zza ni |

127: That is a mental defect and if cured they may gain another different mental problem. Consider me a gatekeeper against Kender.
come now. finding other's stuff on yourself with no recollection of it can happen with so many other reasons. gremlins come to mind too...
and the point is not the items gained but the set of mind that follows. like what if the item found is a hit list? with a party member's name 3rd with a red line underneath?
or a tiny doll that straight out ask the character "are you my mommy?"

Goth Guru |

More about 127: How about this, No matter how much you chain yourself up or lock yourself in, every time you wake up a random stolen item finds you. It teleports or is brought to you somehow. If it's too big for your pockets it might just appear in bed with you. Some chaotic outsiders think this is a hoot.

Goth Guru |

133: Has a double only they can see or hear. The double is always second guessing their decisions. There might be more for multiple choice situations. You can cast augury to tell which one is right. No spells granted by this power. The GM might take over one to get the game back on track. They could as easily use them to mess with you.
134: Not so free spell. They can cast one spell at will using their life force. Cantrips cause them one subdual point. All other spells cost 1D6 per spell level. They can recover subdual points by rest, meditation, or healing magic. If they reach zero by subdual they pass out for 1 round plus how many points in the negative they are. You can cast a lightning bolt, then have to take a 5 round power nap during combat.

Goth Guru |
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135:Invisible backpack. You have an entrance to an extra dimensional space along your back. You can stow stuff and retrieve whatever you are thinking of. It contains up to 10 cubic feet and while air passess freely in and out, only you can place or retrieve objects from it. Another person can use it if they succeed at use magic device. Your familiar or animal companion can climb into or out of it. If you enter an extra dimensional space it shuts tight.

Sysryke |
135:Invisible backpack. You have an entrance to an extra dimensional space along your back. You can stow stuff and retrieve whatever you are thinking of. It contains up to 10 cubic feet and while air passess freely in and out, only you can place or retrieve objects from it. Another person can use it if they succeed at use magic device. Your familiar or animal companion can climb into or out of it. If you enter an extra dimensional space it shuts tight.
Love this. Had a whole character concept around this for Marvel URPG. Not sure how "minor" it is depending on what you store though.

Goth Guru |

Goth Guru wrote:135:Invisible backpack. You have an entrance to an extra dimensional space along your back. You can stow stuff and retrieve whatever you are thinking of. It contains up to 10 cubic feet and while air passess freely in and out, only you can place or retrieve objects from it. Another person can use it if they succeed at use magic device. Your familiar or animal companion can climb into or out of it. If you enter an extra dimensional space it shuts tight.Love this. Had a whole character concept around this for Marvel URPG. Not sure how "minor" it is depending on what you store though.
It doesn't get any bigger, ever.

Pizza Lord |
135:Invisible backpack. ...It contains up to 10 cubic feet ...
I have to agree that I'm not sure how 'minor' that power is. I think a typical backpack is about 2 cubic feet, though the total weight of stuffing it full would be a mitigator since it isn't reducing anything like a bag of holding. I would either have to make it much smaller or make it so that only non-magical objects could enter, which would include objects worn by the mutant or even spells.
136. Thread-walker: When they concentrate while walking on a solid material surface, that surface becomes stable and solid enough to hold them. This doesn't work on liquids, but would work on a swaying scaffold, a flimsy rope in a cross-breeze, or even a piece of thread or spiderweb. The 'thread' must still be connected to solid ground or objects at some point, while it will allow a user to cross a swaying rope bridge easily or even a piece of spider silk between two trees, if one of the anchor points is cut, the surface will still collapse.
Assume that whatever part their feet are touching are suspended as though an immovable rod. They can extend the distance of stability along a narrow line before and behind them at a ratio of one foot per point of non-lethal damage they expend each round. This damage does not have a chance to disrupt concentration.
This only affects the surface's stability, not necessarily its shape. It can't be used to make an unbreakable binding if wrapped around a creature, and it doesn't grant any ability to walk on narrow surfaces, still requiring balance checks. Nor does it allow any ability to ignore sticky surfaces, such as some spider webs, only allowing the thinnest, weakest surfaces to support them. Additionally, it only affects walking on the thread, losing your balance and grabbing hold with your hands will not help at that point.

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(recycled from the Tiefling traits thread)
137. Lord of Cats. You don't actually control cats. No one does. But when you enter a community with cats, stray cats watch your passage with interest, and sometimes follow, at a safe distance, to keep an eye on you. They also show their respect by leaving dead things on your doorstep every morning, and since there may be dozens of cats doing this, it can add up to a sizable number of dead rodents, birds, etc. 99% of folk find this gross and disturbing, but a not picky person could consider this a free meal...
Cats who are familiars (or otherwise intelligent, such as fey or awakened) just hiss at and shun you.

