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The Exchange

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I just weighed myself on my gym’s Inbody scanner today. I’m done for weight loss. I’m 50.8 kg (112 lbs) now.

Muscle Mass: 22.1 kg
Body Fat Mass: 9.8 kg (actually below recommended levels)
Percentage Body fat: 19.4%

I guess the key to the final bit of the puzzle was serious weight training(yup, not gym classes like body pump, though they definitely helped) and eating more proteins and more food in general. Yes, I walked into the free weights section of the gym, picked up a 40 lb barbell and started doing barbell squats and deadlifts with it. I have a thick skin and not very much sense of shame (enough to get me doing beat saber in the middle of a gawking shopping mall).

Also doing 90 knee pushups with elbows not flaring out was like WTF :P Yes, I did split them up in 6 rounds of 15 each. I need to progress to the regular guys push ups, I think I can do them now.

Took me about 5 months to get myself to a shape I’m satisfied with.

And Vidmaster7…yeah the last 2 weeks were like what the heck…yep, I gained like 0.8 kg of muscle in 2 weeks. Yay for my somatype – apparently all it really took was to weight train seriously and eat more protein and more food in general.

And of'd be a nekkid post.


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No sense being buff as all heck if you can't show it off! ;)

The Exchange

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Ya I don't do stick skinny. My body type tends to be a little bulky(mesomorph - endomorph mix). But look on the bright side, stick skinny probably can't carry as much as I can(unless they're the wiry muscle sort).

And I've outrun skinny guys(probably they haven't been training) on Park Run.

LM - you might want to try some weight training at home. After this whole journey, I genuinely believe you can't cut body fat effectively without doing weights at some point. It also improved my posture - I no longer slouch.

Here's something you can do at home

For Push-ups, it's hard to do with elbows not flaring out so I had to put my knees on the ground to do it.

The Exchange

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Also since I wasn't cutting calories much last week, I indulged in 2 cups of green tea, which I usually avoid like plague because it makes me hungry and taxes my willpower not to nom something else. I'm probably posting caffeinated or whatever. Is drinking 2 cups of green tea a day bad for you?

Scarab Sages

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Picking up some americans from the airport!

The Exchange

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Woran wrote:
Picking up some americans from the airport!

Anyone we know? Hmm?

Scarab Sages

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Dont think they are recognisable from the forum. Except Leg 'o Lamb maybe. No Hmm. :(

NobodysHome wrote:

"Sure, Nobody! We'll install your new roof and solar the moment we get 5 dry days in which to do it!"

"Hate you, universe!"

Hey, at least you didn't experience a hailstorm like my parents did yesterday!

Dad's poor car...
(Also screens around the house.)

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NobodysHome wrote:

Well, foo and falderal.

I like to describe my doctor as having one of the worst, bluntest demeanors of any physician I've ever encountered, yet as being the single-most-competent doctor I've ever had, so I stick with her.

Even though I started feeling better last Wednesday, I still have a nasty cough and my temperature goes above 99.6˚ F every day, so I finally called the doctor's office to find out whether it was even worth going in to see her. (If it's viral, there's no point; if it's bacterial, I can get help).

And of course, "Nope. Not diagnosing you over the phone. Come in and I'll take a look and tell you what I see."

I love her and hate her at the same time...

Ooh! Ooh! Is this "my current medical" share day?

no one wants to hear about your latest bowel crisis, TL

... d-... dang it.

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Woran wrote:
Dont think they are recognisable from the forum. Except Leg 'o Lamb maybe. No Hmm. :(

I was hoping for hmm...

Dark Archive

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Morning FaWtLy-folk. Hope everyone is well today, and has a good day ahead of them. And anyone who doesn't, I hope things improve soon.

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Here's another thing that Adam Ruins Everything entirely ignores: culture.

Adam makes it his systematic goal to show how cultural elements are "bad" - to the point where he makes blatantly untrue characterizations for broad over-reaching generalities.

He has good points. Sometimes very good points.

But the way he approaches such things is inherently aggressive and entirely tone-deaf for what's happening, which, I think, is why LM has her own issues.

He also pushes several agendas that are... frivolous. And even when he's correct, it's a problematic approach to issues.

As an example, in his wedding episode, he goes through the very reasonable postulate that "soul mate" is unlikely, and uses math to show it.

... except he ignores (or rejects) a host of elements that would go along with that ability, and leaves those elements untouched.

I happen to agree with him on that particular issue, but in that argument, it's weak because it ignores elements that are important to the whole thing.

(He also blends entirely unrelated arguments together as a singular whole, which, you know, is bad argumentation. Also, when he makes straw-arguments or exaggeration are really bad.)

