Thomas LeBlanc RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
1) The person who inititates the grapple gets a +5 to maintain the grapple on subsequent rounds.Someone with the grappled condition gets a -2 to CMB except to break grapples.
So the person who initiates the grapple has a net of +3 to maintain the grapple on subsequent rounds?
A grappled creature takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, except those made to grapple or escape a grapple.
No, it stays +5 as long as you are making grapple checks.
Ki_Ryn |
So moving someone, damaging them, pinning them, and tying them up all count as "grappling"? I guess that makes it easy.
Now the victim can't use those options right? So the attacker will be making grapple checks at +5 to damage the victim while the victim is making attack rolls at -2 to fight back? (assuming the victim is unlikely to out-grapple the attacker).
If the attacker is using the grapple option (at +5) to inflict damage with a weapon, can they employ things like Power Attack - or do they have to use the attack option (at -2) to do that?