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Newer game we sell.

Silly Sausage, super speedy sausage reaction game.

Twist me, stretch me, poke me, shake me, dip me, check out my five sizzling moves, I'm sizzling!

It is a foot long sausage that begs you to "C'mon! Play with me!!" if you push it's button.

The Exchange

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Naked Kitty!

Sorry, I couldn't resist

Noooo captain yesterday, you stole my slot!

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Damn you captain yesterday!!

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captain yesterday wrote:

Newer game we sell.

Silly Sausage, super speedy sausage reaction game.

Twist me, stretch me, poke me, shake me, dip me, check out my five sizzling moves, I'm sizzling!

It is a foot long sausage that begs you to "C'mon! Play with me!!" if you push it's button.

quietly hopes noone notices said toy is produced by a subsidiary company of Gary Co.

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Don't blame me, the sausage was begging me to!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

That sausage sounds as if someone saw bop-it, and decided to work out how to make it creepy as hell.

The Exchange

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*Holds out a paw and shakes Taliesan's hand, congratulating him on his first successful arena combat run*

The Exchange

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I wrote a pathfinder kit that you might find handy. The post was done on July 17, 2013.

Back then Psychic casters weren’t out yet – so I suspect you’d use the arcane list or whatever that’s applicable.

Of course this is compiled from my numerous…GM and play runs. If you find it too cheaty to look, then don’t.

Note that a lot of the list is to help your teammates if they get into trouble – like a scroll of protection from evil isn’t very helpful since by the time you’re dominated in solo play, its too late.

Some of it is also more for adventuring and not applicable to arena you probably shouldn't need that 10 ft pole. Also for you - since you're flying you'll need to watch your encumbrance.

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Yesterday I wore my new Humanist T-shirt to work -- thanks, step-mother! -- and my boss commented "I could never keep all those philosophies straight."

So now I am brainstorming a collection of goofy summations of the big philosophies -- and just in case that's not offensive enough, I'm going to tackle the major religions too. >:)

Okay, that last part is a half-truth. There are always people waiting to take offense when their religion isn't treated with the utmost gravity and respect, but I'm not going to go all Carlin with this. I do like my job.

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Only fifteen minutes left until we close and then I just gotta wait out the clock until the manager says good enough or it's 9:30.

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Now, I wait.

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Ugh. I did a big bad stupid thing, by accident.
We share a house with our landlord. It's a Really Nice House, very old by U.S. standards (around 150 years, but with many many renovations and changes over the years) (yes, the Europeans among you may feel free to laugh their hindquarters off) and everything in it is wood.
Including our bathroom floor, and the ceiling of the foyer below it.
And we have one of those diaper sprayer nozzles attached to the line going into our toilet tank. It's been on there since we moved in five years ago, and in the early years it was really useful. And it has never leaked, until this morning.
When I found the leak, I thought it was a tiny drip, and I was trying to get the kids out the door so I could not be late for work, and so I shoved the kids' little potty seat underneath it, called it good, and ran. When I got home eleven hours later, I found water dripping from the ceiling in the foyer. Oddly, our bathroom floor was not flooded and seems pretty normal.
I cleaned up the mess in the foyer and put a bucket down (slow drips), husband called the landlord, who laughed about it and seems unconcerned at the moment.
I am freaking out.
I am such a f@#%ing moron.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Ugh. I did a big bad stupid thing, by accident.

We share a house with our landlord. It's a Really Nice House, very old by U.S. standards (around 150 years, but with many many renovations and changes over the years) (yes, the Europeans among you may feel free to laugh their hindquarters off) and everything in it is wood.
Including our bathroom floor, and the ceiling of the foyer below it.
And we have one of those diaper sprayer nozzles attached to the line going into our toilet tank. It's been on there since we moved in five years ago, and in the early years it was really useful. And it has never leaked, until this morning.
When I found the leak, I thought it was a tiny drip, and I was trying to get the kids out the door so I could not be late for work, and so I shoved the kids' little potty seat underneath it, called it good, and ran. When I got home eleven hours later, I found water dripping from the ceiling in the foyer. Oddly, our bathroom floor was not flooded and seems pretty normal.
I cleaned up the mess in the foyer and put a bucket down (slow drips), husband called the landlord, who laughed about it and seems unconcerned at the moment.
I am freaking out.
I am such a f@#%ing moron.

i once accidentally left the water running in my roommates bathroom after shaving my head. Came home to water dripping into the vestibule downstairs.

