Deep 6 FaWtL

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"There are no solutions. There are only trade offs."
-- Thomas Sowell

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

There are no solutions to complex problems, but simple problems have simple solutions. Knowing which is which is complex.


also, i did follow up with the parental units, and their early voting was just for state and local primaries. my gut-punch reaction wasn't fully reasoned -- no convention yet, no ratified candidate for ballots.

i might not agree with them much on things in that sphere, but i still want their votes to count.

I've mentioned how uncomfortable it is listening to our various neighbors conducting their business calls in the back yard because cell phone coverage around here is so terrible.

Today was a great example of, "Calls you should never make outdoors": I just got to listen to new neighbor fire someone with cause, so no severance pay nor unemployment. Which is NOT a conversation you should be having in a public place.

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For some reason Facebook decided to show me GothBard among the people "you may know" right now.

Drejk wrote:
For some reason Facebook decided to show me GothBard among the people "you may know" right now.

Despite attempting to abscond with her several times, I have NO idea what she looks like. I could have walked passed her several times and would be none the wiser.

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
For some reason Facebook decided to show me GothBard among the people "you may know" right now.
Despite attempting to abscond with her several times, I have NO idea what she looks like. I could have walked passed her several times and would be none the wiser.

You haven't seen the photos that NobodyHome's posted long ago?

Drejk wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
For some reason Facebook decided to show me GothBard among the people "you may know" right now.
Despite attempting to abscond with her several times, I have NO idea what she looks like. I could have walked passed her several times and would be none the wiser.
You haven't seen the photos that NobodyHome's posted long ago?

If I have, I have forgotten. It's been a while.

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Well, for those of you who know what I look like, imagine I had a much thinner, cooler, prettier older sister. With a completely different facial structure.
Like Susannah Hoffs and Joan Jett had a love child.

The post-county fair parade is going past about 30 feet from my window, and the noise is just shy of "panic attack" threshold. Let's see how this goes.

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Drejk wrote:
For some reason Facebook decided to show me GothBard among the people "you may know" right now.

That is utterly astonishing... I knew she had a Facebook account, but I was under the impression it had been near-dormant for many moons.

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David M Mallon wrote:
The post-county fair parade is going past about 30 feet from my window, and the noise is just shy of "panic attack" threshold. Let's see how this goes.

Shake a cane at them and yell at them to get out of your onions.

Works wonders for me.

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
For some reason Facebook decided to show me GothBard among the people "you may know" right now.
That is utterly astonishing... I knew she had a Facebook account, but I was under the impression it had been near-dormant for many moons.

So was I, that's why I was surprised that her account popped up on my feed as a suggestion out of nowhere.

On the other hand, that's kind-a typical Facebook behavior, showing you "people you might know" from time to time, often people who showed it to you before.

At least with GothBard I do have two shared facebook contacts, unlike some other suggestion I was given from time to time totally out of the blue.

I have installed Stellaris. Again. It was not the greatest idea. *yawn*

Oh, it's 7 AM already?

At least it works quite well on this computer.

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lisamarlene wrote:

Well, for those of you who know what I look like, imagine I had a much thinner, cooler, prettier older sister. With a completely different facial structure.

Like Susannah Hoffs and Joan Jett had a love child.

As one of very few people here who has physically met both of you...

Stop selling yourself short.

I'm 5'8". Taller than a couple of the men on FaWtL. Definitely not short.

lisamarlene wrote:

Well, for those of you who know what I look like, imagine I had a much thinner, cooler, prettier older sister. With a completely different facial structure.

Like Susannah Hoffs and Joan Jett had a love child.

Well now I'm absconding because I have been promised two, two TWO lisamarlenes for the price of...well...two, I guess.

lisamarlene wrote:
I'm 5'8". Taller than a couple of the men on FaWtL. Definitely not short.

I'm 5'9".

I'm about 5'8".

I have five and 2/3rds feet.

My height must remain a mystery.

Shorter than everyone who's posted so far...

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