Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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nekkid but sorry inquiry for TOP

The Exchange

aeglos wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

sorry to hear that

you can get suspended from school for some days in america?
for not behaving? um, ain't that extremly contra-productive?

As a matter of fact yes it is. Many places do "in-school" suspension where you get to sit in an empty classroom all day with various teachers rotating shifts. You get to "study" all day.

Liberty's Edge

aeglos wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

sorry to hear that

you can get suspended from school for some days in america?
for not behaving? um, ain't that extremly contra-productive?

Welcome to the System. Creating bricks for the Wall since 1952.

aeglos wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

sorry to hear that

you can get suspended from school for some days in america?
for not behaving? um, ain't that extremly contra-productive?

There is a whole series of warnings and procedures to be followed first, but yes, a child can be suspended from school here. (He talked back, yelled threateningly at the teachers and threw a massive tantrum in which he flailed and kicked with no regard for who or what was around him. Par for the course, this is not the first time. Normally he'd get a one day suspension for this, but they decided to be extra strict this time for some unknown reason.) On the day of one of these incidents it's necessary to get him out of the school, yes. After that, it's counterproductive and causes further disruption in routine which leads to further stress, and so on and so forth.

Crimson Jester wrote:
aeglos wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

sorry to hear that

you can get suspended from school for some days in america?
for not behaving? um, ain't that extremly contra-productive?

As a matter of fact yes it is. Many places do "in-school" suspension where you get to sit in an empty classroom all day with various teachers rotating shifts. You get to "study" all day.

This is basically what I create at home. No tv, no games, no toys, no playtime. Homework only. And I make him write apology letters. So it'sa punishment for me as much as him. :/

lynora wrote:
aeglos wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

sorry to hear that

you can get suspended from school for some days in america?
for not behaving? um, ain't that extremly contra-productive?

There is a whole series of warnings and procedures to be followed first, but yes, a child can be suspended from school here. (He talked back, yelled threateningly at the teachers and threw a massive tantrum in which he flailed and kicked with no regard for who or what was around him. Par for the course, this is not the first time. Normally he'd get a one day suspension for this, but they decided to be extra strict this time for some unknown reason.) On the day of one of these incidents it's necessary to get him out of the school, yes. After that, it's counterproductive and causes further disruption in routine which leads to further stress, and so on and so forth.

damn, sorry to hear that the school is so hard for your kid (and you) at the moment

Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Latest bombshell. Spoilered as to avoid inflammatory topic, against thread rules.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm sorry, but this brought a smile to my face. I think because it reminds me so much of my mom's family. There was some fiasco that was very similar. It amazes me just how out of touch some people are with regard to how others will perceive some things.

It seems to me that someone with at least half a brain needs to take charge and say ... "Um ... not just 'no', but 'Hell no'." Then you need to give them a nickel and tell them to go to the "5 and dime store" and buy a clue.

My younger sis-in-law tried that and they pounced on her like hyenas on a wounded antelope. My wife's attempts were simply ignored. These guys/gal make the Graul Clan look good.
S@%~. Well, after her poem, you should get up and say, "I think we all understand what Older Sister is trying to say, and we agree. It's good at her father's death for her to express her anger at him for his not getting his wife to have an abortion."

Nah, the opposite. Extreme right. Fear it's going to be one of those 'you're gonna burn in hell things'. Maybe we should get tambourines and pass a collection plate. Sheesh.

Emperor7 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Latest bombshell. Spoilered as to avoid inflammatory topic, against thread rules.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm sorry, but this brought a smile to my face. I think because it reminds me so much of my mom's family. There was some fiasco that was very similar. It amazes me just how out of touch some people are with regard to how others will perceive some things.

It seems to me that someone with at least half a brain needs to take charge and say ... "Um ... not just 'no', but 'Hell no'." Then you need to give them a nickel and tell them to go to the "5 and dime store" and buy a clue.

My younger sis-in-law tried that and they pounced on her like hyenas on a wounded antelope. My wife's attempts were simply ignored. These guys/gal make the Graul Clan look good.
S@%~. Well, after her poem, you should get up and say, "I think we all understand what Older Sister is trying to say, and we agree. It's good at her father's death for her to express her anger at him for his not getting his wife to have an abortion."
Nah, the opposite. Extreme right. Fear it's going to be one of those 'you're gonna burn in hell things'. Maybe we should get tambourines and pass a collection plate. Sheesh.

Crazy is crazy, and right and left meet in crazyland. Still, I got the picture, now.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.

In a permanent context, that would be one of my dbag brothers-in-law. GRRR!

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.