So embarrassed...

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So I'm not the only one.

I'm referring to this as my "Paddington Moment".

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Oh, no has you beat.

Our kitchen sink drain pipe is, say, not according to code. I had to cut out 27 feet of pipe and replace it. But before we were able to replace it, Aiymi needed to do dishes. So she went to one of our bathrooms and did dishes in the tub. She then decided she needed to change the water to take care of the chili pot. Drain. No problem. Put pot under faucet, turn on faucet. Walk away. Come back 4 hours later wondering why she's hearing running water from the bathroom.

Our garage is in the back of the house, on the basement level. I came home to find her cleaning water out of the basement, with water literally raining from the ceiling. She only said "You don't see anything. Get out."

I go upstairs and found that bathroom completely flooded, with water heading out from under the door.

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79 posts and yet seemed like so few.

The Exchange

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The worst I've managed is forgetting to close my aunts house window and it rained and the kitchen got wet.

Since there's a lot of wood in there, needless to say she wasn't happy.

Water is expensive here, so you really don't want to do that.

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Yep. I'm with Vanykrye.

At 2, my brother and I decided to make "poison soup" in the playroom downstairs. So we got all the herbs and spices off the racks in the kitchen, ran a hose in the window, started it up, and entertained ourselves. My mother wasn't home. My father, hearing nothing but us occasionally coming through the back door to get more towels to block the crack in the bottom of the door, figured everything was good.

So apparently we got the playroom 6" deep before my mother got home.

30 years later, the laundry sinks had been replaced, and just like Vanykrye, the emergency drains weren't up to code; in fact, they weren't there at all! So I went to my parents' house to do laundry, turned on the sink to soak a sleeping bag, and wandered off.

This time I got a waterfall that went all the way down through their study and into their workshop and garage.

I figure when I turn 62 I'm going to surprise the renters and flood the basement again.

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This job is...interesting.

There are long stretches where I get paid to simply sit and wait, but I'm not allowed to use my phone, read a book, or even write on paper while I'm on the clock, to look "professional". There's sports on TV, but it's got no subtitles or sound, and I really don't care, and so I have next to no stimulation.

When it's busy it's pretty damn easy, but enough constant simple math that it keeps my mind active, and time flies by.

So you know, low stress. That's excellent.

The Exchange

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Grats Vagrant Erudite on landing a stable job!

*considers what Vagrant Erudite said and realizes he used the bad M word*

Arggghh the bad M word is eating the thoughts out of my head!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

First night shift at the new job. I can see tonight and tomorrow being very boring. At least I have Paizo.

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Yes night shift come to the dark side.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Yes night shift come to the dark side.

Who's turn is it to bring the cookies? The new guy, right?

It's always the FNG.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Grats Vagrant Erudite on landing a stable job!

*considers what Vagrant Erudite said and realizes he used the bad M word*

Arggghh the bad M word is eating the thoughts out of my head!

Maggots? Yes, probably bad to eat them.

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I may have gotten the third PC kill in my Giantslayer game tonight. A freshwater merrow grabbed the cleric out of the rowboat and dragged him away underwater. I say "may" have gotten the kill, because there is a chance he can kill it with a wand of Inflict Moderate Wounds before he drowns (do you need to do a concentration check to use a wand while grappled? I should check on that), but we won't know until next week. I feel a little bad about it, though. Not for killing a character (maybe), but because the player wasn't there and had his wife running his character for him. I'm sure he's going to have all sorts of things to say, probably quite loudly, as to how she did things wrong. Like "Why didn't you have me cast Water Walk on myself?" or "Why didn't you keep me away from the bad guys?" etc. And since it will be a week until we can resolve this, she might have a lot of b$$!!ing to put up with.

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And my copy of Brigands and Browncoats shipped today! Yay!! More Firefly game for me!!!

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Has anyone statted up Candlejack for Pathfinder? Just curious.

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I was making a new recipe the other day, and it was going well until I got to the instruction "Chill in refrigerator for 2 hours". I could only stand about 20 minutes. It's cold in there.

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Why is it that whenever I tell people that "I just started seeing someone" they assume I mean a psychiatrist?

The Exchange

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You don't need a concentration check to use a wand. Believe me one of my budget options for dealing with getting grappled by black tentacles is to pull out a wand of grease then cast it on myself.

However speaking the command word of the wand underwater requires concentration checks...

