Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Freehold DM wrote:
God, I love almond milk.

I don't think I've ever tried it. I will have to rectify that. :)

Apparently I'll be drinking it while naked.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Apparently I'll be drinking it while naked.

This is a great day.

Making a trip to the salvation army tomorrow to finally get rid of the pile of junk to give away that has been sitting in the living room for far too long. Spent today cleaning. The apartment looks not completely embarrassing now. Yay. :)

Now I just need to actually do all this homework I was supposed to be doing the last couple of days and haven't done at all. :/

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Apparently I'll be drinking it while naked.
This is a great day.

Er, I'm pleased that you're pleased. ^.^

lynora wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lynora wrote:
Apparently I'll be drinking it while naked.
This is a great day.
Er, I'm pleased that you're pleased. ^.^


I am enjoying Modern Warfare 3. And this is coming from someone who hates FPS.

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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
Hello. Also, I'm losing my faith in the Paizo forums.


just ignore certain vitriolic areas like politic threads or some rules discussions

I only ever go to James Jcobs, FaWtL, Favorite Beer, LGBT, Overheard, Golarion- and AP-Subforums

the Boards are a shiny, happy, friendly place for me :-)

I only ever visit four threads anymore: FAWTL, What Music Are You Listening To, and my two PbPs. In the 6 years (son of a b&#%*...) that I've been on these forums, I've seen OTD go from the most welcoming internet forum I've ever seen to a barren wasteland of misery. I only stick around because of you guys.

I basically have no use for the political threads any more. There are a few people who have sharply different views from mine that I respect, but most of those trolls are a waste of skin and oxygen. It's just not worth my time to argue with bigots that I think are morally and intellectually bankrupt. I'm also not happy about how only one side ever seems to get called out for name calling but the other side can threaten folks with apparent impunity. *shrug*

I basically just stick around for FAWTL too. Alas I think most of the FAWTL activity has gone to facebook. :(

I don't think this is true about FB siphoning off some FaWtL posters. I think its more just life getting busy as I haven't seen a lot of posting in other venues either.

As far as the forums go - 95% of my time is spent in FAWTL or PBPs. Too little time available to waste it on mindless arguing.

I think it's a little of both. Busy; ergo no time for drama.

Plus, starting the most innocuous thread here often seems to lead to drek. I mean, some threads you have to know are going to be testicular torsion, but damn; even the "this should be a fun discussion subject!" threads turn into a rectal hernia.
What's nice about fbook is people there have to justify their own personal drama levels by being useful in some way, and you can tell somebody to eat s#+* and die if you want to.

Slow day at work with little to no cash made. *Sigh*

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk. Both the boy and I continue to have up and down health issues. Hopefully, we can both recover over the next few days - me for my trip to Japan, and him so his mother has an easier time dealing.

She did stay home with him today, and was likely going to take him to the doctor. So, there's that.

I, on the other hand, am feeling much better today than yesterday. Yesterday I felt like something a zombie had eaten, then spilled out through its ruptured guts, then eaten again.

Scarab Sages

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
Hello. Also, I'm losing my faith in the Paizo forums.


just ignore certain vitriolic areas like politic threads or some rules discussions

I only ever go to James Jcobs, FaWtL, Favorite Beer, LGBT, Overheard, Golarion- and AP-Subforums

the Boards are a shiny, happy, friendly place for me :-)

I only ever visit four threads anymore: FAWTL, What Music Are You Listening To, and my two PbPs. In the 6 years (son of a b&#%*...) that I've been on these forums, I've seen OTD go from the most welcoming internet forum I've ever seen to a barren wasteland of misery. I only stick around because of you guys.

I basically have no use for the political threads any more. There are a few people who have sharply different views from mine that I respect, but most of those trolls are a waste of skin and oxygen. It's just not worth my time to argue with bigots that I think are morally and intellectually bankrupt. I'm also not happy about how only one side ever seems to get called out for name calling but the other side can threaten folks with apparent impunity. *shrug*

I basically just stick around for FAWTL too. Alas I think most of the FAWTL activity has gone to facebook. :(

I don't think this is true about FB siphoning off some FaWtL posters. I think its more just life getting busy as I haven't seen a lot of posting in other venues either.

As far as the forums go - 95% of my time is spent in FAWTL or PBPs. Too little time available to waste it on mindless arguing.

I think it's a little of both. Busy; ergo no time for drama.

Plus, starting the most innocuous thread here often seems to lead to drek. I mean, some threads you have to know are going to be testicular torsion, but damn; even the "this should be a fun discussion subject!" threads turn into a rectal hernia.
What's nice about fbook is people there have to justify their...

