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Scarab Sages

Scarab Sages

nekkid coffee!!! That could hurt!

Go Charlie! Keep us safe from Jokers and Riddlers!

(Personally I'd have preferred a Graham cracker, but that's cause I've grown all old and stuffy.)

Scarab Sages

I've got to remember to look up some of the recent product announcements here on Paizo and put a few pre-orders in.

Scarab Sages

Kajehase wrote:
(Personally I'd have preferred a Graham cracker, but that's cause I've grown all old and stuffy.)

BLASPHEMY!! Don't make me send The Horde after you!

Scarab Sages

Periodically, they have picture day at daycare. Normally we're piss poor about sending copies out to the family, but I think I'm going to try and do so with the newest ones this weekend.

Scarab Sages

In the mean time, I'll take a picture of his school pic and post it on FB. Which, when I think about it, is really weird.

Scarab Sages

Less than 600.

I brought cookies and milk...


Scarab Sages

Did you ever get the feeling you were being watched?

Kajehase wrote:

Yay! Here's hoping for a fairytale tie™ to bring out the magic of the cup®. :D

*noms Yorkshire pudding*

Are those savory or sweet?

Aberzombie wrote:
F*@+ing winter.

This is more what I had in mind.

Scarab Sages

That the eyes of strange things were upon you?

Scarab Sages

Ha! I was right!

FAWTL, you're great. But for my sanity, the off-topic forums are being hidden until Thursday. Keep in mind the stickied top post and try to not tax poor Ross.

It's not me, it's you. And ya'll crazy <3

Graham crackers were invented to stave off lust an, ah, self-indulgence in lust.

Scarab Sages

Finally started catching up on reading through the latest AP. I had briefly glanced through parts two and three, but last night actually got to start reading.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
F*@+ing winter.
This is more what I had in mind.

You really love the cold, don't you?

Scarab Sages

The more I think about it, the closer I come to buying and playing Diablo III.

Scarab Sages

Methinks my mini blitz must here about come to an end.

Scarab Sages

Until later. Same Bat time. Same Bat channel!

Aberzombie wrote:
Finally started catching up on reading through the latest AP. I had briefly glanced through parts two and three, but last night actually got to start reading.

I'm really enjoying it. If only because there's a focus on female and semi-evil organizations.

Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Yay! Here's hoping for a fairytale tie™ to bring out the magic of the cup®. :D

*noms Yorkshire pudding*

Are those savory or sweet?

Savoury, basic batter mix. Meant to be light and fluffy, then as a side to beef & gravy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
F*@+ing winter.
This is more what I had in mind.
You really love the cold, don't you?

Yes. Yes I do.

Also, to people who complain about customer entitlement.

You should see the entitled ***holes in my job. Seriously, the nerve!

DSXMachina wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Yay! Here's hoping for a fairytale tie™ to bring out the magic of the cup®. :D

*noms Yorkshire pudding*

Are those savory or sweet?
Savoury, basic batter mix. Meant to be light and fluffy, then as a side to beef & gravy.


It's growing dark and I am growing sleepy. And it's 14:18... Will or won't rain?

Icyshadow wrote:

Also, to people who complain about customer entitlement.

You should see the entitled ***holes in my job. Seriously, the nerve!

What do you do again?

Drejk wrote:
It's growing dark and I am growing sleep. And it's 14:18... Will or won't rain?

No it's not. It's 8:20.

I sit at a phone, cancel magazine orders or update addresses, all the while listening to entitled customers whining.

I need to earn a living here, and even the damned discounts we give aren't good enough for these pathetic cheapskates.

Aberzombie wrote:
F$#@ing winter.


You guys are weird. I freaking love winter.

That said, I hate ice because I tend to slip on it.

Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
F*@+ing winter.
This is more what I had in mind.
You really love the cold, don't you?
Yes. Yes I do.

You'll love what we have in mind then....

Getting a bit lighter but I am still sleepy.

If I get a nap now 'll probably screw my sleep schedule for a few days... Uh, wait, I sat to 5 in the morning yesterday/today, I already did that.

Icyshadow wrote:
You guys are weird. I freaking love winter.

I'm a desert rat.

I have two characters who LOVE winter though. So much so, they want to make sure it never goes away....