EDIT: I wish to clarify, this is not always true. Sometimes he has good arguments. Sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes he has good points with bad arguments. And sometimes he has bad points with good arguments. But over-all, he generally gives solid facts and enjoyably shows off interesting factoids.

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Having nothing but FAWTL to go on, gotta say it sounds like Adam Ruins Adam Ruins.

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Scintillae wrote:
Having nothing but FAWTL to go on, gotta say it sounds like Adam Ruins Adam Ruins.

Part one

And, Part two.

I still like the show. :D

Dark Archive

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Tacticslion wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Having nothing but FAWTL to go on, gotta say it sounds like Adam Ruins Adam Ruins.

Part one

And, Part two.

I still like the show. :D

Oh, those videos aren't unavailable in my region! What a pleasant surprise. :D

The Exchange

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LordSynos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Having nothing but FAWTL to go on, gotta say it sounds like Adam Ruins Adam Ruins.

Part one

And, Part two.

I still like the show. :D

Oh, those videos aren't unavailable in my region! What a pleasant surprise. :D

And here we thought China was the only one with the great Firewall.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Also since I wasn't cutting calories much last week, I indulged in 2 cups of green tea, which I usually avoid like plague because it makes me hungry and taxes my willpower not to nom something else. I'm probably posting caffeinated or whatever. Is drinking 2 cups of green tea a day bad for you?

I doubt it, though I imagine the size of the cup will come into it. Probably nothing to worry about unless you're well into double figures.

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Green tea helps me lose weight...

The Exchange

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That too. Since I figured I was taking in extra calories I could ramp my metabolism by caffeine. And besides caffeine is supposed to improve athletic performance, so urmm... I could do push ups better? =P

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I used to have a metabolism my mom referred to as a "Jack rabbit on speed" now it's more like a regular rabbit.

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captain yesterday wrote:
I used to have a metabolism my mom referred to as a "Jack rabbit on speed" now it's more like a regular rabbit.

have I told you today how much I hate you?

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Yep. Love my doctor, but no surprises at all: "It's a virus. You're doing everything right. Give it another couple of weeks. Otherwise nothing we can do but wait it out..."

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Whelp, after losing half of Tuesday night to pain and then ultimately ending up in the ER last night, we discovered that Mrs Sunrise has multiple huge gallstones and is having her gallbladder removed today.

Yesterday was crazy and awful for her, but hopefully she'll be home later today...

Dark Archive

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Whelp, after losing half of Tuesday night to pain and then ultimately ending up in the ER last night, we discovered that Mrs Sunrise has multiple huge gallstones and is having her gallbladder removed today.

Yesterday was crazy and awful for her, but hopefully she'll be home later today...

Jaysus, very sorry to hear that TS. Hope Mrs. S recovers swiftly and smoothly.

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mother, father, dont make me choose

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Whelp, after losing half of Tuesday night to pain and then ultimately ending up in the ER last night, we discovered that Mrs Sunrise has multiple huge gallstones and is having her gallbladder removed today.

Yesterday was crazy and awful for her, but hopefully she'll be home later today...

heal up mrs sunrise! The abscondi-cave will not bill your insurance!

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Hi, everyone.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Whelp, after losing half of Tuesday night to pain and then ultimately ending up in the ER last night, we discovered that Mrs Sunrise has multiple huge gallstones and is having her gallbladder removed today.

Yesterday was crazy and awful for her, but hopefully she'll be home later today...

Ugh. Don't listen to any doctor who says it's "just a minor procedure" and that she "won't even notice".

GothBard was in significant pain for 2-3 weeks after the procedure, and is still dealing with significant dietary issues.

So yes, the symptoms slowly alleviate and according to the surprising number of friends who have had it done, within 2-3 years your body adjusts and everything returns to normal.

But the doctors pretend you'll go home and not even notice. It's a gross disservice.

Just follow the dietary guidelines strictly and she'll be fine. Otherwise it can be difficult.

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I am sorry to hear that TS. I hope the surgery goes well and there is a quick and painless recovery for her.

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Also, cancer sucks.

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More bad news, Sharoth?

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So, here is co-worker behavior that I've seen multiple times, but that I cannot explain:

We write technical labs and demos, meaning that our customers will be doing them live using our product. There's no theorycrafting here; either the labs work against the provided environment or they don't.

So, you're told to write about a topic you don't fully understand. You can either:
(a) Ask for help, or
(b) Write something, test it, make sure it works, and hope it's OK.

I have had TWO workers who opt for (c): Write something and don't worry about whether or not it works, just pass it off and pretend you're done.

