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Sure, I may have jumped the shark, but I'm taking all of you with me~!

(Also, there's a free base class or something, there.)

EDIT: Of course I'm totally open in my motives - I have no secrets, here! But, uh, I'll get dressed. *gets dressed*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How to mess with your kids.

1) take kids to dentist, bring book to counteract the s*&*ty cell phone reception.

2) forget book at dentist office.

3) wait two to three days, return to dentist office, not telling kids that you're only there to pick something up.

4) bathe in their tears and pleading.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

How to mess with your kids.

1) take kids to dentist, bring book to counteract the s~%$ty cell phone reception.

2) forget book at dentist office.

3) wait two to three days, return to dentist office, not telling kids that you're only there to pick something up.

4) bathe in their tears and pleading.

I want to scold you. To say you are bad. But I have to stop laughing first.

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An awesome article on copper mining during Bronze Age England.

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Sharoth wrote:
An awesome article on copper mining during Bronze Age England.

Children? Bah, those were mound dwellers! The Daoine Sith!

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We need more Bronze/Iron Age settings.

Drejk wrote:
We need more Bronze/Iron Age settings.

pah! Dark Sun did it best!

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Maybe is was my GM or the Dark Sun setting? But for a world with no metal we were swimming in coins and metal gear/weapons. Aside from the sand it seemed like a normal DnD world with a few odd races and some psi added.

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I never got to experience Darksun or Planescape. My brothers said I was too young. I'm pretty sure they were full of s!%#. :-)

By the time 4th edition Darksun came out I'd already converted to Pathfinder.

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Aranna wrote:
Maybe is was my GM or the Dark Sun setting? But for a world with no metal we were swimming in coins and metal gear/weapons. Aside from the sand it seemed like a normal DnD world with a few odd races and some psi added.

it was your dm.

Dark Sun is a world of stick, stone, and bone. Preferably sharpened.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I never got to experience Darksun or Planescape. My brothers said I was too young. I'm pretty sure they were full of s*+#. :-)

By the time 4th edition Darksun came out I'd already converted to Pathfinder.

edition wars comment deleted

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Ah yes, took Tiny T-Rex to the megaplayground.

Where parents color code their kids and check out to network.

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Being in a place like this is like being in a small town all over again.

Everyone comes here every day and knows each other, or at least knows of each other. So when am outsider arrives it's all suspicious glares and probing questions.

Glares and judgement, the bane of every insular community.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Ah yes, took Tiny T-Rex to the megaplayground.

Where parents color code their kids and check out to network.

PLEASE tell me this means they dye their skin, not their clothes!

I can just imagine Impus Minor color-coded orange for "Oompa Loompa", and Impus Major going green for, "Yeah, good luck finding me in the tree NOW!"

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It's their clothes. Ethan is blue, Hannah is red, Elijah is orange.

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Funny enough, if you yell "Elijah!" At least six kids yell "what!"

I'm going to try it with Savannah next. :-)

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I suspect myself being the only guy here not in a polo shirt and a hat from a local outdoors shop is inhibiting my ability to social network. :-)

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I have a new title at work, I'm called a Brand Ambassador, which, if it wasn't hilarious enough, Lundberg manager insists on merging together into Brandbassador. I hope to someday NOT laugh every time he says it. Unsuccessful so far.

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I got one of the managers to call us Brute Squad though, She loved it. :-)

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Sincerely: yourself.

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Short versions: after apologizing for delay...
- I'm kind of a serial favoritor; mention thread as evidence
- My progress has not gone further than posts in that thread

Yes, I'm using FaWtL as a reminder/notepad service for PMs. Yes, I'm favoriting my own lets so I'll see them and remember later. What?

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[Engaging quiet nod in agreement]

[Initiate welcome wave]

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Tacticslion wrote:

Short versions: after apologizing for delay...

- I'm kind of a serial favoritor

I have never noticed, is this something recent... did you get a haircut...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I never got to experience Darksun or Planescape. My brothers said I was too young. I'm pretty sure they were full of s*+#. :-)

By the time 4th edition Darksun came out I'd already converted to Pathfinder.

edition wars comment deleted

Is the setting different from 2nd to 4th edition. I've considered it just to see what the setting is like. But if it's changed for the worse than I'd rather wait and hope I luck out.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I suspect myself being the only guy here not in a polo shirt and a hat from a local outdoors shop is inhibiting my ability to social network. :-)

LOL. Different regions, different dress codes.

Up until my "Hawaiian Shirt Epiphany" during Bats in the Sun (the things really ARE that amazingly comfortable! Who knew?), my "standard" outfit at Disneyland was khaki slacks, a polo shirt, an Adventureland shade hat, and, on occasion, a vest-o-doom (fishing vest) to hold all the crap, er, "gear" my kids needed when they were younger.

