Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

nekkid just beacuse??

Scarab Sages

had to put airplane mode on my phone here in my inlaws house. The reception here is that f&~@ing bad.

Scarab Sages

f%++ing sucks ass

Just signed away my life for student loans for my daughter...

Scarab Sages

F+~!! It's barely 9 pm.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
lynora wrote:
Spending a whole day playing mass effect. I've been meaning to start the game for ages, but just now finally got around to it. So far so good although instructions on what button does what would be helpful.

I finally started playing Mass Effect 3 yesterday. I figured when my kids are starting their second tour through the game, it's time to get on the ball. My Sheperd is a male/vanguard. Very cool game - I wish I had more time to play it.

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
Just signed away my life for student loans for my daughter...

Can I at least get your brainnnnsssss.....?

Scarab Sages


Aberzombie wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Just signed away my life for student loans for my daughter...
Can I at least get your brainnnnsssss.....?

Sure. They're used up by now.

Been busier at work in the last 3 weeks than the last year, with no signs of it ever letting up. Busy is good, but this level sure is tiring. Managers don't need brains anyhow.

I've been sleeping like the undead

Eeveryone is watching the season premiere of True Blood Duhhh!!!

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Eeveryone is watching the season premiere of True Blood Duhhh!!!

No HBO. :(

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Eeveryone is watching the season premiere of True Blood Duhhh!!!
No HBO. :(

Same here, but only because we're at my inlaws. DAMN THEM!!!!

shakes fist

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
I've been sleeping like the undead

Huzzah! Welcome to the Horde! Orientation will start soon. For now, why don't you take some time to get acquainted with the other new recruits.

True blood rocks

That is all


Aberzombie wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
I've been sleeping like the undead
Huzzah! Welcome to the Horde! Orientation will start soon. For now, why don't you take some time to get acquainted with the other new recruits.

Recruits? I thought those were appetizers! Sorry...

Scarab Sages

My mother in law just informed me there is no bacon in the house for breakfast tomorrow.


Aberzombie wrote:

My mother in law just informed me there is no bacon in the house for breakfast tomorrow.


And things go from bad to worse...

How close is the nearest restaurant! Quick, google it!

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:

True blood rocks

That is all


Damn you, Monkey!!!


shakes fist

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:

My mother in law just informed me there is no bacon in the house for breakfast tomorrow.


And things go from bad to worse...

How close is the nearest restaurant! Quick, google it!

Already on it. I have the locations of five bacon serving places within a 10 minute drive.

Get your bacon early, before the rest of the horde realizes there is none.

Time for bed. Good hunting!

Scarab Sages

Check that, make it 7 locations.

Scarab Sages

Emperor7 wrote:

Time for bed. Good hunting!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo......don't leave me!!!

Scarab Sages

You're all f!~&ing teases. You pop in for a comment or two, then leave me.

Scarab Sages

S~~# on a stick! I've driven them all to bed! All except my sister in law, who stubbornly refuses to go. Damn her!!!!!

Shadow Lodge

Sorry, busy trolling.

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:
You're all f&@!ing teases. You pop in for a comment or two, then leave me.


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

TOZ wrote:
Sorry, busy trolling.

What?!? Where?!? Maybe I can join the fun? Or at least have something to read.

O hey Zombie! I didn't notice you were there.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Aberzombie wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Sorry, busy trolling.
What?!? Where?!? Maybe I can join the fun? Or at least have something to read.

Well, there's the 3d6 thread, and the defensive casting thread too. The political threads kind of dropped off.

Scarab Sages

The Minis Maniac wrote:
O hey Zombie! I didn't notice you were there.


Scarab Sages

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Well, there's the 3d6 thread, and the defensive casting thread too.

Ack! Actual gaming threads? There are such things?!?


Sovereign Court

The Minis Maniac wrote:
O hey Zombie! I didn't notice you were there.

Where is he?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

He's here, he's just hiding!

Invisible zombie? Sounds dangerous.

"There's 100 ninjas on my left shoulder. Can you see them? That's what I thought."

Oscar Wylde on ninjas

Scarab Sages


Sorry, been away from the computer most of the day and when I have been on I'm chatting with Scint rather than checking the forums. >_>

Scarab Sages

That's alright. We forgive you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Survived family visit night one by combining character building with the Tony Awards.

This has the (un?)fortunate side effect of picturing a dancing warforged.

Aberzombie wrote:
If you folks hear about some folks getting eaten down hear in Louisiana, that's just me putting my in-laws out of my misery.

What is it about your inlaws that gets to you so? Is it a class thing or are they just that different from you? Does it awe you that your wife came from such folks, or what?

Aberzombie wrote:

My mother in law just informed me there is no bacon in the house for breakfast tomorrow.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo................. I'm starting to see it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
This has the (un?)fortunate side effect of picturing a dancing warforged.

"And twirl..." *motors rev, robot spins on stationary foot*

Orthos wrote:
Sorry, been away from the computer most of the day and when I have been on I'm chatting with Scint rather than checking the forums. >_>

Please send her my warmest regards.

I'm here. <_<

Scarab Sages

Actually, I lucked out with regard to my inlaws. My mom in law is pretty cool, and my father in law is a nice guy, if a bit paranoid. It just can get very boring in their house. And I don't want to watch TV around them because (a) they have no true appreciation for good sci fi or fantasy, and (b) my father in law is practically deaf and always turns the sound too high.

Scarab Sages

Might just have to go to bed soon. Otherwise, I may continue to drink and think bad thoughts.......

Scarab Sages

In fact, think I'll call it a night. Peace out my fellow FAWTLY Folk. Ya'll have a good night.

Orthos wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
This has the (un?)fortunate side effect of picturing a dancing warforged.
"And twirl..." *motors rev, robot spins on stationary foot*

One of my favorite races. Eberron is one of my favorite settings. It just lacks for interesting NPCs and PC motivation aside from what created the Mournland.

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