Be glad you're not being looked after by Jess, I hear she has a detrimental effect on things that are leafy and green.

Dance for me, ye hearties! Make this old salt pine for the days on the open ocean, making mermaids swoon with his prowess.

Emperor7 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.
That would be one of my dbag brothers-in-law. GRRR!

Let it all out, bro! You got a punching bag? Jeez, when I have room and money, there's going to be punching bag in my life.

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

Latest bombshell. Spoilered as to avoid inflammatory topic, against thread rules.

** spoiler omitted **

I'm sorry, but this brought a smile to my face. I think because it reminds me so much of my mom's family. There was some fiasco that was very similar. It amazes me just how out of touch some people are with regard to how others will perceive some things.

It seems to me that someone with at least half a brain needs to take charge and say ... "Um ... not just 'no', but 'Hell no'." Then you need to give them a nickel and tell them to go to the "5 and dime store" and buy a clue.

My younger sis-in-law tried that and they pounced on her like hyenas on a wounded antelope. My wife's attempts were simply ignored. These guys/gal make the Graul Clan look good.
S@%~. Well, after her poem, you should get up and say, "I think we all understand what Older Sister is trying to say, and we agree. It's good at her father's death for her to express her anger at him for his not getting his wife to have an abortion."
Nah, the opposite. Extreme right. Fear it's going to be one of those 'you're gonna burn in hell things'. Maybe we should get tambourines and pass a collection plate. Sheesh.
** spoiler omitted **

if you can't beat them join them. Bring rotten fruit to trow at the boring speakers.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.
Be glad you're not being looked after by Jess, I hear she has a detrimental effect on things that are leafy and green.

No s#~!.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.

Well, that puts things in perspective. At least my patient is still little and cuddly. :)

Going to a new dentist tomorrow for the cracked filling! Relief in 20 hours!

*fingers crossed that I like the new dentist*

Emperor7 wrote:
Dance for me, ye hearties! Make this old salt pine for the days on the open ocean, making mermaids swoon with his prowess.

Yeah, I've been thinking about mermaids, lately. Finding mermaid PotC:OST wallpapers with them was difficult. For some reason, the other wallpapers predominate. There's no sense in it.

lynora wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.
Well, that puts things in perspective. At least my patient is still little and cuddly. :)

HEY! Who said anything about NOT being CUDDLY!!!!!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
lynora wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.
Well, that puts things in perspective. At least my patient is still little and cuddly. :)
HEY! Who said anything about NOT being CUDDLY!!!!!

lol. My apologies leafy. :)

Scarab Sages

lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

Isn't school just about over for you? Most schools here are done. My son goes to a charter school and has the "priviledge" of having school until the 2nd of June.

Just not sure what the point of 2 days suspension is when it's the end of the school year anyway.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

Isn't school just about over for you? Most schools here are done. My son goes to a charter school and has the "priviledge" of having school until the 2nd of June.

Just not sure what the point of 2 days suspension is when it's the end of the school year anyway.

MI schools don't begin 'til after Labor Day, to allow people to travel on the last holiday of summer and reduce AC costs for those schools lucky enuf to have it. Cents over sense.

Damn, dental woes, too, E7? You should just go ahead and change the last letter of your name to B. Damn.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Urizen: Does your trick for deleting an old post after time exp. not work anymore, or did I just forget how to do it.

EDIT: Never mind, it worked when I reloaded the page.

You and I ... we are becoming much more alike. I have so much things to show you. *cough*

{twirls 'stasche}

Moff Rimmer wrote:
lynora wrote:
Sent sick kid to school without realizing it and he acted out and got two days suspension. Ugh. And now he is feverish and cuddly and demanding extra attention.

Isn't school just about over for you? Most schools here are done. My son goes to a charter school and has the "priviledge" of having school until the 2nd of June.

Just not sure what the point of 2 days suspension is when it's the end of the school year anyway.

School goes through the second week of June here. I could have done with less breaks during the school year and an earlier end to it, but sadly it's not up to me.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Damn, dental woes, too, E7? You should just go ahead and change the last letter of your name to B. Damn.

Yeah, happened at lunch while eating a burger. Now I can't drink anything cooler than body temp.

What a week! I need to buy a lottery ticket to offset this bad stuff.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Why can't we start a thread commenting on the Miniatures announcement? And how the hell can I wait until 4th quarter of the year? Well, I guess that I should focus on the fact that I am broke and I'll have to start planning now to be able to scarf them up then.

Manipulate your step-son. "I know what you did last summer ... and if you wish for me to not speak a word of it to your mother, I have a proposition for you. I demand minis."