The slacks, polo shirt, and shade hat was SO out-of-place with the rest of the Disneyland crowd that I was routinely (i.e. at least three to four times a trip) assumed to be an employee and asked for directions or help.

Of course, I, being me, first identified myself as a non-employee, THEN did my utmost to help them, even going so far as to hand out spare maps and schedules that I kept in my vest-o-doom for just such occasions.

Hmmm... maybe I should be suing Disneyland for back pay...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Since we're not allowed to discuss politics here, I can't put any context around NobodysHome's quote of the day:

"Yes. This election is making me use the word asshat far too often."

Tacticslion wrote:


Sincerely: yourself.
Tacticslion wrote:

Short versions: after apologizing for delay...

- I'm kind of a serial favoritor; mention thread as evidence
- My progress has not gone further than posts in that thread

Yes, I'm using FaWtL as a reminder/notepad service for PMs. Yes, I'm favoriting my own lets so I'll see them and remember later. What?

Life Sized Tacticslion Prop wrote:

[Engaging quiet nod in agreement]

[Initiate welcome wave]

Whew! The two that were waiting on me (that I know of) are answered! Huzzah!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Since we're not allowed to discuss politics here, I can't put any context around NobodysHome's quote of the day:

"Yes. This election is making me use the word asshat far too often."

There's a reason this is becoming popular...


Parks and Rec is an amazing show. Ongoing.

EDIT: I should mention a few other shows I'm watching.


- Twin Peaks is a really good show. But it wasn't as overwhelming as I was hoping for. I've finished Season 1, but I haven't gone beyond that, as the mystery isn't as compelling a I'd like. Hiatus for the summer.

- Farscape is beyond phenomenal. Everyone should watch it. Ongoing.

- Powerpuff Girls is great. It's a fun thing to watch sometimes. Ongoing.

- Case Closed is a great anime. I highly enjoy the character interactions. I wish it had some of the earlier episodes so I could watch the beginning. Heretical as it may be, I also wish there was a dub of it on Netflix - the Japanese actors are great, but the subtitles are hard to read on the screen - they actually blend into the background - and are unfortunately glitchy. Ongoing.

- The Seven Deadly Sins is an amazingly troperific anime that has a solid and fun story. As corny as it is - and it is - it also has some really stinkin' cool moments. My wife even noted, "Okay, I have to say, all else aside, that moment with <redacted for AWESOME spoilers>, was really cool." (slightly paraphrased, but pretty close to the original). Though subtitled, the subtitles aren't as glitchy as Case Closed. Ongoing.

- The Returned is a powerful and intriguing story with a fairly decent show from it. It only has the first season out at present (U.S. version), and the mystery remains unresolved, but it's solid, nonetheless, if you don't mind the cliff-hanger. Finished available.

- Archer is... a... show? It's really well written, and has a surprisingly compelling meta-story for such a goofy comedy. I don't actually like any of the characters, which makes me feel odd for rooting for them on occasion. I'm not sure I can recommend it in good conscience, but I can't avoid recommending it in good conscience, either. A lot of lewd and rude humor with built-in contrast to the "suave" quasi-appearance of the spy genre. It's smart, but not always pleasant. Ongoing, but possibly hiatused for the summer.

- Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is a strictly little-child show, and it. is. excellent. It comes with my parental seal of approval, and I enjoy watching it. (It's totally a little kids show. I mean, really little kids. Look, Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood was a kids' show, too. Didn't stop it fro being delightful and important and good for adults, even though it was a Kids' show, not a Family show. This follows in that same vein, though it's animated. Ongoing.

- Mystery Incorporated was amazing. It was a powerful and solid show; definitely goofy and silly, but with a subtle maturity that actually aims towards adults and nostalgia while being safe for children (at least until the last couple of episodes in season two). Self-referential, filled with lampshades everywhere, and both mocking and honoring its own genre. Finished.

- Inspector Gadget 2.0 is... entertaining, I suppose, but it's not brilliant. It's fun, and the animation is an interesting experiment (fake "claymation"-like animation, instead of typical CGI), and there are definitely moments where it's funny, but Claw is substantially more cartoonish than in the old 'Gadget (where he was certainly cliched, but not... as goofy? I dunno, he was goofy, but... it's hard to explain). Interesting, and worth a watch if you feel like checking it out. Nothing to write home about. Ongoing.

- Ongoing: I or we are watching this, when possible.
- Hiatus: I've taken a hiatus from this show. Probably due to a lack of time when others in the family are interested or asleep.
- Finished: I've either finished the entire show, or finished all that's available.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ron is the best!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Ron is the best!