Pizza Lord |
138. Ioun Storm.
During combat, there's a 25% chance at the start of each of this character's rounds that 1d4 random ioun stones orbiting their head will fly at a random visible enemy target (check targets for each stone) within 60 feet. Each stone deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and receives a bonus to hit equal to each 1,000 gp value it has. It counts as magic damage for purposes of striking and damaging targets. The character continues to benefit from a stone lost in this way for 1 round, as though it still orbited them.
These only target known, visible enemies with less than total cover and this only happens in an actual combat situation. An enemy just drinking nearby in a tavern or watching from a window will not trigger it, though perceived, even mistaken, enemies will be targeted as long as the situation has escalated to combat. The character has no control over whether or when this happens, nor to whom.
Additionally, at the end of the character's turn each round, there's a 25% chance that 1d4 random ioun stones within 60 feet will fly towards them and begin orbiting their head. Only unattended stones (such as those flung with this power) or in-use, orbiting stones are called (stones being held, implanted, or stored are not). These stones come from any source, whether orbiting allies, enemies, or just laying about. The character immediately benefits from such stones' powers as though using them, even if they typically have an acclimation or attunement period.

Pizza Lord |
139. Too Sexy For Your Shirt ...
Unfortunately, sometimes it hurts. You can choose how much of a bonus (up to 4) to apply to your skill checks or DCs, but then you take 1d4 points of non-lethal damage for each point of bonus you added once the spell or check is done (it won't disrupt concentration, for instance).
140. And You Know How To Use Them
If you've got legs, and you're wearing high-heels (at least 3 inches high), your kicks inflict 1 additional point of damage and your movement speed is 5 feet faster than normal if it would be reduced below your normal movement speed. This doesn't apply to terrain that slows you or effects that prevent movement entirely, only effects that reduce your actual movement, such as slow or encumbrance.
Additionally, if you're wearing a pearl necklace you gain a +1 equipment bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
Applies to both males and females.
141. Tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue.
Only works on cherry stems in another person's mouth. Consensually.

Pizza Lord |
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143. One-Trick Pony
When the character makes a specific combination of three weapon attacks or maneuvers, they get a +1 bonus to the attack, damage, or CMB of the third action.
To establish a trick combination, they must complete it at least two times prior (each combination must be completed in an encounter, but not all must be done in one encounter), allowing them to benefit on the third and subsequent uses of the combination. Attacks must be different attacks or maneuvers, such as Sunder, Trip, Disarm, Bullrush, Grapple, etc. A basic weapon attack may be one such attack in the combination.
Maneuvers that modify the number of attacks or attack modifiers, such as Rapid Shot, Manyshot, or Cleave do not count as part of a combination but the extra attacks they grant can be used to more quickly complete the chain. Similarly, Attacks of Opportunity can be used to advance the chain. For example, the Attack of Opportunity from the Greater Trip feat can be used to follow up a Trip attack in a trick chain thus completing two of the required actions.
The character must make at least one attack or maneuver of the combination, in their established order, each round, though multiple attacks in a round can progress it faster. The targets of each attack or maneuver need not be the same target. Success or failure of an actions, such as failing to trip a target, does not affect the bonus on the third attack as long as the character completes the chain.
The character may have only one Trick chain at a time, though they can change it at any time by stating they are doing so, losing the current trick chain, and starting a new one by completing three specific maneuver combinations.

Pizza Lord |
144: by performing a really stupid song and dance you shake off all damage, poison, and any other hostile effects.
Not sure that qualifies as minor. If I can Funky Chicken or Macarena my way across rush hour traffic or a subway track (or through a nuclear bomb blast) this might need balancing.

Pizza Lord |
146. Backsliding Cross Block
Once per day as an immediate action, after damage is determined for an attack against you (not an environmental or incidental effect, such as falling or running through a fire), you may choose to block the attack and reduce the damage taken by half. This requires you to be aware of and able to face the attack and have both hands free to cross in front of you or wielding only unarmed or monk weapons, such as a gauntlet or brass knuckles. One hand may be used if equipped with a shield other than a buckler. If using a shield, the shield takes the damage instead. This only works on physically manifesting attacks, not against purely psychic or mental assaults unless they generate a physical emanation.
Additionally, you are pushed 5 feet away from the attack or attacker's direction (or in a random direction if the attack had no discernible direction) for every 10 points of damage that the attack would have dealt before being halved. At the end of the movement or if pushed into a solid object, an Athletics check against DC 10 + 2 per 5 feet pushed is made to maintain balance or fall prone. Other creatures of equal size or smaller whose space you enter into must make a similar balance check (DC 10) or be knocked prone by your passing. Depending on the type of terrain, you may or may not leave skid or track marks in the ground.
This power cannot be combined with other defensive maneuvers, such as a Rogue's Defensive Roll talent.