Urizen wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Why can't we start a thread commenting on the Miniatures announcement? And how the hell can I wait until 4th quarter of the year? Well, I guess that I should focus on the fact that I am broke and I'll have to start planning now to be able to scarf them up then.
Manipulate your step-son. "I know what you did last summer ... and if you wish for me to not speak a word of it to your mother, I have a proposition for you. I demand minis."

I seriously thought of iPhoning pictures of his room to his mom today, but it's her birthday. Sheesh, what a pig.

bed time this side of the atlantic

have fun

aeglos wrote:

bed time this side of the atlantic

have fun

Guten nacht.

Sovereign Court

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.
Be glad you're not being looked after by Jess, I hear she has a detrimental effect on things that are leafy and green.
No s%+$.

heh heh.

The only plant I have not managed to kill before its time was some cactus that lived on air. If you did anything to it, it would die. Tht plant was perfect for me. I avoided it, it avoided me, and we were able to co-exist.

Dark Archive

lynora wrote:
Agh. Bryce lost a lens from his glasses today so he was really upset, and he asked to call me and I was about one minute from getting him calmed down and ready to go back to class when without giving him a warning someone at the school abruptly cut off the call because he had a time limit. (He never has before.) I could hear him crying hysterically in the background. I would really like to b@&%~ slap that horrible woman. I won't, but I want to.

You should! Michigan public schools at their best!

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:
~curses~ CRAP!!! ~gets blasted by Gary's PostMonster blast~

QUICK!! Grab the HOARD!!!!

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
What is it with little boys and not wanting to shower?

I only like to shower when Jenny's in there with me.


Dark Archive

Moorluck wrote:
Why is it that as soon as I get the kids to bed all I want to do is Soolllnneeeessss....?


Dark Archive

I remember in FAWtL 3 or 4 someone did a membership list. We should do so again......

So many NEWBS...

Dark Archive

Sharoth wrote:

Forums Are Way Too Long!!! - The Original

Son of Forums Are Way Too Long

Forums Are Way Too Long : The Next Generation


FAWLTYhouse Five

Deep 6 FAWLTY - Current thread

It's like we've been having one superlong conversation about nothing and BttH for years.....

Progress. Pastor is stepping in to normalize the funeral. No poem. Mom's attendance still an open issue.

Why does it take so much work to get people to step back?

Dark Archive

Solnes wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I have been here since the begining! :P
I came in on page 22 :D

My first FAWLTY apperance was on Page 18 of the OG FAWLtY.

Mac Boyce wrote:

I remember in FAWtL 3 or 4 someone did a membership list. We should do so again......

So many BOOBS...


Dark Archive

Emperor7 wrote:
Mac Boyce wrote:

I remember in FAWtL 3 or 4 someone did a membership list. We should do so again......

So many BOOBS...




Dark Archive

Gary Teter wrote:
Some day I am going to figure out how to make threads with infinite post counts not break the site. Then I will merge all the fawtly threads into one giant black hole of awesome.

Yes please.....

Jess Door wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Be glad you're not nursing a little boy in a great big 40 yr old body, Lynora.
Be glad you're not being looked after by Jess, I hear she has a detrimental effect on things that are leafy and green.
No s%+$.

heh heh.

The only plant I have not managed to kill before its time was some cactus that lived on air. If you did anything to it, it would die. Tht plant was perfect for me. I avoided it, it avoided me, and we were able to co-exist.


Super Secret for Jess' Eyes Only:
Sadly, the truth is, I am hell on plants in real life. The only one I have is some kind of Horn or Thorn or something like that plant my sister got me. I can forget to water it for months and it keeps right on going.

Emperor7 wrote:

Progress. Pastor is stepping in to normalize the funeral. No poem. Mom's attendance still an open issue.

Why does it take so much work to get people to step back?

Thank God.
Dark Archive

Emperor7 wrote:

Latest bombshell. Spoilered as to avoid inflammatory topic, against thread rules.

** spoiler omitted **


Dude.....that sucks. I'm so sorry. I wish we could show up en masse and keep order for you...

Dark Archive

Dr. Leafy!!!

How's the back?

Afternoon all! I hope everyone is well, I skipped the last 3 pages

Liberty's Edge

Check this out.

I didn't realize we had monsoon season here. Geez, it's been coming down in buckets all day. (And always just a little bit worse on those occasions when I have to go out in it.)

Dark Archive

lynora wrote:
I didn't realize we had monsoon season here. Geez, it's been coming down in buckets all day. (And always just a little bit worse on those occasions when I have to go out in it.)

We have a lake outside our apartment. :)

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