A creature that cannot breathe water must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell underwater

The Exchange

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Gran – which book are you in for GiantSlayer?

We’re in book 3 of Strange Aeons.

I’ve only actually killed one PC and the wizard's mauler familiar – unless you want to count Dreamland deaths, in which the bard and the magus got killed once each.

And I think people think I run my games too lethally.

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Just got a Gold Legendary (Millhouse Manastorm) from the pack I got for beating the tavern brawl.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Why is it that whenever I tell people that "I just started seeing someone" they assume I mean a psychiatrist?

I literally thought before i finished reading what sort of psychiatrist you might be going to see.

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Just a Mort wrote:

Gran – which book are you in for GiantSlayer?

We’re in book 3 of Strange Aeons.

I’ve only actually killed one PC and the wizard's mauler familiar – unless you want to count Dreamland deaths, in which the bard and the magus got killed once each.

And I think people think I run my games too lethally.

Book 2. Book 1's orc raid on the town is very likely to kill some PCs, especially when the group is 2nd level and has only 1 "healer", a Bard.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Why is it that whenever I tell people that "I just started seeing someone" they assume I mean a psychiatrist?
I literally thought before i finished reading what sort of psychiatrist you might be going to see.

Clearly not a good one.

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Not feeling well, right now. Aside from the cold, now, I've got the 'D'-word. Lucky me.

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Just a Mort wrote:

And I think people think I run my games too lethally.

I don't think I run my games particularly lethally. I just tend to roll fairly well, and refuse to fudge the dice. I even roll all my attacks and saves openly so anyone can see them if they want too.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Not feeling well, right now. Aside from the cold, now, I've got the 'D'-word. Lucky me.


The Exchange

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All open rolls since I'm PBPing. My party has no divine casters, no full Bab classes. It's part of my - can an entire party of 6th - 9th level arcane casters complete an AP experiment.

Investigators and Alchemists count as arcane casters.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Not feeling well, right now. Aside from the cold, now, I've got the 'D'-word. Lucky me.

No, Gran. The word that means Intestinal Distress.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Not feeling well, right now. Aside from the cold, now, I've got the 'D'-word. Lucky me.
No, Gran. The word that means Intestinal Distress.


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Just a Mort wrote:

All open rolls since I'm PBPing. My party has no divine casters, no full Bab classes. It's part of my - can an entire party of 6th - 9th level arcane casters complete an AP experiment.

Investigators and Alchemists count as arcane casters.

I told them to play whatever they wanted, provided it came from the Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, or Ultimate Magic (except no firearms or synthesist summoners allowed). The original party consisted of a gnome cavalier, human samurai, 2 human fighters, elf fighter, human rogue, and a halfling bard. The bard and one of the human fighter died in the same fight. They were replaced by a human fighter (essentially a copy of the one that died) and a half-orc paladin. Then the player of the other human fighter decided they needed some healing, so he retired the fighter and made a human cleric, which is the one that may be dead now.

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Yeah. Sure Gran. Whatever you say. Just now took pills for it.

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And now I want to make a custom magic item for my players to find called "The Spork of Condescension".

And, yes Chrome, I am going to add spork to your dictionary. Why the f@%& wasn't it already in there?

The Exchange

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Mines basically any paizo. Go nuts. Just no sacred geometry, animate dead and trap the soul.

The Exchange

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

All open rolls since I'm PBPing. My party has no divine casters, no full Bab classes. It's part of my - can an entire party of 6th - 9th level arcane casters complete an AP experiment.

Investigators and Alchemists count as arcane casters.

I told them to play whatever they wanted, provided it came from the Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, or Ultimate Magic (except no firearms or synthesist summoners allowed). The original party consisted of a gnome cavalier, human samurai, 2 human fighters, elf fighter, human rogue, and a halfling bard. The bard and one of the human fighter died in the same fight. They were replaced by a human fighter (essentially a copy of the one that died) and a half-orc paladin. Then the player of the other human fighter decided they needed some healing, so he retired the fighter and made a human cleric, which is the one that may be dead now.

But I want to play a kineticist!

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Is it in one of those 4 books? If not, no.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'm pretty wide open, but everything is subject to review.

The Exchange

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Kineticists in my game don't fly either because they don't count as arcane casters. Otherwise usually I'll allow it.

What would I do with CRB, APG, UC and UM. Maybe heavens oracle for cheesed up colour spray..

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