Did I say I was going to have Salisbury steaks!?
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Aberzombie wrote: Well f*%~! The wife and I heard from a college friend - her brother was shot and killed in a carjacking the other night. I hope they catch the sonofab@+#% who did it and gut him like a f+%%ing fish. What the shit? They better catch the people responsible and punish them HARD.
Double-checking just to make sure!
Someone put a splitz in my blitz.
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BluePigeon wrote: Tonight! Do not cook naked. It leads to painful burns.
My tail feathers have been ruffled.
Toz, that's what oven gloves are for...
Nekkid oven gloves.
At least put on an apron.
A sexy apron.
BluePigeon wrote: Toz, that's what oven gloves are for...
Nekkid oven gloves.
You need more than one?
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Voting in one tab, let's plays in another. Interesting night.
Scintillae wrote: Voting in one tab, let's plays in another. Interesting night. cool. Watching young justice myself and have lined up a host of comics that are useful to writing as well as the online class I took on storytelling.
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote: Well f&@@! The wife and I heard from a college friend - her brother was shot and killed in a carjacking the other night. I hope they catch the sonofab***# who did it and gut him like a f$@@ing fish. My condolences. :(
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Lamontius wrote: Still voting. I should say, Dedicated Voter. :)
Rawr! wrote: Lamontius wrote: Still voting. I should say, Dedicated Voter. :) Says the Dedicated Badger. :)
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Aberzombie wrote: Well f*%~! The wife and I heard from a college friend - her brother was shot and killed in a carjacking the other night. I hope they catch the sonofab@+#% who did it and gut him like a f+%%ing fish. To take a stranger's life only for his likely very hard-earned possession is such unconscionably sociopathic evil, and deserves nothing less than eye-for-an-eye level justice. >:( I hope your wife's friend has as much emotional and financial support as possible for her unjust and tragic loss.
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...When the heck did I hit Marathon.
Scintillae wrote: ...When the heck did I hit Marathon. Woo hoo!
Scintillae wrote: ...When the heck did I hit Marathon. Was it after you voted for 26.2 miles?
Lamontius wrote: Still voting. Have you seen your item already?
I thought that you posted that you seen on ramble thread but then I noticed it's just another poster using your avatar.
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Blarg. Got kicked out of bed after two hours for alleged 'snoring'. As if. Ladies don't snore!
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Saturday? Yeah, I suppose. Although it's not even 0700 and I'm awake. No kids....yet. I started to get up because Katie was fussing after wife fed her. By the time I got my sweatpants on and used the potty, she had fallen asleep. I didn't feel like going back to bed, so here I am sitting quietly on the sofa.
Charlie's still sleeping, even though his orange lights came on. See, the wife hit on this idea (I think she read about it somewhere) that you set a light on a timer in the kid's room and when it turns on is when they can get up. It works more often than not. Sometimes he'll call out before the lights turn on, but we just tell him to wait and he's pretty good.
Anyway , his lights are set to go on at 0630, but he still hasn't woken up yet. This also happens on occasion. Especially if he was up late the night before.
More news about our college friend's brother. They found his car very quickly. It had been riffled through and abandoned not far from the scene of the crime. With luck, they'll find enough evidence to lead them to whomever did this so he/she/they can be put away or put down.
Watched The Wolverine again last night. The first time I watched it was through On Demand. This time I had the Bluray (picked it up at Walmart). Awesome movie. Different from the comic it was inspired by (which I've gotta find so I can read again).
At some point today, I think I'm going to try and run out to this store that sells fire resistant clothing. I need some for my offshore trip. Normally, they have some available through work, but I emailed the guy who disperses it on Monday and he never bothered to respond. He's kind of a douche that way.
And I've got a birthday party for my nieces to go to. I'll bring Charlie, but the wife wants to stay home with Katie and rest some more.
Either that or she's just being her usual hermit self.
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You say that like it's a bad thing >_>
Had a couple of emails from one of my buddies back in Philly - guy I gamed with and brewed with. Damn, I miss my group.
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But I don't miss all the damn snow they're having.
checks outside
Yep. Still no snow here!
The boy awakens. Time to go.
Treppa wrote: Blarg. Got kicked out of bed after two hours for alleged 'snoring'. As if. Ladies don't snore! You haven't slept in the same room as mother...
She's nowhere near as bad as my father, though.
I supposedly snoring a bit too.
Scintillae wrote: ...When the heck did I hit Marathon. I don't have a star voter yet? I thought that I already voted more than 100 times...
(and yes, I am checking my profile name, not alias)
Good morning! And such...
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hey cold monster! Hows the weather treating you?
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hi everyone,
no internet at home for 3-4 days (and most of the day at Hospital anyway)
the boy is doing good, today he opend his eyes for the first time and we now regularily feed him ourself (he gets pumped out mothers milk and a bit other to get enough volume)
Sabine can have him out of the incubator for 3 hour periods and do what is called "Kängu-ruhen"
guess I will have to explain that:-)
bqsicly she gets bare breasted and the boy sleeps between her boobs, a planket covers both of them
the name comes from german Känguruh (kangoroo) and ruhen = resting : Kango-resting
Stepping out and putting gas in my tank, I realized that it was cold and yet the forecast has it dropping a record breaking low overnight Sunday into Monday. I am too far north for the Winter.
aeglos wrote: hi everyone, I forgot to give my warmest welcome to our newest little member and his lucky parents.
Congrats Man!
Crimson Jester wrote: Stepping out and putting gas in my tank, I realized that it was cold and yet the forecast has it dropping a record breaking low overnight Sunday into Monday. I am too far north for the Winter. Stay warm!
We're looking forward to record lows in a couple of days.