Measuring Areas of Light

Rules Questions

Silver Crusade

Just wanted to ask about how you determine areas of light from light sources. I know that area effects are measured out from an origin intersection point. Is light measured the same way or from the square which holds the light source?

I just want to make sure before my players head into Delvehaven at night.

$ Light (x) dx

I cannot find a quote right now, but because many spells generate light, it is easiest (and most consistent) in my experience to treat all light sources as areas of effect.

ALEX HUNTER 160 wrote:

Just wanted to ask about how you determine areas of light from light sources. I know that area effects are measured out from an origin intersection point. Is light measured the same way or from the square which holds the light source?

I just want to make sure before my players head into Delvehaven at night.

do a search for "Table: Light Sources and Illumination"

It explains how a light source affects the current area. I don't know if you start from the square or a point to be honest, but it is only about a half square distance so it won't matter much except in strange cases.

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