Help me Build Hawk from DA2



Was really inspired by the DA2 video and wanted to make that char (optimised of course)

Now I'm trying to make a Arcane Warrior type with kick ass melee.
I figured a witch with the Strength Patron because:
1.He heals himself in the fight with no item, I figured HEALING HEX.
2.That list gives me Divine Favor which I can quicken reasonably early)

House rules: 2 Flaws are allowed (I took Shaky,Murky Eyed) for 2 extra 1st level feats.
Ability scores- chose whatever you like as long as total modifiers equlal 8, you are only allowed 1 negative mod, no more than -1.

I came up with

Build: Weapon Master 3/Witch7/EK 10
Race: Alignment: Chaotic Good
Theme- Battlemage
Race: Elf (Dreamspeaker racial trait +1DC to div and sleep effects, +2 will, Favored class: witch hp)
Ability Scores:
STR 17 (18)
DEX 13 (14)
CON 15
INT 19 (21)
WIS 10
Skills= 7 skill points per level
2 Flaws- Murky Eyed, Shakey
2 traits- Magical Knack, Desperate Focus

WpnM1 Wpn Fcs: Elven Curve Blade, Stepup, Following Step, Power Attack
Witch1 Cantrips, Familiar, Slumber Hex
Witch2 Healing Hex, Combat Casting
MpnM2 Wpn Guard 1, Arcane Armor Training
Witch3 Arcane Strike
WpnM3 Wpn Training 1
Witch4 Flight Hex, Ability Fcs
Witch6 Tongues Hex, Stepup and Strike
EK1 Wpn Specialization
EK2 Melee Wpn Mastery
EK4 Quicken Spell
EK5 Gtr Wpn Fcs
EK6 Dazing Assault
EK8 Lunge
EK9 Gtr Wpn Spl
EK10 Selective Spell

Attack/Damage/Sleep Hex:
Your attack at 20 is 16 +4(gtr wpn fcs, mastery) +5(enhancement)+ 3(belt of physical perfection) +5(18str, +2Tome)+ 3(Wpn Training/Duelist Gloves)- 5(PA)= 31/26/21/16

Damage with a +5 Menacing, Sonic, Keen, Ghost Touch Longsword is
D10 +12(1.5 x str w/belt)+15(PA)+ 6(wpn spl, mastery)+5(enhancement)+1d6(sonic) +4 arcane strike+3(Weapon Training/Duelist Gloves)= av 55 per strike

Sleep Hex DC= 10 +3 (1/2 witch levels)+1(Dreamspeaker racial)+11 (21 INT,+5 Tome, +6Headband)+Ability Focus= 27

Now I think it needs a little tweaking.
Gtr Wpn Spl could probably go. +2 Damage when you're doing over 50 per strike ain't much and it comes late. It has to be a combat feat

I'm not sure if my hexes are optimal. I chose them because the whole cackle thing wastes actions on a melee dude and evil eye/misfortune hex dc would suck with only 7witch levels. I tried to pump slumber cause it's an awesome hex, I hope I got the DC high enough, (at least on melee brutes)

3.5 feats are allowed (nothing broken)

Ends up with 8th level casting 18CL which I'm happy with.
I'm looking mostly for awesome witch spells to synergise here (spell list is a little limited)
Obviously the plan is to B/C a bit, then quicken a divine power and go kick a$$.

Help please.

Shadow Lodge

I presume you mean this trailer

Looks like an interesting build, though if you're trying to specifically make the character from the trailer I'm not sure about those flaws, if it's just inspired by the trailer than never mind.

I didn't notice any healing going on in the trailer, except maybe just before the end.

Definitely missing defensive abilities there, so maybe combat expertise instead of greater weapon specialization, or maybe take improved sunder to take advantage of the curve blade, you already meet the prerequisites.

Biggest weakness on this character is the familiar, which you must have in order to get your spells. Maybe take the improved familiar feat instead of the above.

Please don't use so much abbreviation. You (probably) have an entire keyboard in front of you and no meaningful character limit. I know its not really important, but it does confuse things (me) occasionally.

Why not simply use the Magus Class?

Not using magus because:

1. It's not finalized yet
2. It focuses on blasts (I got the impression this guy was more control/Conjuration)
3. No healing (the dude Definately uses a touch 'cure' spell on his arm)
4. Only 6th level casting. I got the impression that hawk (in the video) can cast high order spells (build gets 8th)
5. Wasn't a whole lot of spelcombat. Seemed to be one or the other.

To the first reply.
I'm really flexible on gtr wpn spl and maybe even gtr wpn fcs. He'd still have a to hit of 30 and that's before a quickened divine favor and boots of speed adding another +4.

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