TWF question

Rules Questions

I want to make sure I have this correct

pc is dual wielding sickles and has selected two hand fighting & weapon finesse feats (dex 16)

The TWF + using light weapons reduces her attack penalties to minus 2 on each but she gets an extra attack with her off hand so three total attacks at -2 ea but when adding weapon finesse she adds her dexterity bonus so now has 3 attacks at +1 each.

Is this correct and does the dexterity bonus apply to the damage rolls as well?


With dex and two weapon fighting penalties alone, +1 to hit with each weapon. You cannot get your dex to damage with weapon finesse.

Scarab Sages

Weapon Finesse does not apply to damage.

When fighting with two weapons, you gain a single extra attack (for holding a second weapon).

The Two-Weapon Fighting feat reduces penalties for fighting with two weapons, but does not in and of itself grant an extra attack.

Got it, the extra attack is just the 2nd attack (with off hand weapon).

Thank you both for the help

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