Heroes needed in the Stolen Lands! (Kingmaker PBP recruiting)

Gamer Connection

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Okay, all, I'm going to go ahead and close up shop for submissions now. Here is the final list of concepts from which I will pick my six players. (Yes, it will certainly be six.)

Arazni - Adam Burlevogne, Halfling Court Bard
Sorvahr - Vangaar, Human (Kellid) Barbarian
Max Hellspont - Havrin Stahl, Human Ranger (Skirmisher)
John Woodford - Retsiji, Human Diviner
Animaezing - Aran Yorith, Human Summoner
lovelydwarf - Tomas Aranov, Human Rogue (Guide)
Count Buggula - Bea, Human Paladin of Erastil
godsDMit - Jacyn Frestarn, Half-Elf Cavalier (Order of the Lion)
Papa-DRB - Gaenary, Human Cleric of Erastil
Talomyr - Vladimir Ducheski, Human Fighter (Aldori Swordlord)
Rizzym Jaderenai - Orim Azarr, Dwarven Druid/Torthen Azduum, Dwarven Oracle of Stone/Ordin Barhak, Dwarven Fighter
normanak - Findecáno Oronrá, Half-Elf Sorcerer (Fey Bloodline)
Thetis of the Azure - Lupus Nequam, Human Rogue (Poisoner)
Chris Banks - Simn Thistleworth, Gnome Cleric of Irori

Thank you one and all! Now, for the hard part. I will take this weekend to decide who to accept into the game (when I'm not watching NCAA basketball that is). I will post the roster of players on Monday. Many fine concepts will have to be turned away, unfortunately, so please don't feel too badly if you don't make the cut. Have a great weekend, everyone!

For my own personal sanity, would you mind telling us how many points we would have for ability scores if we are selected?

Arazni wrote:
For my own personal sanity, would you mind telling us how many points we would have for ability scores if we are selected?

No problem. Since we are going to have a party of six characters, I will hold you guys to a 15 point buy for this one.

Rising Phoenix,

The Kingmaker game that I had been in seems to have returned to life, so I will be removing Vladimir from consideration. Thanks for considering the character.


Okay, Talomyr. Thanks for your interest, and thanks for letting me know.

may i propose any of the following characters?

Rinslet Nightwalker, female fetchling ninja/shadow sorcerer/arcane trickster, not quite a child, yet not quite legally an adult either. dresses in gothic victorian garb and knifes people from the shadows.

Rinslet grew up in queen Abrogail's attic, kept as her younger sister's 'dirty little secret' and an illegitimate heir to the house of Thrune. from time to time, the royal guards would have various knife wounds and Rinslet would seem content, the queen never realized that her 'dirty little secret' had been sneaking out in the dead of night, interacting with others and mysteriously assassinating enemies on the streets. one day, the queen discovered her mystery assassin and instead of granting her a job, locked her in the darkest corners of the dungeon. saying to herself, 'i cannot let my dirty little secret become known, stay here until your end you should.' the next new moon, rinslet escaped the country as a whole and headed her way to the stolen lands to escape.

Joseph, Phantom of the raging sands, male human ninja. dual wields sickles and slits throats.

Joseph is a wanted criminal within the land of quadira. initially, part of a band of 40 whom took lives and pundered wealth, countless times, one day, Joseph was taking his turn to scout for wealth to plunder. and he returned to find the burned remains of his 39 comrades, whom were like brothers, the smell of oil and ash was potent, and the insignia of the quadiran royal family. he attempted to assassinate the sultan and got caught, he was bound to a cross, oil slathered everywhere among his body and torches lit, his flesh was to be burned, he made a deal with one of the dawnflower's more malicious aspects, his life be spared until he achieves his vengeance, in exchange, his body should burst into flames either way, he is denied any chance at an afterlife and that he keep the charred flesh as a reminder. now he wears bandages over his blackened charred skin which are covered by a black holocaust cloak and a blackened steel mask.

sorry, i didn't know this thread was full.

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:

sorry, i didn't know this thread was full.

No problem, Shuriken. To be honest, I'm not sure I'm exactly the sort of DM you'd want anyway. I'm much more traditional in what I want from my D&D/PF role-playing experience. Still, I wish you the best in finding a game that you will enjoy.

Well, everyone, I know I said I would take until Monday to post my decision, but I hope no one will mind if I jump the gun a bit. My mind is made up, so why wait? After thoughtful consideration, I'd like to ask the following six players to participate in this game:

Arazni - Adam Burlevogne, Halfling Court Bard
Max Hellspont - Havrin Stahl, Human Ranger (Skirmisher)
John Woodford - Retsiji, Human Diviner
Count Buggula - Bea, Human Paladin of Erastil
godsDMit - Jacyn Frestarn, Half-Elf Cavalier (Order of the Lion)
Chris Banks - Simn Thistleworth, Gnome Cleric of Irori

Again, let me thank all of you who took the time to write up a submission. They all were very good, and it was a difficult decision.

Also, for those not taken this time, please keep an eye on this thread for a bit longer. If any of the first six should change their mind, I'll post back here for a replacement.

OOC thread will go live soon.

As promised, the OOC thread is live.


Players, please post as soon as you can, to confirm that you accept your place in the game. Thanks!

Have fun everyone!

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