Goth Guru |

Goth Guru wrote:144: by performing a really stupid song and dance you shake off all damage, poison, and any other hostile effects.Not sure that qualifies as minor. If I can Funky Chicken or Macarena my way across rush hour traffic or a subway track (or through a nuclear bomb blast) this might need balancing.
Ok, make it 1 effect. It has to be He Man level stupid.

Pizza Lord |
148. You can touch-type a typewriter, keyboard, or other writing interface with one hand as skillfully (ie. words-per-minute) as with two hands. This does not improve your spelling, grammar, or formatting of such typing.
149. You never accidently misspell or misuse words like 'there, 'their' and 'they're', 'its' and 'it's', or 'your' and 'you're' when writing.

Pizza Lord |
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152. You may wear and benefit from an additional ring slot as long as you wear the extra ring on a hand that has another magical ring on it. Actions involving that hand are hindered, however, causing attacks or actions (including grapples) involving that hand to be at a –2 penalty. Magical items used in that hand cost an additional charge when used or have a 20% chance to fail when attempting to activate in the case of non-charged items. This doesn't count as a use for limited use items and doesn't prevent further attempts at a later time.
Additionally, if both rings on the same hand provide the same type of bonus (ie, resistance, deflection, insight, etc.) to the same ability or quality, such as AC or saves, then the actual bonus increases by 1 if the two rings' values are within at least 1 point of each other. For example, wearing a ring of protection +3 and a ring of protection +2 on the same hand will give a +4 deflection bonus to AC, but a ring of protection +3 and a ring of protection +1 will provide no additional bonus.
153. After failing a save against a fear effect, as a swift action on your next turn you may direct a coruscating ray of shadowy fear at a target within 10 feet. If you succeed at a ranged touch attack, the target must make a save against the fear effect at the same original DC or become shaken for a number of round equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If the target fails their save, you reduce the intensity of the fear effect you are experiencing by one step; from panicked to frightened, frightened to shaken, shaken to nothing, but doesn't otherwise reduce the duration of the fear effect or other qualities the fear attack may have or be causing.
This attack may be made even while otherwise unable to attack normally due to fear, such as being forced to flee while panicking or paralyzed with fear if such circumstances are caused by the fear alone. It may be made at any point during a movement while passing within range of a target, but is still subject to fear penalties to attack, such as from being shaken. After using this power, you must wait one hour before it may be used again.

Ryze Kuja |

157. Whenever you eat chili, beans, or cheese, you gain the ability to produce an effect similar to Poisonous Cloud, except its range becomes a 15ft cone and it causes 1 point of Constitution damage that lasts 1 minute. You take a -4 penalty to Diplomacy checks with any affected creature for 1d3 years. Modify Memory can reduce this penalty to 0.

Pizza Lord |
158. Whip-snap Punches
When you make an unarmed strike with your fists, you may choose to convert your arms into a flexible, rubbery-like state for that attack. This attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage (Medium). This damage cannot be converted to another damage form and still be effective, nor is it affected by increases to unarmed strike damage specifically, such as a monk's class ability, though such abilities can still treat it as lethal damage, and additional damage, such as from Strength or Weapon Specialization or an amulet of mighty fists applies. The attack provokes attacks of opportunity if the user's normal unarmed strike would.
When such an attack hits or misses (but not if deflected), your limb snaps like a whip, startling creatures in the area. Creatures within 10 feet of the target, excluding the user, receive a Will save or become shaken for 1 round (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha). This fear effect cannot increase fear intensity above shaken or stack with other such effects. Creatures receive a +2 bonus on their save for each time they see this action per day.
The stress on the user's muscles and limbs gives them a –1 attack and damage penalty to attacks made with their arms during the next round for each whip-snap punch they attempt.
159. Slippery Feet
You either sweat profusely from your feet or just have naturally smooth soles. While barefoot and standing on a solid surface, any actions that forcibly move you, such as a bull rush, allow you to make an Acrobatics check (DC 15) as an immediate action to continue moving an extra 5 feet in that direction unless held or otherwise restrained, such as by being moved while grappled or pinned. This DC is affected by terrain modifiers as appropriate except that modifiers for wet or slippery terrain apply as a bonus to the roll. You may slide an additional 5 feet for each 5 points the DC is exceeded. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity if the forced movement that caused it would do so. Additionally, if such a forced movement would knock you prone, you may make a Reflex save to maintain your balance, even it the attack normally would not allow a save (DC 10 + 1/2 attacker's HD + appropriate ability modifier if not otherwise listed).
When taking a run action, the user may expend a swift action and make a DC 15 Acrobatics check, as above, to crouch and slide at any point during their movement, sliding ahead a distance of 5 feet +5 per DC exceeded before they must either stop or re-stand (a free action during this movement) and continue. Their remaining distance is halved from the point they stand up. This slide must be in a straight line and provokes attacks of opportunity if their movement normally would. They receive no AC penalties for crouching or kneeling during this slide and additionally receive a +2 dodge bonus that stacks with other dodge bonuses to attacks made against them during their slide. They may not make attacks while sliding in this way, even if they normally can during movement.
If you choose sweaty feet, you get a –1 penalty to Charisma-based and similar rolls to influence others while barefoot. If you choose smooth soles, you receive a –2 penalty to checks and saves to maintain your footing and balance other than in the circumstances listed above.

