Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Former Coworker quit because "I'm the wall guy! I should be building walls!"

Since then I've been building only walls, with little or no oversight or detailed plans.

Sucks to be him!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We see you are currently not having any oversight...

Good morning, FaWtL!

Today's Assignments: Freehold, have a better day.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Good morning, FaWtL!

Today's Assignments: Freehold, have a better day.

I am at work. Staff is also at work. Slated to have not one, nor two, but three successful groups today. Got good parking. Am preparing to hand in what paperwork I can, early, before going to jury duty on Monday. Am paying bills as we speak while enjoying snacks i shouldn't be enjoying.

It could be a lot worse.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I swear, I won't go all "generational idiocy" today, but the "nanny corporate state" incenses me every time I encounter it.

Managing someone is easy:
(1) Do they turn in their assigned work on time?
(2) Is said work of good quality?
(3) Are they available during business hours in case you need to contact them?

Otherwise, I fundamentally don't care where, how, or when they're working. If they want to do their job while riding a unicycle in a speedo on the center of Market Street in San Francisco, if they're getting their work done, I don't see it as any of my business.

This message brought to you by Slack, which has taken to marking me as "away from desk" any time I don't send or receive a Slack message for 10 minutes.

You are not my job, Slack. You're a communication tool. Don't get uppity with me for not using you when I'm heads-down doing something else!

NobodysHome wrote:

I swear, I won't go all "generational idiocy" today, but the "nanny corporate state" incenses me every time I encounter it.

Managing someone is easy:
(1) Do they turn in their assigned work on time?
(2) Is said work of good quality?
(3) Are they available during business hours in case you need to contact them?

Otherwise, I fundamentally don't care where, how, or when they're working. If they want to do their job while riding a unicycle in a speedo on the center of Market Street in San Francisco, if they're getting their work done, I don't see it as any of my business.

This message brought to you by Slack, which has taken to marking me as "away from desk" any time I don't send or receive a Slack message for 10 minutes.

You are not my job, Slack. You're a communication tool. Don't get uppity with me for not using you when I'm heads-down doing something else!

At this point I'm glad AI doesn't have physical bodies, we would find ourselves in the matrix pretty quickly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

This message brought to you by Slack, which has taken to marking me as "away from desk" any time I don't send or receive a Slack message for 10 minutes.

You are not my job, Slack. You're a communication tool. Don't get uppity with me for not using you when I'm heads-down doing something else!

Well, it's Slack, it expects you to be slacking.

Can you change the description on your status like you could in older messengers and (I think) discord? Maybe you need to set it to "I am doing actual work instead of idling on Slack at the moment."?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

I swear, I won't go all "generational idiocy" today, but the "nanny corporate state" incenses me every time I encounter it.

Managing someone is easy:
(1) Do they turn in their assigned work on time?
(2) Is said work of good quality?
(3) Are they available during business hours in case you need to contact them?

Otherwise, I fundamentally don't care where, how, or when they're working. If they want to do their job while riding a unicycle in a speedo on the center of Market Street in San Francisco, if they're getting their work done, I don't see it as any of my business.

This message brought to you by Slack, which has taken to marking me as "away from desk" any time I don't send or receive a Slack message for 10 minutes.

You are not my job, Slack. You're a communication tool. Don't get uppity with me for not using you when I'm heads-down doing something else!

At this point I'm glad AI doesn't have physical bodies, we would find ourselves in the matrix pretty quickly.

Honestly, AI doesn't need a physical body to replace me at the work right now...

I am only here because someone still needs to copy-paste the texts and then review the output for abnormalities...

Freehold DM wrote:
At this point I'm glad AI doesn't have physical bodies, we would find ourselves in the matrix pretty quickly.

I won't go TOO deep down this rabbit hole, but whoever thought, "We'll train our AIs on the wealth of information available on the internet," was an abject moron.

You can't build guardrails big enough to protect against that swamp.

What I do can't be replicated with artificial intelligence.

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