I try to split my time evenly between here and FB. It's not always balanced, and I've been absent from here more than I like recently. But in my case its partly real life s~#* going down.

It's all good though. I just continue to hide the troll threads and go on my merry way. I gotta say, though, If I unhide the hidden threads, it's sad to see just how many of them there are.

Scarab Sages

Here's hoping my boss approved my damn orders already, so that my flights don't get cancelled.

Scarab Sages

Then again, I wouldn't mind if, through no fault of my own, my s+%+ got cancelled and I didn't have to go to Japan. This job is gonna suck big hairy donkey balls. And I'm really not looking forward to roughly 26 hours of travel just to get there.

Scarab Sages

Why, you may ask, is this job going to suck big hairy donkey balls? I'll tell you why....

...It's because (a) the Port Engineer is jackass who doesn't believe in the usefulness of UT even though we've been using it in inspections for years. (b)the aforementioned 26 hours of travel time to get there. (c)I've got to do at least one other branch's job for them, since the branch head didn't want to send anyone out there. (d) another 26 hours or so to get back. (e) I'll be thousands of miles from my family. (f) Still recovering from weeks of on and off sickness.

Scarab Sages

Well, now I'm just pissing myself off even more.

Scarab Sages

At least I only have to work 7.5 hours today.

Scarab Sages

But I wouldn't be surprised if traffic sucks ass on the way home.

Hey, raging about stuff is my job!

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also, thank the gods for AMAZON. Without that, I'm not sure how I'd be getting my Christmas shopping done this year.

Scarab Sages

Icyshadow wrote:
Hey, raging about stuff is my job!

Get in line, young one.

Scarab Sages

Going to suggest to the wife that we not get each other anything for Christmas this year. That way I only have to worry about what the boy would get her.

Scarab Sages

Of course, I can always make my holiday gift giving Japanese themed.....

Aberzombie wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
Hey, raging about stuff is my job!
Get in line, young one.

How about no? :U

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Remember people, this is the internet.

It was nice having a little corner of the internet that wasn't a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Well, technically I still have that, with the little forum where my PbPs are hosted. Two little corners, then.

Scarab Sages

Orthos wrote:

...a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Sounds like my job on a good day.

Aberzombie wrote:
Orthos wrote:

...a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Sounds like my job on a good day.


I've only had two jobs that I utterly hated, one which I quit after two months and one I got fired after one. I guess I should be thankful all my jobs since have been very tolerable.

6 hours of walking around slightly bent forward is not a good idea when you haven't done your crunches in a while. Ow my back. (Also: stupid, slightly too small trolley.)

On the plus side: Pizza is done!

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Remember people, this is the internet.

It was nice having a little corner of the internet that wasn't a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Well, technically I still have that, with the little forum where my PbPs are hosted. Two little corners, then.

Amusingly enough, one of my favourite forums online is full of rage and hate of the 3.5e nerd variety.

Then again, it's gone to such a degree that people are taking it more with humor than with anything else there.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Icyshadow wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Remember people, this is the internet.

It was nice having a little corner of the internet that wasn't a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Well, technically I still have that, with the little forum where my PbPs are hosted. Two little corners, then.

Amusingly enough, one of my favourite forums online is full of rage and hate of the 3.5e nerd variety.

Then again, it's gone to such a degree that people are taking it more with humor than with anything else there.

... In the business we call that Crossing the Line Twice...

Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Remember people, this is the internet.

It was nice having a little corner of the internet that wasn't a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Well, technically I still have that, with the little forum where my PbPs are hosted. Two little corners, then.

Yeah, sorry, but I agree with aeglos on this one. Thanks to the hide function the Paizo boards are still a shiny, happy place for me too. Look, anytime you get a lot of people in one place some of them are going to be unhappy about something. If they want to behave badly and take out their feelings of anger or frustration on anyone who will listen, that's on them. If I let them ruin my day with it, that's on me. I am responsible for treating others with dignity and respect. The rest is their own problem. I cannot tell you how hard it is to keep to that outlook. But as long as I am trying I'll at least get it right more of the time than I don't. :)

Aberzombie wrote:
Orthos wrote:

...a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Sounds like my job on a good day.

Sorry your job is being so difficult to deal with AZ. I hope that you continue to feel better and have a minimum of bureaucratic crap to wade through today. Good luck with your upcoming trip.

Thanksgiving break is officially on for the school district...

No retail monkey job tonight...

This is gonna be awesome. I can get stuff done!

