Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Archive

Ah naked convincing usually works for me when trying to convince my wife of things.

Scarab Sages

For the first set, my FLGS let me buy the black dragon with purchase of a brick. I think I'll try going that option again.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I got the complete H&M set on Ebay for $120, and the dragon mini from somewhere online for $25-30. I think waiting was a good idea.

Scarab Sages

Is very nice!

Aberzombie wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm in Salina for the night. Pushing on through MO tomorrow.

It irks me that I don't have more time to see stuff along the way. I'm on a tough schedule because I have to be to work in NY on Tuesday. Ugh.

So, just to be clear, you guys are moving back to NY, permanently, right?
Unless more FAWTLY Folk move to Texas. Then the sheer gravimetric pull of so much FAWESOMENESS would compel them to journey southwest to the land of BBQ, long-horns, and 10-gallon hats.

You never know, if an evolutionary ecologist position opens up at the university there and they hire my husband....... well anything could happen I guess.

Sovereign Court

Hey, the standard case is only $400, and that's all you need to get access to the Rune Giant! :)

Shadow Lodge

I'll wait on the after market, thanks.

Sovereign Court


Silver Crusade

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I'm in Salina for the night. Pushing on through MO tomorrow.

It irks me that I don't have more time to see stuff along the way. I'm on a tough schedule because I have to be to work in NY on Tuesday. Ugh.

So, just to be clear, you guys are moving back to NY, permanently, right?

Yes. My job gave me the transfer, so now we're pretty well locked in.

Unless, as AZ observed, there is some FAWTLy gravitational pull thing...

I just want it noted how long I held back from saying ** spoiler omitted **

Heh, maybe, maybe not.

I feel like if we didn't get out of Rochester when we did, we never would, so I don't regret anything.

Silver Crusade

Also, I think this is a head cold I've got. What a s*+$ty time for a cold. Not there there is ever a good time for it.

1. Okay, good, CH forgives me.
3. I'm not in San Antone...yet.

Jess Door wrote:
Hey, the standard case is only $400, and that's all you need to get access to the Rune Giant! :)

Feel bad for people like me who are buying 3 case bundles and 3 Rune Giants :S

Edit: At least I planned at least $2000 for the minis.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:


Ummm Derek why do you think I unload my extras on the financially strapped

1. I like to think I'm a good guy
2. Keeps me from being a hoarder
3. Multiple cases ensures I get all I need, and the extras don't go to waste.

O yeah if you didn't get my giveaway for this minis set don't worry I'll get to you next set just let me know that your interested, I know I offered it to most of the FAWTLies all ready but this way next time no one gets left out.

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Hey, the standard case is only $400, and that's all you need to get access to the Rune Giant! :)

Feel bad for people like me who are buying 3 case bundles and 3 Rune Giants :S

Edit: At least I planned at least $2000 for the minis.

$2000 for MINIS? My wife said she would be okay with it if I married you for the financial security.

Freehold DM wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Hey, the standard case is only $400, and that's all you need to get access to the Rune Giant! :)

Feel bad for people like me who are buying 3 case bundles and 3 Rune Giants :S

Edit: At least I planned at least $2000 for the minis.

$2000 for MINIS? My wife said she would be okay with it if I married you for the financial security.

Listen I don't drink, smoke, do marijuana, or gamble. I have to have at least one vice. Point is the money I don't spend on these things adds up over time and i save it for my minis addiction. When I hear rumors of upcoming sets, I start saving.

Freehold DM wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Hey, the standard case is only $400, and that's all you need to get access to the Rune Giant! :)

Feel bad for people like me who are buying 3 case bundles and 3 Rune Giants :S

Edit: At least I planned at least $2000 for the minis.

$2000 for MINIS? My wife said she would be okay with it if I married you for the financial security.

And I'm already married, so it is unlikely going to happen until they legalize gay bigamy.

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Hey, the standard case is only $400, and that's all you need to get access to the Rune Giant! :)

Feel bad for people like me who are buying 3 case bundles and 3 Rune Giants :S

Edit: At least I planned at least $2000 for the minis.

$2000 for MINIS? My wife said she would be okay with it if I married you for the financial security.
And I'm already married, so it is unlikely going to happen until they legalize gay bigamy.

I don't think bigamy would be be the proper term for it...... neither do it I think polygamy or polyandry would be correct either. Damn it where's Mairkurion when you need him.

Plural marriage. That's a good gender neutral way to phrase it.

Meh, time to get some sleep before I have to edit out any more whining. I'm really frustrated because what should have been good planning didn't work out and my weekend kinda sucks now and I get to miss most of the fun stuff. Thanks to a badly timed case of flu I'm doing poorly in a class that I really needed to do well in and I'm not taking it well. I'm sure it will look less dire after a good night's sleep. There are worse things in the world than a bad grade...even if it doesn't seem like it right this second.

Scarab Sages

Good morning and Happy Saturday to all my wonderful FAWTLY Friends!!!

Hmm... should I plague the FAWTL thread with comments about sports arenas who don't live up to their names?

No wildlife at White Hart Lane, for instance.

As far as I know, there's not usually any royalty at Parc des Princes.

And let's not even begin with Guldfågelns Arena (The Golden Bird's Arena)...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Easter to the christian FAWTLies. And a good weekend to the rest of us.

At least the ground where my old team IFK Trollhättan play their games usually has a fitting name: Kamratgården (The Comrade Yard).

Comrade is a lot less associated with communists in Swedish

Camp Nou would have to be demolished replaced by another stadium, and then rebuilt to really be "New whatever-camp-means-in-Catalonian."

