Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Only if they ask for my social, birthdate, or checking account number.

Edit: which apparently was all a ruse to get my clothes...

Fair. I just seem to discount their opinions more readily. Its like they don't have a face to me.

Oh I discount everyone's opinion.

It's the only way to be fair.

I have noticed You do kind of got that "tired of peoples $%^& attitude when you post". I just assumed its because you have kids and have dad rage. That and probably to much time on the boards.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Random question: is anyone else less trusting of people without avatars?

No. No I am not.


well more of LQTM
Laugh quietly to myself.

If it makes you feel better I feel I know you well enough to excuse your lack of avatar.

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You probably also know me well enough to discount my opinions even if I had an avatar. Haha.

I never really thought about being a doctor, but then I thought "Heck, I'll give it a shot."

How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? By giving her a ring.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? By giving her a ring.

And thus when god created Saturn he liked it so much he put a ring on it.

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What did Ken say when Ryu asked to borrow some money? Shoryuken!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
What did Ken say when Ryu asked to borrow some money? Shoryuken!

Followed immediately by ryu flying into the air from a wicked uppercut.

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My girlfriend told me I should stop playing Pokemon because it was childish. I started thrashing around on the floor and yelled "You don't have enough badges to control me!"

Sometimes I think I might be a video game character. Like how I'll occasionally walk into a room and forget why I went in there? That's because I'm a Sim and the player just cancelled my action.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
My girlfriend told me I should stop playing Pokemon because it was childish. I started thrashing around on the floor and yelled "You don't have enough badges to control me!"

Let me just counter by saying that one really didn't make a splash with me. I kind of want to take a flamethrower to it, or stomp and pound it

Dating a single mother is like continuing from someone else's save game.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Dating a single mother is like continuing from someone else's save game.

It amazing how many similarities I can see there.

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The other day someone asked me if I believed in Creation or Evolution. I said "Evolution, of course. How else could Charmander become Charizard?"

My sex life described as Pokemon moves:

Harden..but it failed

Charmander becomes charmeleon gran its charmeleon that becomes charizard. GAH!

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My smartass son challenged me to a game of Tekken in front of all his friends the other day. I pulled off an amazing combo and won in less than 20 seconds. Excited, I shouted "Who's your Daddy?!?!" He looked at me and said "Mom says it probably the mailman."

I hate that little bastard.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Charmander becomes charmeleon gran its charmeleon that becomes charizard. GAH!

Whatever. I haven't played since Pokemon Blue on the Game Boy Color.

That one is sort of related to the save file one. except you thought it was your save file to find out it wasn't.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Charmander becomes charmeleon gran its charmeleon that becomes charizard. GAH!
Whatever. I haven't played since Pokemon Blue on the Game Boy Color.

Oh see I had red.

Rude language, but I still think it's funny, so I'll spoiler it.


Apparently, the river in DotA is called "the River F~@". After all, every time I play someone tells me "Don't cross the river, f@+."

Mistake the first. playing Dota.

Yo Momma's so fat, she sat on my 3DS and turned it into a 2DS.

I feel like I've used that one before.

What does a gorilla wear to the beach? A Donkey Thong.

Yo Momma's so ugly that when she plays Mortal Kombat, Scorpion says "Stay over there!"

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Yo Momma's so ugly that when she plays Mortal Kombat, Scorpion says "Stay over there!"

Why did they think babalitys needed to be a thing?

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I was playing Skyrim the other day, and the dragon roared at me. But I ignored it. Soon the beast showed its violent temper and roared again, louder than before. Pissed off, I threw down my controller and told her "FINE! I'll go look for a job!"


Yo Momma's so ugly, that when she played Minecraft all the Endermen teleported to another server.

Yesterday, there were a lot of geese in the empty lot beside my garage. Freehold DM likes to say "photos, or it didn't happen."
:) So,


I think that there were at least 40 geese, but there might have been as much as 60.

That is a lot of geese for the gander.

I hate geese.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
That is a lot of geese for the gander.


gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate geese.

Especially when they leave droppings all over the sidewalks you have to use. Doubly so if they have the runs.

I'm currently at war with a cardinal. He likes picking fights with himself in my car's side mirror.

Mirror boxing?

I guess.

John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I hate geese.
Especially when they leave droppings all over the sidewalks you have to use. Doubly so if they have the runs.

The university I went to had major geese trouble. S$$# everywhere. Geese clogging up the grounds, especially around the ponds and the lake. The bastards would even attack and chase students who were just trying to get to class. Although, that was kind of funny, as long as you aren't the one being chased. It was terrible. I never really gave much thought to geese before that, but it instilled a deep hatred of the f!##ers in me.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm currently at war with a cardinal. He likes picking fights with himself in my car's side mirror.

Tell him you're not catholic, and maybe he'll go away.

I know you mean the bird, and not the priest, but it's a lot funnier to me this way.


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That is one happy dog.

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Yes, they are scary.

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This is a good artist.

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