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Sissyl wrote:


Maths is beautiful, lovely, wonderful, and what's more, it loves us. It cherishes us and wants us to be happy. It also wants us to do maths, which is the way it expresses its love for us all, its children. Maths loves us. We can do no less back.

sissyl, you really shouldn't drink one-of-manys secretions like that. It leads to love of math and lightning gun shooting sprees.

LOL! Now there is an odd ToP! :)

I love my body!!!

Freehold DM wrote:
Sissyl wrote:


Maths is beautiful, lovely, wonderful, and what's more, it loves us. It cherishes us and wants us to be happy. It also wants us to do maths, which is the way it expresses its love for us all, its children. Maths loves us. We can do no less back.

sissyl, you really shouldn't drink one-of-manys secretions like that. It leads to love of math and lightning gun shooting sprees.

Do you think my lightning gun... MY LIGHTNING GUN AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!! ... do you think it is lonely without me?



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Just realised I don't particularly like cola.

Silver Crusade

It's just as well, Kajehase. I've all but eliminated from my diet (other than occasionally at a restaurant) and I do not miss it.

Celestial Healer wrote:
It's just as well, Kajehase. I've all but eliminated from my diet (other than occasionally at a restaurant) and I do not miss it.

back when I was really in shape, I ditched soda completely. Only drank water and soy milk and juice. After a while even that last was too sweet for me.

Freehold DM wrote:
It's math.

Dear chap, it's maths. Plural, thus arithmetically more evil.


DSXMachina wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
It's math.

Dear chap, it's maths. Plural, thus arithmetically more evil.



Do you mean,...
The MATH(s),... It's,... MULTIPLYING?!?



If you're writing it that way, due to parentheses, it is. Good thing these babies never run out of ammo. kisses biceps

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.


Celestial Healer wrote:
It's just as well, Kajehase. I've all but eliminated from my diet (other than occasionally at a restaurant) and I do not miss it.

Yup. Only problem I can foresee is that not really being into red wine either, I'll have to remember to stock up on cider if I'm going to have something suitable to drink with the Wednesday pizza.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"The Integers ALIVE???!!!"

And I would have gotten away with the hypotenuse if it weren't for those pesky cathetuses!

And yay! for brand new pdfs to look through when I get back from work.

Aberzombie wrote:

No it didn't.

Kajehase wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
It's just as well, Kajehase. I've all but eliminated from my diet (other than occasionally at a restaurant) and I do not miss it.
Yup. Only problem I can foresee is that not really being into red wine either, I'll have to remember to stock up on cider if I'm going to have something suitable to drink with the Wednesday pizza.

I am interested in this cider you continually refer to, talking-boat-man. Is this a particular brand or something? Maybe it's called something else over here?

Several different ones actually - my favourite is a French one called "Cidre Blonde," and there's one from Normandy I forget the name of right now. "Olde English" and "Strongbow" are pretty good as well.

I pretty much like any cider, as long as it's a proper one (made from, and tastes of, apples) and dry. Sweet ciders are basically just alcopops in a fancy suit, and I'm not a fan of the combination of sweet taste and alcohol - too cloying.

Kajehase wrote:

Several different ones actually - my favourite is a French one called "Cidre Blonde," and there's one from Normandy I forget the name of right now. "Olde English" and "Strongbow" are pretty good as well.

I pretty much like any cider, as long as it's a proper one (made from, and tastes of, apples) and dry. Sweet ciders are basically just alcopops in a fancy suit, and I'm not a fan of the combination of sweet taste and alcohol - too cloying.

What are these other ciders like? Are they carbonated? Are they alcoholic?

Math good. Math very good. I'm even willing to give up some of my laziness for a chance to do a bit of math. Although I may struggle with some of the higher order stuff right now since I haven't had to do any of it for a while.

Of course, proofs are bullshit.

Repeat after me,...

'Math BAD,... Cider GOOD!'

I'm not a big fan of Strongbow, but I've only had it once.

I prefer the Woodchuck brand here in the states. Although there are others. Lately they have come up with several 'seasonal' flavors that I was skeptical of at first, but they are pretty tasty. (Sort of like the 'seasonal' brews by Sam Adams)

To answer your question Freehold, Ciders (preferably apple, but there are others) are basically alcoholic apple juice. Most of them are at least moderately carbonated, and usually pretty sweet. Woodchuck has Dark & Dry, Amber, Green Apple, and others. They are also higher in Alcohol content per bottle than American p!$$, I mean beer, so your getting a better bang for your buck! :)

And karate class beat the stuffing out of me.
Literally, (It was Sparring night)

So Goodnight FAWTL-ies! ;)

Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Several different ones actually - my favourite is a French one called "Cidre Blonde," and there's one from Normandy I forget the name of right now. "Olde English" and "Strongbow" are pretty good as well.

I pretty much like any cider, as long as it's a proper one (made from, and tastes of, apples) and dry. Sweet ciders are basically just alcopops in a fancy suit, and I'm not a fan of the combination of sweet taste and alcohol - too cloying.

What are these other ciders like? Are they carbonated? Are they alcoholic?

I'd say the best way to sum it up would be that cider is to beer as calvados is to grain-based spirits like whiskey or vodka.

