Simple fighter bonus feat question

Rules Questions

A fighter gets a bonus feat starting at first level and every even level (meaning he gets a feat at every level).

Does the fighter start with 2 feats at first level(1 standard + 1 bonus)?

Thank you

Edit also with skills does putting the first rank into a class skill result in a +3 bonus or a +4 bonus (+3 class skill + 1 rank)

Yes. Unless said fighter is a human, then 3 feats (1 normal feat, 1 combat bonus feat, 1 feat for being human)
Yes. +4 bonus (1 rank, +3 class skill bonus,+relevant modifier)

Sovereign Court

The Outlaw Josie Whales wrote:

A fighter gets a bonus feat starting at first level and every even level (meaning he gets a feat at every level).

Does the fighter start with 2 feats at first level(1 standard + 1 bonus)?

Thank you

Edit also with skills does putting the first rank into a class skill result in a +3 bonus or a +4 bonus (+3 class skill + 1 rank)

From the PRD

Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.”

So Yes, a fighter would start with 2 feats, 1 for being first level and 1 as his bonus feat.

As for the class skills, you gain a +3 for the skill in question being a class skill so if you put one point into a class skill then you would add +4 to your skill roll. (+3 class skill + 1 rank)

Thank you both for the quick and helpful replies

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