So, I understand the psychology of avoiding (a): If you ask a question, you might be considered an idiot.

But if you chose (c) and I have to spend 3 hours of my day fixing it, not only do I consider you an idiot, but I've formally written you up for it to our manager.

NOT a good choice...

EDIT: And to be clear, this isn't, "Oh, she missed a step here so the lab breaks." This is, "The theory behind this lab is fundamentally wrong, so it CANNOT work, and if she'd bothered to actually try her own steps she'd know that it doesn't work."
(In her case she tried to remove write permission from an administrator. Being an administrator, removing that permission doesn't work.)

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mrs Sunrise!

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Good luck, we're all counting on her!

Sharoth wrote:
Also, cancer sucks.

It really, really does.

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Whelp, after losing half of Tuesday night to pain and then ultimately ending up in the ER last night, we discovered that Mrs Sunrise has multiple huge gallstones and is having her gallbladder removed today.

Yesterday was crazy and awful for her, but hopefully she'll be home later today...

Ooooooofffff. No good. Praying that she heals quickly.

The Exchange

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Whelp, after losing half of Tuesday night to pain and then ultimately ending up in the ER last night, we discovered that Mrs Sunrise has multiple huge gallstones and is having her gallbladder removed today.

Yesterday was crazy and awful for her, but hopefully she'll be home later today...

Mrs Sunrise, get well soon! TS - you probably will need to help take care of homunculus and do the household chores for a while. If you are busy with work - see if you can engage any part time cleaners?

The Exchange

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captain yesterday wrote:
I used to have a metabolism my mom referred to as a "Jack rabbit on speed" now it's more like a regular rabbit.

Yeah I can sort of get the feeling. It's all that muscle so you get hungry really quickly. I'm not going to be fighting that hunger, I'll just make sure I put in healthy proteins. Probably involving quite some soya bean products. I can't be killing an unfortunate animal everytime I want my protein fix ><

Though we can look into chickpeas + whole wheat spaghetti as well. They too consist of a complete protein.

Still not a fan of nuts due to their high fat content.

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I actually didn't start growing my muscles until after high school, and while those I knew in high school would be shocked to see me now (my senior year I topped out at 112 pounds at 5'7") I'm not rippling with muscle or anything.

The Exchange

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captain yesterday wrote:
I actually didn't start growing my muscles until after high school, and while those I knew in high school would be shocked to see me now (my senior year I topped out at 112 pounds at 5'7") I'm not rippling with muscle or anything.

Different people grow muscle differently. Im suspecting yours are the heavy, dense type, so it doesn't show much, but packs a lot of power in its small size.

The Exchange

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One of these days remind me to take a selfie (pref sleeveless) so I can post it down here and you guys can look at my body shape.

I'm still considering on the abs shot(will wear sports bra and compression pants), but I don't think my abs are nice enough yet.

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Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

So, Adam Ruins Everything is really interesting, but he often makes argumentation based off of poor conceits.

Like, "hey, false problem is <this> and <this other thing> is kind of similar, so it's not that bad!"

Or, "hey, actual problem is <this> and <this other thing> is bad, so it's gotta be terrible!"

It's frustrating because it only weakens his actual arguments.

But there are cool things, too.


I just don't like him because he reminds me of the type of guy who (on the first date) wants to split an entree, which he chooses, and then split the check, and mansplains to you the whole time about why his way is the best way. I don't care if he's right, he's just kind of a big jerk.
very well said, and a very important lesson to learn in life.

In the words of The Dude, "You're not wrong, you're just an a&@~~+$."

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Woran wrote:
Kjeldorn wrote:

Woran wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Morning Every-FaWtL! Hope everyone is well today, and has a good day ahead of them. :) I also hope everyone had great weekend, managed to recharge the batteries for the week ahead. :)

Thank you :)

I am feeling a lot better.
Sadly, MrT is very ill at the moment. He has a recurring infection, that even though treatable with antibiotics, just comes back in a while. Its one of the risks/added burdens of Diabeties. I hope he perks up in a few days.

*Sends hugs and back pats to Mr. T and Woran, and hope the infection clear up soon, so he can get back on his feet*

Thank you

*Blushes and sends a 'you are welcome' right back*

John Napier 698 wrote:

Hi, everyone.

Well, I've got some bad news. I'm not running my sessions in the RPG department at Tekko, this year. It seems that I've been shanghaied from the RPG department to work Bag Check. A department for which I have had no training and absolutely no interest in. This year may very well be the last year that I volunteer for the convention. ;_;

Urgh, that's quite a downer John. Probably makes you feel rather unappreciated.

