Happy Valentine's Day

Off-Topic Discussions

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

I just want to wish all the lady gamers a happy Valentine's Day!

I was told you have to give one to everyone in the class:

Happy St Valentine's day, Ya'll!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Aw all right, happy V-Day everyone!

What a day to have the votes in!

Liberty's Edge

Trevor Merback wrote:
I just want to wish all the lady gamers a happy Valentine's Day!

Just wanna do something special for all the ladies in the world

Caribbean ladies
Parisian ladies
Bolivian ladies
Namibian ladies
Eastern Indochinian ladies
Republic of Dominican ladies
Amphibian ladies
Presbyterian ladies
Outta sight
Amazin' ladies
Late night
Hard workin' ladies
Brainy ladies
All you sexy hermaphrodite lady-man-ladies
With your sexy lady bits and your sexy man bits too
Even you must be in to you

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

The lady and I went out and had a fantastic weekend. Today was actually pretty low-key; mostly she just cooked (I'm sure that sounds typical, but I'm actually the housewife most of the time) and played some MtG with me.

Here's hoping everyone had an awesome day, whether alone or in pairs (or more-than-pairs, if that's your scene). And tomorrow? Half-priced chocolate everywhere!!

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