Goth Guru |

161: Brute. Add 4 to strength and subtract 4 from intelligence. This is a mutation and effects their racial minimums and maximums.
162: Tough as nails. Add 4 to cons. and subtract 4 from charisma.
163: Artful dodger. Add 4 to dexterity and subtract 4 from wisdom.
164: Nerd. Add 4 to intelligence and subtract 4 from strength.
165: Charmer. Add 4 to charisma and subtract 4 from Cons.
166: Old soul. Add 4 to wisdom and subtract 4 from dexterity.

Pizza Lord |
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170. Elemental Sparkler
When hit by a magical attack that deals energy damage, your next melee attack on your next turn deals 1 additional damage of that energy type. If hit with multiple energy types before your turn, the last one counts.
171. Irritating Graze
When you succeed on a melee weapon attack against a living creature with the exact number needed, you deal 1 additional damage.
172. If you spend 1 round closing and rubbing your eyes, you can see an additional 5 feet in shadowy illumination for two rounds.
173. You get an addition 1 mile/kilometer to the gallon in fuel efficiency. Only applies to vehicles with at least 10 mpg/kpg efficiency.

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174. Ioun... thing?
You had an ioun stone once, and your brain remembers that feeling. If you pick up a small item, no more than 2 ounces, such as a coin or pebble, and release it in the air near the crown of your head, it takes up an orbit, as if it was an ioun stone. You can only have one such 'ioun thing' at a time, although you can also have normal ioun stones at the same time.

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176. Ambipedrous. You have weirdly flexibles toes and arches, and can use your feet as readily as your hands, even to grip and use a weapon. You do not gain any additional attacks in this manner, nor can you perform such a feat (ha ha, feet, get it?) while wearing footwear, or, usually, while standing, but you could kick off a boot and stab someone with a knife in your ambipedrous foot while hanging from manacles or using both hands to cling to a rope, or even fire a bow at someone with your feet while lying on the ground with your hands tied behind your back. While unshod, you get a +2 bonus to Climb checks.

Pizza Lord |
177. Ambisextrous
After you successfully attack and damage a male or female Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid with a weapon attack, your next successful attack against the opposing sex of a Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid target deals +1 damage. The bonus then applies to the next viable target of the opposing sex.
If a Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid has a third or other sex besides male or female, you deal +2 damage to them after damaging a male or female, but then have no bonus against a male or female until you again strike one or the other successfully.
This does not convey knowledge of a target's sex or gender.

Sysryke |
178. The perfect bite.
Any time your character eats something, the last bite will be the absolutely perfect bite. Flavors are stronger, juices more bursting, salads, sandwiches, or casseroles perfectly blended. Every meal ends on a high point. If the food consumed gives a mechanical benefit take a +1 to the next relevant roll OR extend the effect by 1 round. If no normal benefit, heal +1 HP after a rest OR gain a +1 to your next diplomacy check with someone associated with the meal as they pick up on your obvious appreciation.