I am shocked to say that I'm starting to agree.

I've actually come to like everyone in the Parks department, much to my own surprise...

Also: Tammy, man. (The one from the Library.) Wow.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

OK. We LOVED us some Seven Deadly Sins.

Of course, after the first season it was pretty much, "Oh, we need to make more money, so what do we do now?"

But first season was SOLID.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is it a television show.

I did a search and what I got was Brad Pitt, a bunch of religious relics and an anime series. :-)

NobodysHome wrote:

OK. We LOVED us some Seven Deadly Sins.

Of course, after the first season it was pretty much, "Oh, we need to make more money, so what do we do now?"

But first season was SOLID.

Are we talking about the same The Seven Deadly Sins (main article)?

I'm only a few episodes in (so we might be), but the way Netflix describes it is a 24-episode one-season anime.

(It looks like there is a second series - The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War - but it's not part of The Seven Deadly Sins as-presented by Netflix. I'll have to look it up and see if the sequel series is on Netflix.

captain yesterday wrote:

Is it a television show.

I did a search and what I got was Brad Pitt, a bunch of religious relics and an anime series. :-)

Hope the link helps! (It's the anime series.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK. We LOVED us some Seven Deadly Sins.

Of course, after the first season it was pretty much, "Oh, we need to make more money, so what do we do now?"

But first season was SOLID.

Are we talking about the same The Seven Deadly Sins (main article)?

I'm only a few episodes in (so we might be), but the way Netflix describes it is a 24-episode one-season anime.

(It looks like there is a second series - The Seven Deadly Sins: Signs of Holy War - but it's not part of The Seven Deadly Sins as-presented by Netflix. I'll have to look it up and see if the sequel series is on Netflix.

captain yesterday wrote:

Is it a television show.

I did a search and what I got was Brad Pitt, a bunch of religious relics and an anime series. :-)

Hope the link helps! (It's the anime series.)

Yep. Same one. The other series are sequels that aren't as good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah! Thanks! :D

EDIT: Also, upon re-reading your original post, it seems more like we were talking about the same thing. I thought you were saying the first season was about them making money. Now I understand that it's the sequels. Got it! Communication achieved! :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yup, that's the one I got. Certainly better then clips from Seven. The church mosaics were pretty cool looking though. :-)

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Pea Bear (after the General tells her the German version of Jack and Jill): O_O... don't roll down the hill kids!

All I personally caught is something involving Vinegar, and then the General say "... and this next part gets really dark..."

Dang, dude. Detective Conan is just as bad or worse as Jessica Fletcher. I mean this, you too, really and deeply, from the bottom of my heart: never become my friend or the friend of anyone in my family. HOLY CARP, does anyone you know escape the icy clutch of death?!

Is Asmodeus running my university? Because I don't know what their game is.

First we had that crap with the roommate drama and them just not wanting to do a move no matter what he did.

Then we had the whole "Being way overworked and unable to focus on all your classes is not a valid reason to drop a class with a W, only a doctor verified medical problem is valid reason to drop a class with a W" thing they had going on. And no, this was not a late withdrawal.

Then we had the whole "The last university move out date is the same day as the last day of finals, so you have to juggle moving and packing. When everybody tries to move out the last day because they don't live in San Francisco (people who do stay well away from university housing) and had finals up until the last day, we'll passive-aggressively mention they should have thought ahead and moved out earlier as an excuse for the whole system being overwhelmed." thing.

Now we have the whole "There are four blocks of Summer classes, of five weeks each. You get financial aid for a Summer class two weeks after the class begins (normally you get financial aid before the semester starts). So, you get your textbooks almost halfway through the semester. But wait, if you have one class in the first block and one class in the last block (as I do), you don't get any money at all until two weeks after the last block class starts, so you never get any money at all for your first class, and if you depend on financial aid for rent, like a massive proportion of university students, you get to figure out where the hell rent money comes from for July, because class starts in early June, but you don't get any money until late July.

I really should just drop out.

Rosita, that sounds... insane. I'm... very sorry. :/

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I really should just drop out.

If you have an alternative place to get your degree from, this might be the wisest course of action to transfer to a new place of learning.

Anyway, a new NPC inspired by this song (and a thread) will be posted in my thread soon. I'm literally mentioning this here for no other reason than to share that link. Again*. No, this will likely make no sense in the future, but it does to my inspiration, daggumit.

* I don't know if I've shared that link before in FaWtL, but I feel I must have. Either way, it's been shared elsewhere and in my thread.

Okay, can anyone explain to me what the heck Case Closed's "end theme" is about? There's a girl at the end, and the theme (when English is used) seems to be "Respect Yourself" but she has what kind of seems to be a bit of a ditzy expression, and she may be the sister or former girlfriend of Conan when he was a teen?