I find it ironic that I can't stand the cold nor the heat too well, despite my mother being from a cold country and my dad being born near a freaking desert.

I can handle pretty much any level of heat so long as there's low humidity. High heat plus high humidity or any level of cold shuts me down immediately.

Sadly since I moved out of Arizona, high humidity summers and cold winters are the order of the day =P

High humidity meant cockroaches, didn't it?

I'm glad those things don't survive well in Finland.

Silver Crusade

Poor fact checker wrote:
Cantankerous carnivorous clowns cluttered Culver City's courthouse creatively.

I've been to Culver City. That is a plausible scenario.

Gary Teter wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
So, you believe you have an answer, do you?


Icyshadow wrote:

High humidity meant cockroaches, didn't it?

I'm glad those things don't survive well in Finland.

Interestingly, I don't think I've seen a single cockroach since moving back to TN. I think that's more due to the cleanliness state of my family's home than the humidity though; we had them in AZ.

I think it's less high vs. low humidity and more heat vs. cold. They're probably here in less sanitary places in the summer and the warmer parts of spring but probably burrow away into hibernation once autumn hits.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Yay! Here's hoping for a fairytale tie™ to bring out the magic of the cup®. :D

*noms Yorkshire pudding*

Are those savory or sweet?
Savoury, basic batter mix. Meant to be light and fluffy, then as a side to beef & gravy.

It's tasty. My mom used to make Yorkshire pudding. It remotely resembles a croissant or biscuit, but meatier.

Silver Crusade

I didn't have a winter last year. I'm half looking forward to it, half dreading it this year.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Celestial Healer wrote:
I didn't have a winter last year. I'm half looking forward to it, half dreading it this year.

We had one, but it was blessedly mild compared to the hellish ice-storm they had here in 2010, before I moved here that spring. However, as cold as it's gotten already compared to last year, I imagine this winter will be much, much less forgiving.

I already have the big coat out. I imagine I'll be wearing it before the end of the month. As it is I'm already wearing long sleeves every day I can and usually turning on the heater at work.

Grrrrrr... Let me finish what I am doing BEFORE you start testing what I am working on.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Good to see you though, BT.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Bitter Thorn wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:

Like the Metal festival I went to on Saturday; Doomy & Black Metal galore. \m/ one of the best/consistant line-ups.

Witch Sorrow, Wodens Throne, Winterfelleth, Vried, Primordial then My Dying Bride (a high-light of an amazing day) and finally Electric Wizard - 90 minutes of concussive waves of noise that I felt to the pit of my stomach and the smell of weed washing across the audience.


I got made up as a zombie and dragged to a Gwar concert in Denver for Halloween.

I think I have a pic somewhere.

That's cool. Lots of theatrics and red/green spew-tum across the audience?

Yup. That's pretty much every Gwar concert.

Gwar isn't really my thing, but my friends were worried about me so they drug me out. It was pretty cool.

Yeah, they are not quite my cuppa tea either. In fact I think I avoided them playing once or twice, but they seem fun.
It was healthy for me to get out and spend time with friends. Although Gwar and healthy are hard concepts to reconcile. ;)

Zombie Thorn

That's an impressive make-up job, BT. :)

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:

Like the Metal festival I went to on Saturday; Doomy & Black Metal galore. \m/ one of the best/consistant line-ups.

Witch Sorrow, Wodens Throne, Winterfelleth, Vried, Primordial then My Dying Bride (a high-light of an amazing day) and finally Electric Wizard - 90 minutes of concussive waves of noise that I felt to the pit of my stomach and the smell of weed washing across the audience.


I got made up as a zombie and dragged to a Gwar concert in Denver for Halloween.

I think I have a pic somewhere.

That's cool. Lots of theatrics and red/green spew-tum across the audience?

Yup. That's pretty much every Gwar concert.

Gwar isn't really my thing, but my friends were worried about me so they drug me out. It was pretty cool.

Yeah, they are not quite my cuppa tea either. In fact I think I avoided them playing once or twice, but they seem fun.
It was healthy for me to get out and spend time with friends. Although Gwar and healthy are hard concepts to reconcile. ;)

Zombie Thorn

Your pic made me realize that there is a lack of zombies that wear glasses. Must get in the way of all that flesh biting. ;P

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