*Sends back pats, encouragements and a glass of scotch*

Yuugasa wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I don't think anyone's objecting to them being there, I think the objection is the lack of playable dudes for them and the lack of playable girls for the other race I don't remember the name of.

Even than I'm not sure why it's that big a deal, they introduced one female beast race and one male, so....

Edit: I'm still waiting for a 40k mmorpg, though I suppose people will be outraged that Space Marines are only male, sigh.

Yea, I've got mixed feelings about gender sex-locking races in most media. I guess I'm both fore and against depending on how and why it's done...

A fellow 40ker I see…
So no female space marines for you then? ^^

Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

So, Adam Ruins Everything is really interesting, but he often makes argumentation based off of poor conceits.

Like, "hey, false problem is <this> and <this other thing> is kind of similar, so it's not that bad!"

Or, "hey, actual problem is <this> and <this other thing> is bad, so it's gotta be terrible!"

It's frustrating because it only weakens his actual arguments.

But there are cool things, too.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Hm, can you point to an example of this?

Sure. The herpes episode solidly implies that all "little red bumps" on human bodies are the same: he doesn't say that, but it's in the exact same tactic that he criticizes in the episode (using empty equivalence). It doesn't negate his point, but it does undermine his apparent-credibility.

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
We love ARE, tho I have a totally different critique.

I have lots of critiques. This was just one.

I still like the show.

what's weird is that I WANT to like the show, but his approach is so laughably farcical that when he does get serious I have to go back and mentally scan to see if he is being serious or still joking. Moreover his points are so bullet point-y they are easy to refute or at least being up a counterpoint to.

Hadn't seen the show.

Looked up the animated short about Christopher Columbus...
Yea, I'm with Freehold on this one (when it comes to historical matters at least).
Trying to condense the Christopher Columbus' life, voyages and the Columbian exchange into just under 6 minutes, does a disservice to everyone involved. Its a many-faceted matter where simple a point-by-point listing does very little to actually illuminate the historical context of what (probably) happened.
Does that mean that Christopher Columbus was a nice guy?
That's a big nope, both he (and his brother Bartholomew) were by most (mostly Spanish) accounts petty tyrants and overtly brutal overlords to such an extend that the Spanish crown rather quickly (for the times) saw them replaced (he even saw a short stint in prison for the accusations leveled against him).

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Whelp, after losing half of Tuesday night to pain and then ultimately ending up in the ER last night, we discovered that Mrs Sunrise has multiple huge gallstones and is having her gallbladder removed today.

Yesterday was crazy and awful for her, but hopefully she'll be home later today...

*Send back pats, well-wishes and hopes Mrs Sunrise gets better soon!*

Sharoth wrote:
Also, cancer sucks.

*Nods and sends back pats + a glass of scotch*

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Well Mrs Sunrise is fine, sans one gallbladder, and I'm just waiting on the doc to say whether she'll be kept for another night or sent home.

In other news, I just finished season 2 of True Detective. Two things: 1) Season 1 and 2 are basically different genres -- one a brooding almost-thriller and the other a cowboy almost-shoot 'em up. And 2) Lera Lynn is my new favorite artist. Brooding, evocative lyrics, and amazing sound!

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Cap, I know that you dislike Star Wars. Perhaps a Halo Music Video will be more to your liking?

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Kjeldorn wrote:

Yuugasa wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I don't think anyone's objecting to them being there, I think the objection is the lack of playable dudes for them and the lack of playable girls for the other race I don't remember the name of.

Even than I'm not sure why it's that big a deal, they introduced one female beast race and one male, so....

Edit: I'm still waiting for a 40k mmorpg, though I suppose people will be outraged that Space Marines are only male, sigh.

Yea, I've got mixed feelings about gender sex-locking races in most media. I guess I'm both fore and against depending on how and why it's done...

A fellow 40ker I see…
So no female space marines for you then? ^^

Go back far enough and female Space Marines are canonical but I don't mind the current boys only Astartes club. Mostly they're about martial honor and expressing different shades of anger while lacking certain fundamental human traits like fear and sexuality. The Emperor designed them to be disposable shock troops that he was gonna destroy Ala the Thunder Warriors after conquering the galaxy.

So, post-humans evolved beyond humanity yet lesser for it as well who live a life of nonstop violence without the solace of family or basic humanity? I'm fine with that being an all boys club, they can keep it. =)

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Nope, Michonne isn't gonna like that.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
More bad news, Sharoth?

~shrugs~ Sort of. Yes. Maybe?

The Exchange

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We're here with furry and scaly shoulders if you need one to lean on.

Try to stay positive and just look at what you can do to help with the situation?

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Thanks, but I just feel like I am whining at this point.

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