Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
And now to put Flash Gordon to death. Still, at least he gets to die with dignity - naked but for a pair of plastic green Speedos and surrounded by loads of blokes in dressing gowns.

...I could use those Speedos about now...

Freehold DM wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

While working on my ideas for books to publish, I realized I am not mentally prepared to actually contact an editor.

How thorougly can I expect the stories I have in mind to be smacked around, brutally sawed into pieces or otherwise mutilated?

It's hard. Editing is as much a talent as writing is, and while I have met a few talented writers I have met few talented editors. It's best to look things over yourself and then have someone who knows both you and the subject look it over. If you can get some positive feedback first, it helps with constructive criticism later, I have found.

I might be in luck, as that author I spoke with mentioned knowing an editor and reccomended I speak with him.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

And with that, I leave you. I shall be rather incommunicado. John and I are visiting my dad in Florida through Monday.

The trip is going to include a visit to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios. I'm not going to hide it: I am more than a little excited.

moves snow and ice to the Harry Potter world exhibit

Ambroden: {points at Florida on weather map, laughs cruelly} You have no power here, Freehold the Frosty! {continues to laugh}

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk!! Happy Thursday!!! Happy second day of 2014!!!

Scarab Sages

F+*%ing iPhone! Ever since I "upgraded" the software, posting has been cracked out. It's like the keyboard is way more sensitive, or something. Very annoying.

Scarab Sages

And, for some reason, the office wifi network has vanished. Weird. And we can't rely on he IT it's to fix it, since they're useless douchebags.

Scarab Sages

Granted, not all IT folks are like that. I personally know two (looks around FAWTLY) that are awesometastic!!! But the ones we've got here at the office are about as useful as tits on a boar.

Scarab Sages

Otherwise, had an awesome day over at my brother's house yesterday. Watched football, ate good food, drank beer. The wife even got to drink a glass of wine. That made her very happy.

The boy had a blast, and was so tired when we got him home he was asleep within 5 minutes of climbing in bed and we didn't hear a peep out of him all night.

Scarab Sages


Snow? What snow? I know not of which you speak....

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
And now to put Flash Gordon to death. Still, at least he gets to die with dignity - naked but for a pair of plastic green Speedos and surrounded by loads of blokes in dressing gowns.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

And with that off I go, overtime hell begins today. Thankfully I have voting to sustain my sanity. (Hahahahahahah, yeah right.)

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.



Scarab Sages

Orthos wrote:
Thankfully I have voting to sustain my sanity. (Hahahahahahah, yeah right.)

Why would you want to do that?

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"I don't suffer from insanity! I enjoy every minute of it."

Scarab Sages

All right folks! I'm done for is morning. Got plenty to do, and a full day of work to do it in! Huzzah?

Scarab Sages

Anyway, have a good one!

Aberzombie wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Thankfully I have voting to sustain my sanity. (Hahahahahahah, yeah right.)
Why would you want to do that?

(psst. that's the joke.)

Aberzombie wrote:


Snow? What snow? I know not of which you speak....

It's actually very nice here. Raining, but not heavily, and in the low 40s. Chance of snow tonight, but not much, and it's very likely to clear off precipitation completely before it gets cold enough.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Good luck on the test!


Icyshadow wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

While working on my ideas for books to publish, I realized I am not mentally prepared to actually contact an editor.

How thorougly can I expect the stories I have in mind to be smacked around, brutally sawed into pieces or otherwise mutilated?

It's hard. Editing is as much a talent as writing is, and while I have met a few talented writers I have met few talented editors. It's best to look things over yourself and then have someone who knows both you and the subject look it over. If you can get some positive feedback first, it helps with constructive criticism later, I have found.
I might be in luck, as that author I spoke with mentioned knowing an editor and reccomended I speak with him.

Cool! Good luck!

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Always, always, always have a second set (preferably more) of eyes go over everything you want to publish. It's way too easy to miss stuff, from typos to glaring plot holes to inconsistent characterization to sneaky verb tense shifts... because your brain already knows what should be on the page and too easily glosses over what is actually on the page.

If you have any doubts about your own human fallibility, spend some time voting on SuperStar entries. You'd be amazed at what people are submitting as what are supposed to be polished examples of their very best work. There were two things on my submission I needed to fix that I only spotted immediately after I had clicked Submit... one is so glaringly obvious it will definitely cost me votes.

Edit: Example #2, I've edited this post twice already.