If that makes sense...

And the bit I dislike most about being outside in -20 Celsius (-4 F) is that it basically takes 10 minutes and then my left cheek go numb (I apparently got a tiny bit of frostbite in it when I was 2 and my daycare teachers didn't realise exactly how cold it was out there).

Ragadolf wrote:

Repeat after me,...

'Math GOOD,... Cider BAD!'


Ragadolf wrote:

Repeat after me,...

'Math BAD,... Cider GOOD!'

I'm not a big fan of Strongbow, but I've only had it once.

I prefer the Woodchuck brand here in the states. Although there are others. Lately they have come up with several 'seasonal' flavors that I was skeptical of at first, but they are pretty tasty. (Sort of like the 'seasonal' brews by Sam Adams)

To answer your question Freehold, Ciders (preferably apple, but there are others) are basically alcoholic apple juice. Most of them are at least moderately carbonated, and usually pretty sweet. Woodchuck has Dark & Dry, Amber, Green Apple, and others. They are also higher in Alcohol content per bottle than American p!$$, I mean beer, so your getting a better bang for your buck! :)

Bleh. Woodchuck is awful. It's so hideously sugary and it doesn't taste like apples at all.

Strongbow is pretty good. Magner's isn't bad. Angry Orchard is awesome.

Then of course you get the dry cloudy ciders or scrumpy. Which tends to be slightly more vinegary and is still. A drier and less sweet drink, still with a fruity tasteThese have a high alcohol content 6-10%.

Whilst there are a number of carbonated ciders, or Perries (Pear Ciders). Koppaberg is very good and sweet with a number of different fruity flavours. But Bulmers and Magners are the most popular bottled ciders.

I wonder if I should drink a can of beer before starting Kingmaker tomorrow, or just go with an energy drink instead.

Either way, Dark Heresy was moved to next week, so I can finish up the Varnhold Vanishing in tomorrow's Kingmaker session!

Energy drinks are better at giving you a bit of a buzz, whilst I suppose the beer can loosen you up if you are feeling nervous with a new group.

Glad that's not top of page.

I'm not with a new group, so energy drink it is!!

Ragadolf wrote:

And karate class beat the stuffing out of me.

Literally, (It was Sparring night)

So Goodnight FAWTL-ies! ;)

What style of Karate?

DSXMachina wrote:

Then of course you get the dry cloudy ciders or scrumpy. Which tends to be slightly more vinegary and is still. A drier and less sweet drink, still with a fruity tasteThese have a high alcohol content 6-10%.

Whilst there are a number of carbonated ciders, or Perries (Pear Ciders). Koppaberg is very good and sweet with a number of different fruity flavours. But Bulmers and Magners are the most popular bottled ciders.


Icyshadow wrote:

I wonder if I should drink a can of beer before starting Kingmaker tomorrow, or just go with an energy drink instead.

Either way, Dark Heresy was moved to next week, so I can finish up the Varnhold Vanishing in tomorrow's Kingmaker session!

Pah. Go out to IHOP and eat UNLIMITED PANCAKES!!!!!

Their pancakes are almost as good as mine.


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Probably going out to IHOP tonight to work on tomorrow's Kingmaker game. I used it to prepare for the Darklight Sisterhood game and I was only moderately taken by surprise by the PCs.

Monday's Dark Heresy almost certainly won't happen. GM is sick and getting antibiotics.

I have Forgotten Realms PF session sheduled on Sunday, however, after over a half of year hiatus. I missed GMing.

Is there such thing as good pancakes?


All the ones I have are distinctly mediocre. And it best I would think they'd be fluffy and light, but delivering other foods rather than nice on their own.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My pancakes are delicious. Puffin-tested, Puffin-approved.

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Now I imagined Puffin chained to a chair being forcefeed pancakes through a tube...

Evil Twin Of Treppa from the Mirror Universe: Say when you had enough...

Puffin gaged with the feeding tube: *mghm-mgh* *booh* *cough*

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Mirror Universe? Oh! Oh, right! That one's definitely the Evil Treppa.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy FRIDAY!!!! Or maybe not so happy - me am acting Branch Head today.

Scarab Sages

I tend to rule with an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove.

Scarab Sages

And it's supposed to start snowing today - right about the time we're ready to leave.

Scarab Sages

Later tonight it's supposed to continue snowing - total accumulation around 3 inches or so. The wife has her book club meeting tonight. My gaming buddy Todd's wife is also part of the club and it's over at the house of a guy (his wife runs it) I use to game with (the guy who ran Flagons and Dragons).

Coincidently, my buddy Todd sent me an email the other day about bringing Charlie over to his house tonight for pizza and a movie. Methinks the wives conspired to put this thought in his head so that mine wouldn't have to drive herself in the snow.


Scarab Sages

Freehold DM wrote:
Probably going out to IHOP tonight to work on tomorrow's Kingmaker game. I used it to prepare for the Darklight Sisterhood game and I was only moderately taken by surprise by the PCs.

IHOP is the work of the devil.

Scarab Sages

Just kidding. I actually like IHOP. Used to go to one all the time about 20 years ago.

Scarab Sages

Again - yes. I'm that old.

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