d8) for every 5 feet you move through the affected area unless you make a reflex save. When you take damage your movement is reduced to half speed unless you perform a heal check or have a cure spell cast on you.

So is it safe to assume that if your npc have damage reduction that negates any damage from the spell, that they could not be reduced to half speed then?

I understand the RAI here as "your feet are impaled by spikes, thus you're crippled" - this interpretation proves you right.
But by RAW, I'm not sure if 0 damage counts as damage or not

You are correct. If ya don't takes da damage, ya don't hurts your feets.

Quantum Steve wrote:
You are correct. If ya don't takes da damage, ya don't hurts your feets.

Yeah I figured as much. Thanks!

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