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Super-hero powers!
179. Repulsor Hands!
You can generate a repulsive force from your palm equal that can cause any small item within your space to slowly scoot up to three feet away from you. With practice, you can levitate an item weighing up to two pounds over your cupped hands, although this requires intense concentration and a standard action each round, or else it will slip to the side and fall away.
While using this power, your palms generate a soft light, equal to candlelight (which you could, in theory, use to read, although the pages will annoyingly flutter away from your lit palm and you'll have to hold the pages down with your other hand...).
180. Heat Vision!
As a full round action, you can concentrate and cause your eyes to glow red. Any small item or object, up to 20 lbs, you are staring at within 5 ft. will grow noticeably warmer, although you cannot generate enough heat to ignite paper, or cause injury. Once you stop concentrating, the object quickly reverts to it's base temperature over the next minute. This could help survive a cold winter night, if you are capable of staying awake and concentrating all night...
181. Mystic Levitation!
Sitting down cross-legged, or lying prone, you can use a full round action to levitate, rising about six inches per round, to a maximum height of three feet. Any attempt to move, use the attack or move action, or any force attempting to move you, or attack that damages you or requires a saving throw, will disrupt this effect and cause you to fall to the ground (taking no damage, unless the surface is naturally damaging). You can only take non-strenuous actions like reading, eating, using skills such as craft, knowledge or perform, etc. while levitating, without disrupting the fragile effect.
This effect does not end if you lose consciousness, and you can 'sleep-levitate.' In fact, sometimes you *involuntarily* sleep-levitate, and have long been plagued with the sensation of 'falling into bed,' that, in your case, is very real!

Pizza Lord |
182. Bed of Nails
If you sleep on a bed of nails wearing no armor and spending an additional hour over and above your normal needed rest doing so, during the next day, you can ignore up to 5 damage the first time you step upon a harmful floor or surface. Additionally, if you concentrate (a standard action) and move at half speed, you can ignore 5 damage per round from floor surfaces for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier per day (min. 1 round).
This applies to things like hot floors, acidic floors, spiked floors, caltrops or even magical effects like spike growth. It doesn't apply to pressure plates or traps that are set off (unless they cause the floor to do damage, such as with spikes), nor to falling into a pit with spikes at the bottom. It also doesn't allow or make walking on unstable surfaces easier or prevent sinking, such as lava or rock to mud effects.
183. Ged-eye Mind Trick [Compulsion, Language-dependent]
If you have a free hand and are within 10 feet of a Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid, you may wave your hand and intone, "My Ged-eye mind tricks don't work on you," in a language the target understands, they may make a Sense Motive or Will save (their choice) against DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod. If they fail, they must confirm that "Your Ged-eye mind tricks don't work on me," if able.
This can only be performed on a target outside of combat, but the target will receive a –4 to resist a Bluff check (including a feint) from you within the next round and, if combat occurs in that time, a –4 to their initiative.

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184. Cinemagic / Not Subtle. You have an innate ghost sounds-like ability that causes sudden movements to have their own exaggerated sound effects. When you swing your arms around while fighting defensively, or making a power attack, your sleeves (or weapon) make a whooshing sound, as do you when you take a run or charge action. Any time you do anything other than take a standard move or attack action, such as fight defensively, or charge, or run, make an acrobatics check to leap, this 'whoosh' occurs, and whenever you critically hit another, there is a clunk or crack like a thunderstone (no deafening effect, just cosmetic, but it's quite loud!). Even ancillary sounds might be exaggerated by this effect. If you cleave into someone wearing chainmail, there will be a mighty jingling of chains clashing together and individual rings may fly off in a slow-motion cascade and clatter loudly on the floor, rolling in all directions cinematically.
These effects can be 'turned off' as you choose. You don't *have* to make a thunderous crack sound when you incapacitate a night watchman, but if you don't deliberately choose to do something quietly, you *will* make a scene!

Pizza Lord |
185. Super Shrimp
You are stuntier and smaller than a normal creature of your race, but surprisingly strong.
You are one size smaller than a typical specimen of your race, and have all the advantages and disadvantages of that size, such as AC or CMD modifiers, but not ability changes (such as Dexterity increases or decreases). Your Speed is slower (typically 10 feet less). You have half the Strength bonus a creature of your original size would have over your current size as per Monster Advancement. For instance a Large creature reduced to Medium size would have a +4 bonus (instead of the +8 normally gained from going from Medium to Large) and a Medium creature reduced to Small size would have a +2 Strength bonus (instead of the +4 normally gained from going from Small to Medium). This power can only be taken by creatures whose race is typically Small, Medium, or Large.
186. Heat Breath
Not fire breathing, just hotter than normal breath. You can warm cooled liquids or melt an ice cube about twice as fast as a normal creature of your type, up to the point of actually dealing damage. For instance, a creature with already hot or damaging breath doesn't do more damage.
187. Illusory Intuition
You possess a quality that allows you to note faint details that indicate something is illusory or not real. You have a +2 bonus to detect an illusion for what it is, however, that same tendency to grasp at the link between illusion and reality causes you trouble when dealing with partially or quasi-real illusions, making it hard for you to admit they are false in the presence of even small evidence of reality. Against such illusions, you have a –2 penalty to see through or disbelieve them, even if alerted to their illusory quality.