Watch me end up just watching MLP on youtube for six hours

Kajehase wrote:

6 hours of walking around slightly bent forward is not a good idea when you haven't done your crunches in a while. Ow my back. (Also: stupid, slightly too small trolley.)

On the plus side: Pizza is done!

Yay for pizza. :)

But boo for sore back. Hope it feels better soon.

Scintillae wrote:

Thanksgiving break is officially on for the school district...

No retail monkey job tonight...

This is gonna be awesome. I can get stuff done!

Watch me end up just watching MLP on youtube for six hours

Hey, that's still getting stuff done! Okay, maybe not stuff other folks would see as productive, but obviously they don't understand. ;P

Hope you have a great day off. :)

...and I still fail to understand bronies as a phenomenon.

lynora wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

6 hours of walking around slightly bent forward is not a good idea when you haven't done your crunches in a while. Ow my back. (Also: stupid, slightly too small trolley.)

On the plus side: Pizza is done!

Yay for pizza. :)

But boo for sore back. Hope it feels better soon.

There's a long, hot bath with my name on it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here comes Azatoth.

Scarab Sages

Icyshadow wrote:
...and I still fail to understand bronies as a phenomenon.

You and me both.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Icyshadow wrote:
...and I still fail to understand bronies as a phenomenon.

It's just a fun show. I've definitely seen better cartoons cough Airbender cough, but I do get a lot of joy out of watching it. It has a very Looney Tunes feel at times, the animation's pretty, the characters are developed, and it's got some very clever writing - you can tell they were trying to make their show fun for the parents getting roped into watching with the little girls, and it attracted a whole new demographic.

I dunno. Sometimes, it's just nice to know there's a source of happiness that isn't steeped in schadenfreude and hate. Not that schadenfreude isn't delicious

I still don't get how the target audience (girls) is almost smaller than the amount of young men (bronies) watching.

That, and the huge amounts of M-rated, very NSFW things that I've had the misfortune of seeing among the brony masses.

What she said.

And being a brony has the side effect of making me the cool teacher.

"blahblah Fluttershy"
"Why are you talking about MLP?"
"Cause it's AWESOME!"
"I don't disagree, but it has nothing to do with your gerrymandering packet that I'm collecting int twenty minutes."

Icyshadow wrote:
Okay, I don't get the *CoughPonyPronzCough* that spawned en masse after the show appeared and bronies started appearing everywhere.

Okay yeah that I don't get either.

lynora wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Remember people, this is the internet.

It was nice having a little corner of the internet that wasn't a pit of rage, hate, and despair.

Well, technically I still have that, with the little forum where my PbPs are hosted. Two little corners, then.

Yeah, sorry, but I agree with aeglos on this one. Thanks to the hide function the Paizo boards are still a shiny, happy place for me too. Look, anytime you get a lot of people in one place some of them are going to be unhappy about something. If they want to behave badly and take out their feelings of anger or frustration on anyone who will listen, that's on them. If I let them ruin my day with it, that's on me. I am responsible for treating others with dignity and respect. The rest is their own problem. I cannot tell you how hard it is to keep to that outlook. But as long as I am trying I'll at least get it right more of the time than I don't. :)

Heh. I've always been a bit too cynical for my own good, and a pessimist by nature, and maybe a little teensy bit misanthropic. I try not to gripe about it too much >_>

Icyshadow wrote:
Okay, I don't get the *CoughPonyPronzCough* that spawned en masse after the show appeared and bronies started appearing everywhere.

Neither do I.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Granted, I don't generally get "shipping" in general and the more explicit stuff even less.

Never really got into the mindset of smashing dolls' faces together and making MWAH MWAH noises.

No Kingmaker this week. However, we're continuing on GURPS.

I'm playing a Finnish-born albino mercenary who happens to be a sniper.

He's also a sociopath who loves doing crossword puzzles and drinking sometimes.

Aberzombie wrote:
Of course, I can always make my holiday gift giving Japanese themed.....

Please make sure I am on your list if you do. I have been a good Freehold this year.

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Of course, I can always make my holiday gift giving Japanese themed.....
Please make sure I am on your list if you do. I have been a good Freehold this year.

We've been watching you, Freehold. Aaaaalways waaaatching.

Icyshadow wrote:
I still don't get how the target audience (girls) is almost smaller than the amount of young men (bronies) watching.

There are young women watching, too. They're less emphasized because ~EVERYONE~ knows it's COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY unacceptable for boys to do girly things ohoho or whatever.

As for the former, have you seen some of the stuff that passes for TV lately? Kids'll watch anything when they're five. They'll feel deep shame in the teen years for it, but they'll watch it.

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