Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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The Exchange

There I am, reading email nekked again...

The Exchange

Also, Happy Resurrection Day to my fellow Christian FAWTLies.

The Exchange

Now, a quick cup of coffee and a run down to pay my water bill.

Happy Easter Wolfy. :)

Wolfthulhu wrote:

Email this morning...

Attn: This is to inform you that we the fbi have a warrant to
arrest you if we dont hear from you immediately,this is the final warning you
are going to receive from the fbi office do you get me? I hope youre understand
how many times this message has been sent to you. We have warned you so many
times and you have decided to ignore our e-mails we have been instructed to get
you arrested immediately, and today if you fail to respond back to us with the
payment then, we will close your bank account and jail you and all your
properties will be confiscated by the fbi.Robert Mueller, III FB I Director‏.

Oh noes!!!!!

Ha! You better respond accordingly! You don't want to them to 'jail you'. :P

Jess Door wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I'm watching the Ranma 1/2 OVA collection. Such great music...

I just read the manga in raw Japanese when I need a Ranma fix.

Actually...I've never seen the anime. I just picked it up because I liked Inuyasha, and it's also by Takahashi Rumiko. :D and each manga was like 90 yen at the used bookstores. Hehe.

You've..NEVER..seen Ranma 1/2? Ever? That's odd, but you've been the japan and I haven't, so you win there.



Scarab Sages


So I have decided this fall to start taking mandarin lessons. Might as well take on a challenge and see how long it takes me to learn conversational chinese.

The Exchange

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hmmm Chocolate

Liberty's Edge

Soon I discovered this rock thing was true. Jerry Lee Lewis was the Devil. Jesus was an architect prior to his career as a prophet. All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world. So there was only one thing I could do, and that was ding-a-ding-dang my dang-a-long-ling-long. Jesus built my car. It's a love affair, mainly Jesus and my hot rod.

Taking my dose of Ritalin with alcohol instead of water is an amazing feeling. This is the most creative, best feeling in the world. Makes me feel human again. I know it's bad for me, but I need all the help I can get. I still can't believe she's gone...

Sorry about that. I just needed to get it off my chest. I really don't want to seem like a sympathy troll.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Woo 6th level!

The Exchange

I watched the newest version of the three musketeers today. Once I stopped thinking about the books I enjoyed the movie. I think if they called it anything else and just did an homage film it would have done much better in the theaters. Made me want to play in a game with "air ships" and wind mages. It did however make me "get" Eberron. Or rather how an Eberron game could go to make it fun. Oh well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

good morning FaWtLies,

Easter (national) holyday, wooohooo

we will unpack and orgnize our new not-single household a bit more

and ASPARAGUS!! the first of the season, fresh from the farmer, will be our lunch, with boiled ham and sauce hollondaise

Scarab Sages

Hello and good morning to all you wonderful people in FAWTLY land! Happy Monday!

Scarab Sages

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Also: Game of Thrones kicks ass!

Scarab Sages

Already looking forward to the end of the week, because that means Kingmaker!!!!

Scarab Sages

On the radio they're interviewing Navy Seal. Cool.

Scarab Sages

At work. Bye for now.

I was scared when I didn't see FaWtL on my list of off-topic discussions. I must've accidentally hit the Hide Thread button that the blessed PMG gifted to us.

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Had a good day yesterday, mostly lazy. The kidlet enjoyed his easter egg hunt and really got a kick out of the slime and putty stuff. (Yay for dollar store toys...just as much fun to play with, much more budget friendly.) And of course he ate way too much sugar. The only reason he wasn't bouncing off the walls is because we went for a long walk since the weather was so beautiful.
And this morning I finally got the score for my test that I was so worried about. And once again extra credit saves my butt, taking a not great score to good. So I'm in a better mood now. I should have remembered that those points get added to the test would have saved a lot of freaking out.

lynora wrote:

Had a good day yesterday, mostly lazy. The kidlet enjoyed his easter egg hunt and really got a kick out of the slime and putty stuff. (Yay for dollar store toys...just as much fun to play with, much more budget friendly.) And of course he ate way too much sugar. The only reason he wasn't bouncing off the walls is because we went for a long walk since the weather was so beautiful.

And this morning I finally got the score for my test that I was so worried about. And once again extra credit saves my butt, taking a not great score to good. So I'm in a better mood now. I should have remembered that those points get added to the test would have saved a lot of freaking out.

I find that I usually do ok on tests that I freak out about, and bomb the ones I am confidant about :P

Glad you did ok, and that you guys enjoyed your day.