I thought Episode 6 made it clear it was Conan's sister, but the Episode 7-9 three-parter made me rethink that... for... uh... reasons.

Anyway, the end credits feels like the scenes should be significant, but between a lack of Japanese and a complete lack of history for their relationship, I have no idea what any of it is getting at.

(I have questions about the people in the opening credits as well, but that just feels like a vague hand-wavey introduction to their current relationships as most theme songs do, instead of a deeply insightful and important reference to their past.)

So... anyone? Or am I just conflating people who kind of look a little alike due to anime stylings?

I like the show, but there's enough history that it's hard to guess at exactly who I'm looking at and how they relate to everyone else (except his three/four kid side-kick-like characters).

Dark Archive

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Trump unveils his cabinet!

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, I now know more about particle physics, the physical stages of death, King Offa, King Aethelstan, the Augustan Roman emperors, the sunken cities of Canopis and Therion-Heirakopolis (?), surface conditions on other planets of the solar system, English punctuation and population movements in Eurasia than I did last Sunday, thanks to the book festival I've been at. Mah bwain hurts.

Saw my parents and my nieces too, which was nice.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, can anyone explain to me what the heck Case Closed's "end theme" is about? There's a girl at the end, and the theme (when English is used) seems to be "Respect Yourself" but she has what kind of seems to be a bit of a ditzy expression, and she may be the sister or former girlfriend of Conan when he was a teen?

I thought Episode 6 made it clear it was Conan's sister, but the Episode 7-9 three-parter made me rethink that... for... uh... reasons.

Anyway, the end credits feels like the scenes should be significant, but between a lack of Japanese and a complete lack of history for their relationship, I have no idea what any of it is getting at.

(I have questions about the people in the opening credits as well, but that just feels like a vague hand-wavey introduction to their current relationships as most theme songs do, instead of a deeply insightful and important reference to their past.)

So... anyone? Or am I just conflating people who kind of look a little alike due to anime stylings?

I like the show, but there's enough history that it's hard to guess at exactly who I'm looking at and how they relate to everyone else (except his three/four kid side-kick-like characters).

if you are watching it dubbed you deserve whatever confusion you find yourself mired in.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The tension, but now breakfast is ready.

Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, can anyone explain to me what the heck Case Closed's "end theme" is about? There's a girl at the end, and the theme (when English is used) seems to be "Respect Yourself" but she has what kind of seems to be a bit of a ditzy expression, and she may be the sister or former girlfriend of Conan when he was a teen?

I thought Episode 6 made it clear it was Conan's sister, but the Episode 7-9 three-parter made me rethink that... for... uh... reasons.

Anyway, the end credits feels like the scenes should be significant, but between a lack of Japanese and a complete lack of history for their relationship, I have no idea what any of it is getting at.

(I have questions about the people in the opening credits as well, but that just feels like a vague hand-wavey introduction to their current relationships as most theme songs do, instead of a deeply insightful and important reference to their past.)

So... anyone? Or am I just conflating people who kind of look a little alike due to anime stylings?

I like the show, but there's enough history that it's hard to guess at exactly who I'm looking at and how they relate to everyone else (except his three/four kid side-kick-like characters).

if you are watching it dubbed you deserve whatever confusion you find yourself mired in.

Actually, it's all subbed, sadly. That's the only way Netflix plays it, it seems. Such a shame.

So, now that we've clarified our political stances: explain, please. Thanks!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, can anyone explain to me what the heck Case Closed's "end theme" is about? There's a girl at the end, and the theme (when English is used) seems to be "Respect Yourself" but she has what kind of seems to be a bit of a ditzy expression, and she may be the sister or former girlfriend of Conan when he was a teen?

I thought Episode 6 made it clear it was Conan's sister, but the Episode 7-9 three-parter made me rethink that... for... uh... reasons.

Anyway, the end credits feels like the scenes should be significant, but between a lack of Japanese and a complete lack of history for their relationship, I have no idea what any of it is getting at.

(I have questions about the people in the opening credits as well, but that just feels like a vague hand-wavey introduction to their current relationships as most theme songs do, instead of a deeply insightful and important reference to their past.)

So... anyone? Or am I just conflating people who kind of look a little alike due to anime stylings?

I like the show, but there's enough history that it's hard to guess at exactly who I'm looking at and how they relate to everyone else (except his three/four kid side-kick-like characters).

if you are watching it dubbed you deserve whatever confusion you find yourself mired in.

Actually, it's all subbed, sadly. That's the only way Netflix plays it, it seems. Such a shame.

So, now that we've clarified our political stances: explain, please. Thanks!



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