Edit 3: I don't mean to imply anything negative about your writing skills, or draw an unfavorable comparison between your writing and the less-than-stellar SuperStar entries. I only mean that everyone misses mistakes in their own writing, which is why we have proofreaders and editors. Good luck on your self-publishing and submitting. :)

And it's not limited to Superstar. I get to look forward to this when classes pick back up next week if any of the teachers I cover ask me to grade for them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If English is your first language, once you reach high school, there is absolutely no excuse for its/it's they're/their/there to/too/two, etc.

If English is not your first language, then I have probably not noticed an error of this kind from you.

Too cold to go out. Guess it's a Superstar and Nintendo day.

I fail to see how anyone who owns any sort of vehicle can enjoy snow.

Freehold, if you don't stop doing the Wunian snow dance, then I am going to tie your freaking shoelaces together.

Scintillae wrote:
If English is your first language, once you reach high school, there is absolutely no excuse for its/it's they're/their/there to/too/two, etc.

English is actually not my first language, yet I intend to write all my works in English.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Get a Clockwork Orange-type rig and force him to watch all of Buffy. Especially the bad seasons.

Icyshadow wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
If English is your first language, once you reach high school, there is absolutely no excuse for its/it's they're/their/there to/too/two, etc.
English is actually not my first language, yet I intend to write all my works in English.

Yay! I can read it, then.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I keep trying on the language acquisition. It keeps not working.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hot ham-n-swiss sandwich for breakfast. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...

What she said

Scintillae wrote:
Get a Clockwork Orange-type rig and force him to watch all of Buffy. Especially the bad seasons.

There are bad seasons? Bad (or at least, not as good) episodes, sure. But I don't think there are any bad seasons.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Get a Clockwork Orange-type rig and force him to watch all of Buffy. Especially the bad seasons.
There are bad seasons? Bad (or at least, not as good) episodes, sure. But I don't think there are any bad seasons.

I've been told six and seven are perfumed with Eau d'Pepe le Pew eating Limburger at the portapotty beside the landfill.

I wouldn't know. The library consistently fails to have anything past four in stock.

Someday perhaps.

I've only been voting for half an hour, and I've gone cross-eyed.

I bet it's the same case of last year - the good items are extant...just going to other people.

Scintillae wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Get a Clockwork Orange-type rig and force him to watch all of Buffy. Especially the bad seasons.
There are bad seasons? Bad (or at least, not as good) episodes, sure. But I don't think there are any bad seasons.
I've been told six and seven are perfumed with Eau d'Pepe le Pew eating Limburger at the portapotty beside the landfill.

I would let you borrow my copies but A) I don't loan DVDs or books anymore, and B) I'm pretty sure we live nowhere near each other.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Get a Clockwork Orange-type rig and force him to watch all of Buffy. Especially the bad seasons.
There are bad seasons? Bad (or at least, not as good) episodes, sure. But I don't think there are any bad seasons.
I've been told six and seven are perfumed with Eau d'Pepe le Pew eating Limburger at the portapotty beside the landfill.
I would let you borrow my copies but A) I don't loan DVDs or books anymore, and B) I'm pretty sure we live nowhere near each other.


I swear, some of these entries are high school essays. I can see the padding for word count. If you only need 100 words, use 100 words. It shows me you can get to the point, make an interesting item, and have space left to do it again.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Repetition however, is boring, annoying, boring, boring, and repetitive.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
Repetition however, is boring, annoying, boring, boring, and repetitive.

It's also tedious, dull, and lack-lustre.

Minor annoyance - I got a new cash-machine card for this month and all of a sudden I can't seem to purchase e-numbers anymore. Which is bad for when I want to buy something that requires a credit card and don't want to use my (non-existent) credit card.

Scintillae wrote:
Get a Clockwork Orange-type rig and force him to watch all of Buffy. Especially the bad seasons.

All of them?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

And with that, I leave you. I shall be rather incommunicado. John and I are visiting my dad in Florida through Monday.

The trip is going to include a visit to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios. I'm not going to hide it: I am more than a little excited.

moves snow and ice to the Harry Potter world exhibit
Ambroden: {points at Florida on weather map, laughs cruelly} You have no power here, Freehold the Frosty! {continues to laugh}

shakes fist

next time Florida.... NEXT TIME!!!

flies off in helicopter

Aberzombie wrote:
F**&ing iPhone! Ever since I "upgraded" the software, posting has been cracked out. It's like the keyboard is way more sensitive, or something. Very annoying.

has lovely spokesmodel zombies display the features of Android os to AZ

Aberzombie wrote:


Snow? What snow? I know not of which you speak....

You will....

Scintillae wrote:
If English is your first language, once you reach high school, there is absolutely no excuse for its/it's they're/their/there to/too/two, etc.

What about autocorrect? It makes me sound like an idiot at times.

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