I should go to bed earlier. My judgement is cloudy late at night. :S

Ain't that the truth. Honestly I think I was pretty thrown because I had the flu when I was studying for the test and I couldn't be sure if anything I remembered was real. *shrug* It was the obligatory freak-out. Every semester I run into problems when I have trouble meeting my own unrealistic expectations. I can't even explain why but I hold myself to much higher standards than I would expect from anyone else...

But now hopefully I can cut it out for a little bit and just get through the end of this term. :)

And I hope you guys had a good Easter. :)

Mmmmm Coffee!!

lynora wrote:

Ain't that the truth. Honestly I think I was pretty thrown because I had the flu when I was studying for the test and I couldn't be sure if anything I remembered was real. *shrug* It was the obligatory freak-out. Every semester I run into problems when I have trouble meeting my own unrealistic expectations. I can't even explain why but I hold myself to much higher standards than I would expect from anyone else...

But now hopefully I can cut it out for a little bit and just get through the end of this term. :)

And I hope you guys had a good Easter. :)

We had a wonderful relaxing day. Kids were spoiled rotten yet again. :)

Meh, we all hold ourselves to higher standards than most would expect from us. Its a good thing though, means we strive harder. :)

Spoiling the kids is fun. :)

Well, at least until the sugar high kicks in....but it's still fun once in a while. :)

I remember reading that there was no scientific evidence that sugar actually makes kids hyper. It's all psychosomatic.

Kids are told by the parents that if they have sugar, they'll be hyper. So they get sugar, and act hyper, even though it isn't the sugar.

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I think it's more the utter glee and excitement of being allowed to do something that's usually restricted, in this case eating as much candy as they like. But does it really matter why they're hyper when they're running around like crazy laughing maniacally. ;P

Cheapy wrote:
Kids are told by the parents that if they have sugar, they'll be hyper. So they get sugar, and act hyper, even though it isn't the sugar.

Uhm, I don't really feel this. Sugar jacks us up as adults, how would it not jack them up?

We've told ourselves that it jacks us up ;)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think there is probably a distinction to be made between sugar and chocolate. Sugar, like any carbohydrate gives you more energy. Chocolate on the other hand does that and adds caffeine to the mix.

I like chocolate then.

Hey, I have chocolate muffins too.

Scarab Sages


5 people marked this as a favorite.

My 17yo daughter decided to be extra creative with the Easter eggs this year linky

I'd say she did FAWESOME!

Main post link

Sovereign Court

Emperor7 wrote:

My 17yo daughter decided to be extra creative with the Easter eggs this year linky

I'd say she did FAWESOME!

Main post link

Are those Space Marine eggs in the middle?

Emperor7 wrote:

My 17yo daughter decided to be extra creative with the Easter eggs this year linky

I'd say she did FAWESOME!

Main post link

wow, that is great creative work, E7

Callous Jack wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

My 17yo daughter decided to be extra creative with the Easter eggs this year linky

I'd say she did FAWESOME!

Main post link

Are those Space Marine eggs in the middle?

Those are symbols from the Legend of Zelda series of video games.

Cheapy wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:

My 17yo daughter decided to be extra creative with the Easter eggs this year linky

I'd say she did FAWESOME!

Main post link

Are those Space Marine eggs in the middle?
Those are symbols from the Legend of Zelda series of video games.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Sad to say, she probably doesn't even know what Space Marines are.


Well, it was only the first day back after break. Kidlet broke a chair in the classroom. It's a rocking chair that the teacher sits in during carpet time. One of the spindles broke cause he pulled on it. I taped it back together. Have to remember to bring wood glue tomorrow to do a more permanent fix....and I suddenly feel like I should call my dad and thank him for teaching me how to do this stuff.

Also, E7 those are some super cool easter eggs she made! :)

Drugs're bad.....mmmmkay?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Time to continue reading a thread.

Justin Franklin wrote:
Time to continue reading a thread.

Ah jest look at thuh purty pitchers.

Scarab Sages


shakes fist

Silver Crusade

Hi, all. What did I miss?

We have arrived in NY. I carefully planned a route to avoid going through Manhattan, then there was detours and traffic and a short time later I found myself weaving through Times Square. Ah well, I still got across okay.

Things are rough with my partner's anxiety problems. Cold feet, and all. I'm trying to reassure him...

I miss talking more to the FAWTLies!

DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!! Where are you man? We gotta hang out!!!!eleventy-one!!!!

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