Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Wahoo! At the top and nekkid, or rather plucked...

Dark Archive

Blue Pidgeon I hope you have another job lined up before quitting ... I know from experience it is much easier to get a job when you have one. Just my advice to you.

Dark Archive

I just hit 2000 posts funny this came alot quicker than the first 1000.

Why were you reprimanded? Is this your fault or does someone need to discover what chairs would look like as their knees will bend the other way?

Jess, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Please travel safe if you must indeed go.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Freehold DM wrote:
Why were you reprimanded? Is this your fault or does someone need to discover what chairs would look like as their knees will bend the other way?

Reminds me of a friend of mine's 2nd rule of bar fighting, "inanimate objects feel no pain".

Btw, rule #1 was, "Everyone has knees".

Scarab Sages

Positive Grandma Waves, Jess!!!

It's the return of mean mommy. Kidlet had a very bad day at school. Very bad. He's pretty much grounded from everything but homework. :(

Scarab Sages

My wife still doesn't believe that my mom is anything but a sweet old lady. I keep telling her she didn't had to grow up with her!

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Solnes wrote:

attempts to entertain Solnes through interpretive dance

A little slower...

Freehold DM wrote:
Solnes wrote:
attempts to entertain Solnes through interpretive dance

tosses ones


Your Creepy Neighbor wrote:
A little slower...

Have you noticed that more than a few of your aliases are creepy?? :P

Silver Crusade

I had forgotten about the Creepy Neighbor until the "Pin Up Girl" thread. He appeared in response to someone's post which Ross subsequently scrubbed.

What Ross cannot scrub is the offending post's impression on my poor brain.

But since you mention it, dear Solnes, which of my aliases do you find... creepy? Surely not the grandfatherly Hannibal Lecter. I thought you had better... taste...

Sorry for that awful news, Mothy. That must hurt. Keep your chin up. Things are scary for everyone.

I predict Urizen will post next.

Celestial Healer wrote:

I had forgotten about the Creepy Neighbor until the "Pin Up Girl" thread. He appeared in response to someone's post which Ross subsequently scrubbed.

What Ross cannot scrub is the offending post's impression on my poor brain.

I managed to catch both before the purge.

Scarab Sages

Damn blast it! Between PMG and that other guy, I miss all the juicy trolley!

Urizen wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I had forgotten about the Creepy Neighbor until the "Pin Up Girl" thread. He appeared in response to someone's post which Ross subsequently scrubbed.

What Ross cannot scrub is the offending post's impression on my poor brain.

I managed to catch both before the purge.

Dang, I missed it. Was it anything worthwhile, or just stupid?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hannibal Lecter wrote:
But since you mention it, dear Solnes, which of my aliases do you find... creepy? Surely not the grandfatherly Hannibal Lecter. I thought you had better... taste...

lol, nope.. Miserable old Bitty creeps me out far worse :P

God when can I move to an area with a lot of FAWTLies so we can play pathfinder together, and we can use my huge collection.

But nobody beats June Cleaver.

What do you find creepy about me? Is it my bunions? With all your filthy talkin', I should be the one who is creeped out.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
But nobody beats June Cleaver.

Those were the exact words I said to Ward right before I fed him into the wood chipper.

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:

Sorry for that awful news, Mothy. That must hurt. Keep your chin up. Things are scary for everyone.

I predict Urizen will post next.

That was very prescient.

Emperor7 wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

I had forgotten about the Creepy Neighbor until the "Pin Up Girl" thread. He appeared in response to someone's post which Ross subsequently scrubbed.

What Ross cannot scrub is the offending post's impression on my poor brain.

I managed to catch both before the purge.
Dang, I missed it. Was it anything worthwhile, or just stupid?

Let's just say that the response was fapulous.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

clap clap clap clap!

Celestial Healer wrote:
Treppa wrote:

Sorry for that awful news, Mothy. That must hurt. Keep your chin up. Things are scary for everyone.

I predict Urizen will post next.

That was very prescient.

Wow. I did, but it completely didn't register to me (nor did I see Treppa's original post, so I had to search back for it after reading yours). Given the nature of Mothman's post and having a lot of sympathy for his position, my inherent nature didn't kick in.

This humanity thing. I need to stop that.

Did Treppa post something important I missed?

I guess Mothy hasn't been back.

Gruumash . wrote:
Blue Pidgeon I hope you have another job lined up before quitting ... I know from experience it is much easier to get a job when you have one. Just my advice to you.

My next job is in the planning stages as we speak. I'll be moving to Indiana this June or July. In the meantime, I need to get my E-Bay account set up. I have a caseload of DVDs to sell plus my brother's old gaming stuff to sell.

What sort of old gaming stuff, BP?

Freehold DM wrote:
Why were you reprimanded? Is this your fault or does someone need to discover what chairs would look like as their knees will bend the other way?

Someone text Circle K a customer complaint and sent it directly to corporate.

Yea, the kiss of death.

The thing is I can not contest it.

With my manager Gary, I could. The thing is upper management is changing and older managers are retiring. Corporate politics as usual, but I have my resignation letter ready and my DROID camera. I'll send dirty pictures to personal when the time is right.

I haven't complied a list yet but they're are first three Dungeons and Dragons editions, Some GURPs, Anima and manga DVDs, etc. I'll start as soon as I can however.

It's that time and my night job beckons.

Catch you all in the morning.

Almost got it last year.
240 hours of vacation saved up...

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Did Treppa post something important I missed?

I guess Mothy hasn't been back.

I never post anything important. <3

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Did Treppa post something important I missed?

I guess Mothy hasn't been back.

Hey Mairkurion - its a public holiday here..... Mothy may be at the ANZAC day march. If he doesn't pop back on I will be seeing him on Friday and I will pass on the FAWLTy well wishes.

The Exchange

I so feel like I am being indoctrinated into the dark side with this new job.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Crimson Jester wrote:
I so feel like I am being indoctrinated into the dark side with this new job.

I didn't know you were working at a law firm.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Wednesday! Happy Humpday!

Scarab Sages

Damn! I forgot the nutrigrain bar I was gonna bring for breakfast.

Scarab Sages

Looks to be another pleasant day, weather-wise, here in Philly. Huzzah!

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Almost at the evilbad place.

Scarab Sages

And, no, not a law firm.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So many old ships, just sitting there rusting. Very sad.

Scarab Sages

Time to go get some coffee and find breakfast.

Crimson Jester wrote:
I so feel like I am being indoctrinated into the dark side with this new job.

Resistance is futile

Aberzombie wrote:
So many old ships, just sitting there rusting. Very sad.

About the saddest industrial-related sight there is in my opinion.

Liberty's Edge

Emperor7 wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
I have a visit planned for July - with my grandma being 92, and my last visit only a couple days for my brother's wedding last June, I knew it was important to get to Michigan to see everyone again as soon as I could. I hope she'll be fine. My mom is there with her, and called her sisters fro Iowa and Alaska to come. We'll see what the doctors say.
Big well wishes and prayers!


Hope it all goes well!

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