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Eh? What nerf bat?
Oh, the This demoralization effect can't be used to make them frightened thing. That's not what I was thinking demoralization was being used for honestly, haha.
I think the melee characters giving a group of people the penalties for shaken for a turn or two, combined with the rest of the chain for deadly stroke are fun to have for a fighter.
Dazzling Display seems very RPable too, which isn't always true for feats.
"Let it be known that you don't face any sword today, but Malthindor! Oblivion's Blade!"

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Yeah, what nerf bat?
Letting the effect stack with other fear sources would be cheesey-broken, given how utterly devastating the Frightened condition is, and how there are multiple sources for applying shakened at first level.
Weapon Focus (ray) + Dazzling Display is an absolute favorite tactic of my Half-Orc Orc-Bloodline Sorcerer, and straight Intimidate is very handy at levels 1-3.