Don't know much about American arenas, Madison Square Garden isn't really a garden, is it? I'm pretty sure the hockey-rink ain't square.

lynora wrote:
There are worse things in the world than a bad grade...even if it doesn't seem like it right this second.

You could, for instance, have spent almost an hour trying to think of various sports venues whose names doesn't fit reality...

Hope you're feeling better when you wake up.

Kajehase wrote:
Don't know much about American arenas, Madison Square Garden isn't really a garden, is it? I'm pretty sure the hockey-rink ain't square.

The boxing-ring (which will have had plenty of cauliflower ears in it) on the other hand...

Good morning everyfawtly!!!! 9 is on Sci-Fi channel!!!!

9... space ships?
9 green-skinned space babes?
9 conspiracy theorists?

Oh, I give up.

This movie

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hmm... seems a waste to only get the voice of Jennifer Connelly.

And I could really do with some gosh-darn sleep.

Serenity comes on after it's a perfect time to go to the store sucks down some Haterang(tm) breakfast supplement

Kajehase wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Surprising teams in the Bundesliga during my current Football Manager run: SV Wehen Tanusstein. (There must be some licensing issue with the German clubs, as they all go by some not quite correct name [Schalke being called Gelsenkirchen, for instance]).

they are named Wehen Wiesbaden since they reached proffesional status a few years ago. It is one of the 6 professional teams in Hessia.

Taunusstein is the small town the club origianLy was formed, its a suburb of Wiesbaden (which is Hessias capital by theway)
Gelsenekirchen is the city of whijch Schalke is a borough
Any idea why the nazis forced them to shut down, by the way? Were they a jewish or socialist club originally?

they forced clubs in many towns to join into one big club to keep them under thight control. that seems to be the case here (according to wikipedia discussion page)

aeglos wrote:
they forced clubs in many towns to join into one big club to keep them under thight control. that seems to be the case here (according to wikipedia discussion page)

Ah. That does sound like something a totalitarian regime would do.

tonight we are going to see Iron Sky

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:

Serenity comes on after it's a perfect time to go to the store sucks down some Haterang(tm) breakfast supplement

I'm fine too if we pretend Serenity didn't happen and pick up the series where it originally left off and move on from there. :P (That's what you meant wasn't it?)

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

and big woooohoooo:

I will be rid of GM duties for a while on fridays, one of my players will GM, "Tempel of Elemental Evil"

I did not have the opportunity to hbe a player for quit a while, so I am vry happy.
I think I will play a drrwaven wizard

The Exchange

Must make magic items. No Dwarven wizard is worth the name if he doesn't enchant some things along the way.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What would be even cooler would be a dwarven witch with the prehensile hair hex.

Punching villains with the beard!

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Serenity comes on after it's a perfect time to go to the store sucks down some Haterang(tm) breakfast supplement

I'm fine too if we pretend Serenity didn't happen and pick up the series where it originally left off and move on from there. :P (That's what you meant wasn't it?)

Close. I want to pretend the entire series didn't happen or that Whedon got on his hands and knees and thanked Keiko Nobumoto and Shinichirō Watanabe for their work.

Not until the writers of Die Hard 3 visits the grave of Evan Hunter (a.k.a. Ed McBain) and does the same.

Freehold DM wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Serenity comes on after it's a perfect time to go to the store sucks down some Haterang(tm) breakfast supplement

I'm fine too if we pretend Serenity didn't happen and pick up the series where it originally left off and move on from there. :P (That's what you meant wasn't it?)
Close. I want to pretend the entire series didn't happen or that Whedon got on his hands and knees and thanked Keiko Nobumoto and Shinichirō Watanabe for their work.

So, what are the Vegas odds at right now that you'll be seeing The Avengers in May?

Urizen wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Serenity comes on after it's a perfect time to go to the store sucks down some Haterang(tm) breakfast supplement

I'm fine too if we pretend Serenity didn't happen and pick up the series where it originally left off and move on from there. :P (That's what you meant wasn't it?)
Close. I want to pretend the entire series didn't happen or that Whedon got on his hands and knees and thanked Keiko Nobumoto and Shinichirō Watanabe for their work.
So, what are the Vegas odds at right now that you'll be seeing The Avengers in May?

Actually I plan to watch the combination of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Cap leading up to the Avengers Movie. I'm doing squats to get my ass in shape and have a foam dome filled with Haterade(tm) for the Avengers movie itself.

does anyone remember which book in 3.5 had the improved familiar feat ?

Dungeon Master's Guide.

(With several expansions of the list of available familiars in other books.)

aeglos wrote:
does anyone remember which book in 3.5 had the improved familiar feat ?

Complete Warrior, page 100.

Also here.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Justin Franklin wrote:

Since there is a store in the area that still has black dragons for $15. I will go there to get the Rune Giant, unless I can some convince my wife that I deserve a case of minis......

EDIT: nekkid convincing. O.O

Thats the best kind of convincing, works for me 99% of the time! ;)

Freehold DM wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Serenity comes on after it's a perfect time to go to the store sucks down some Haterang(tm) breakfast supplement

I'm fine too if we pretend Serenity didn't happen and pick up the series where it originally left off and move on from there. :P (That's what you meant wasn't it?)
Close. I want to pretend the entire series didn't happen or that Whedon got on his hands and knees and thanked Keiko Nobumoto and Shinichirō Watanabe for their work.

Hate on Whedon if you want, but don't hate on the movie, it was such a great one :)

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